Hardly far was His walk
When He met a companion owing
But a farthing compared to his debt
Strangulating was His hold
despite pleas for Mercy
“Never!” he bellowed
time was sought
but “never!” came the hasty response
For He had forgotten the master’s care
All be paid was his claim
Not a part but all
not most but all
not many but all
Never to leave till he had
paid the least farthing
Aching the master’s heart felt
For How could love be repaid so
How could one forgiven so much
yet render such in return.
Do you have aught against your brother or does he have against you? Remember Christ’s love for us. While unlovable, weak and without strength he chose to love. Let us also so love one another with a heart large enough to forgive the vilest of offenses.
– Dr bolaji akanni