“The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.” 1 Corinthians 16:19. Consider also Col 4:5, Phm1:2
Each time I consider the above scripture, I must confess that it registers as a portion of the scripture that one does not need to take lightly. Though we have this pleasant couple, being mentioned in other portions of scriptures, it is not surprising that we eventually have an insight into their dedication to the Lord from the above scripture. The statement ‘church in their house’ does not necessarily suppose that they had a building set apart for ‘churchly’ activities but that their very home itself is a venue where the things pertaining to God i.e. our very being, his word, prayer, etc was being given free course. It is challenging because these days we could afford to surrender all we wanted outside our house but the house itself becomes a private affair where we limit things of God. Acts 16:32 – 34. Jesus laid an emphasis on the home. The home was as much relevant as the places he went to preach. The daughter of Jairus, Peter’s mother, Matthew, etc all had the experience of having their homes turned into a meeting ground of some sort. The home of the jailor, Cornelius, etc in the book of Acts was equally not spared. Our homes could be known for many things but it should not be strange to the things of God. We understand through the Grace of God that God dwells in the believer and not in buildings made by human hands. If we truly understand this, then our homes, workplaces, farmland, leisure room, playground, etc is not immune to God’s mighty outpouring if only we would allow it – Acts 17:24 – 28. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was not in a mighty cathedral or on the revival ground but on the roof of one place – a home – Acts 2:2 – 4. For the sake of privacy, certain things have been murdered in some homes. No matter the place, God moves. Therefore, our homes ought not to be left out as a place where the glorious heritage we have been called into as believers could be demonstrated. As a believer, my prayers ought not to feel more effective because of the churchly environment I find myself. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much. It starts and ends with the state of the person and not the name of the location – John 4:21 – 24. In some homes, it may seem like killing the ‘atmosphere’ to raise a song of praise or word of prayer. I mean why bring it home, we could always go to church. For others it has become the issue of we all know to do but nobody does. I have sometimes wondered why it is difficult to raise a prayer, a song, a word in the midst of fellow believers. Is it that we have all become so familiar with the word we just pay lip service to it. I would to God the homes turn into a revival ground of some sort. I heard a lovely testimony at a time I would love to share with you of a beloved sister in the Lord who was cooking and felt pressed. She just had to let out praise to God and this while cooking. Her neighbour who lay on the sick bed heard and got healed. If our glorious salvation was ushered in at the barn of a home how much more should our homes be open to God? It might seem strange at first. It might go against the norm or standard but gradually we would be able to make it go beyond routine for us to continue in fellowship with the father and with ourselves even in our homes just as in any other place. Our homes are not immune to the miraculous move of God – Acts 9:11; Mark 2:4. Our homes could be designated as a prayer fortress Acts 12:12. I remember the story of a man entering a room in the house of a brother and the man without being told exclaimed that this must be a prayer room. There was such a mighty presence that words could not explain. The church is the body of believers. It is not a building. Our homes could serve as a meeting ground for the church of God – Acts 2:16 – 18. Purpose to have a meeting at home regularly. It does not need to be rigid. You do not need to be ordained at church to have one. It could just be prayers for an hour or raising a song. You do not need to wait to get to church – Act 5:42, Acts 2:46. The church is you. Cheers. -Dr. Bolaji Akanni |