Bible Reading: Acts 5
Do you have plans and goals for your life? If you are an upwardly mobile person, I could guess the answer straightaway. It’s a big YES. Will you achieve those goals? Hmn! I guess the “yes” may not sound big this time around. For most folks, there is usually an element of uncertainty here because we are always faced with many oppositions and challenges that could stop us from achieving our goals. But have you ever considered the possibility of having a 100% certainty that you will achieve any goal ahead of you? This may sound out of place in our modern world where we are constantly being enlightened about risk, chance and luck. But let me share a story with you with the hope that you will see from a different viewpoint.
Shortly after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples went all out to achieve one goal, which was in line with Jesus’ directive in Mat 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations …” They preached the gospel and healed the sick to the point that the Sadducees and the High Priest in Jerusalem couldn’t stand their mission. The disciples were then confined in public prison. But God miraculously delivered them and they immediately entered the city where they were initially arrested and continued preaching. This time around, the Jews decided it will be better to kill them, and silence this goal once and for all. But one of them had a different opinion, and he had to enlighten the rest of them.
His name is Gamaliel, a Pharisee and a teacher of the law. He taught them about one key attribute of God-given goals – “…I say to you, withdraw from these men and let them alone, for if this work has its origin from men, it will be destroyed; But if it is from God, ye cannot overthrow it …” Acts 5: 38-39.
I consider Gamaliel’s statement as one of the greatest formula for a Christian to achieve success. I know sometimes we come up with ideas and goals, and we try to sell it to God via prayers because we know that if He is behind us, success is inevitable. That’s not bad in itself because kids are permitted to express their desires to their father. But there is a greater level to operate – A level where God sells the idea to you and gives you the goal. In such cases, we can be dead sure we will succeed, if we pursue it diligently. Where do your goals usually originate from – Men or God? I advise you start forming the habit of running with God-given goals. II Cor. 2:14 (MSG) gives us another reason to do so – “In Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade”. I love this. It is when God is leading that the victory is unending.
Dearly beloved, who is leading in your life – The person reading this message or The Most High God? The answer will go a long way in determining whether your success will be unending or not.
– tope aladenusi