An opinion poll was conducted recently with the focus on views and preferences about change. The survey sought to knowhow daring people can be, in moving from a routine exercise to a completely different one, especially with an uncertain result in view. Though it was conducted randomly, the sample population was carefully chosen to represent different groups of people. The topmost response was the concern of possibly incurring loss or misfortune. People were betrayed by their emotions, fearing some nonspecific danger, they chose to back out, rather than give the new exercise a shot.
As I thought about the anxiety displayed by people in this opinion poll, I was disturbed about how they could be so scared of a mission yet to be embarked on. I asked myself the following questions: Would there have been a faster way to travel if the thought of inventing an aeroplane was horrific? Would communication be this easy across great distances if the telephone and internet were so much dreaded that we stuck to the traditional means of sending human or bird messengers? Also, would there be salvation and eternal hope, if Jesus was not willing to die for the world, because He considered the possibility of not having a single person accept him as Saviour, a risk too great?
In this article, I am highlighting three lessons from the lives of few people who saw some manoeuvrings and identified them as opportunities instead of misfortune. The unique commonality was their approach or first moves. They were spontaneous moves devoid of anxiety or apprehension; they were filled with hope, expectation and high optimism.
1.A momentary setback is not an indication of a wrong move
While you are on course, you may experience a setback, challenge or delay; never mind, it does not suggest that the move was wrong. Paul’s missionary work was punctuated with some prison experiences. Some Bible scholars argue that Paul could have avoided at least one of those prison experiences, if he took heed to the warning of Prophet Agabus that he would be bound in Jerusalem. However, his trials and imprisonment afforded him the opportunity of appearing in major palaces in his time, captivating the attention of world rulers who were then kingdom or empire rulers. He witnessed to them the testimony of the good news. In Philippians 1:12-14(MSG) for example, Paul stated“I want to report to you, friends, that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of its intended effect. Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered. All the soldiers here, and everyone else too, found out that I’m in jail because of this Messiah. That piqued their curiosity, and now they’ve learned all about him. Not only that, but most of the Christians here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, about the Messiah”.
- Consistently affirm and maintain your Vision
The events that led to Joseph becoming the Prime Minister of Egypt started out very dangerously, and filled with life-threatening activities. In Genesis 37:5,when Joseph shared his dream with his parents and his jealous siblings, his siblings hated him the more. As you may be familiar with the story, after he shared two of such dreams of greatness with them, they got enraged and ganged up to kill him. After he was sold into Egypt, Joseph remained unwavering in his faith, and refrained from sinning against God. He was eventually imprisoned then moved to the palace in Genesis chapter 41.
Joseph never mistook the opportunities ahead for a misfortune waiting to unfold. For some others, it may appear to be too risky sharing and affirming such revelations. Even if we are bold to share our vision with others, we may be intimidated to continually affirm what God has revealed to us, especially if we are scolded the first time. But in Joseph, we see a fearless and focused individual who was ready to follow as the Lord leads.
- God will manifest His will when you move (act) in obedience.
In Acts 16: 9-40 (GW), Paul’s obedience to God’s instruction led to an unprecedented move of the spirit with signs and wonders. People gave their lives to Jesus, and the demon possessed was let loose. Though they were thrown into prison after being openly beaten and humiliated, this led to massive conversion of souls through the earthquake experience in the prison where Paul and Silas were jailed. When Paul set out to obey the instruction in the vision at night, he never had the inclination that events were going to turn out such that they will stand before magistrates to witness Christ and convert a soldier with his family.
“During the night Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia. The man urged Paul, come to Macedonia to help us. As soon as Paul had seen the vision, we immediately looked for a way to go to Macedonia. We concluded that God had called us to tell the people of Macedonia about the Good News… One day when we were going to the place of prayer, a female servant met us. She was possessed by an evil spirit that told fortunes. She made a lot of money for her owners by telling fortunes… Paul became annoyed, turned to the evil spirit, and said, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! As Paul said this, the evil spirit left her. When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them to the authorities in the public square. In front of the Roman officials, they said, these men are stirring up a lot of trouble in our city… The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas. Then the officials tore the clothes off Paul and Silas and ordered the guards to beat them with sticks. After they had hit Paul and Silas many times, they threw them in jail and ordered the jailer to keep them under tight security… Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God. The other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, a violent earthquake shook the foundations of the jail. All the doors immediately flew open, and all the prisoners’ chains came loose. The jailer woke up and saw the prison doors open. Thinking the prisoners had escaped, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself. But Paul shouted as loudly as he could, “Don’t hurt yourself! We’re all here! The jailer asked for torches and rushed into the jail. He was trembling as he knelt in front of Paul and Silas. Then he took Paul and Silas outside and asked, Sirs, what do I have to do to be saved? They answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved. They spoke the Lord’s word to the jailer and everyone in his home. At that hour of the night, the jailer washed Paul and Silas’ wounds. The jailer and his entire family were baptized immediately. He took Paul and Silas upstairs into his home and gave them something to eat. He and his family were thrilled to be believers in God…”
When God orchestrates such moves termed ‘risky’ by humans, there is always an expected end, or a future plan; the results are always dumbfounding. Therefore, rather than becloud your mind with the thought of misfortune that may be associated with a nudging by the spirit of God, forcefully advance with the thought of enormous possibilities.
Adeyiga Awomuti
He that is born of flesh is flesh, and he that is born of the Spirit is spirit. There is a spiritual side to us, which is more important than our physical side. In everything as Christians, we must act from and by the spirit.
Our heavenly account is of more importance than our earthly account and we must consciously pay attention to its operation.
Yes we all have a heavenly account and Jesus warned that we pay more attention to this account than we do to our earthly account. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” (Matthew 6:19-20)
That means you can lay up treasures here on earth, and you can do the same thing in heaven from your time on earth!
“Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens.”(Luke 12:33)
When bank accounts were held in bags, Jesus taught that there was another bag account in the heavens.
Paul also referred to this account in the admonition to the church in Philippians: “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.”(Philippians 4:17)
So, we all have a heavenly account. This account is operated in similar ways to how we operate our bank account. You can make deposits and withdrawals at will. But like Jesus said, the account in heaven has major advantages:
It is not subject to loss of whatever kind: no economic upheaval , inflation nor financial system collapse can affect it.
It gives more than monetary returns and for me this is the greatest. Most people lay too much emphasis on “cash”, but the blessings of God maketh complete/whole. It ensures we don’t have emergencies- that means you will not suddenly have a need or an issue you do not have the capacity to meet. It ensures provision and need come side by side. When there is a need, then the resource is available. When you make deposits in this account, a penny with you achieves so much compared to a million in the world. I tell you it is a typical case of give five loaves and two fishes and have more than enough supply to feed a multitude and still have excess! And whatever you cannot afford in a sense you receive for free! A pastor once explained this phenomenon to me in another light; he said even when he does not have the “asset “he always has “access”. Wow! There are a million and one things all the money in the world cannot give you. But the proceeds from your heavenly account gives you access to them.
Another benefit is that your heavenly account is managed by God. And no one gives better returns than Him. Your deposits keeps speaking and bearing fruits.
I am blessed by the story of Cornelius told in Acts 10. Apparently when the time came to pour out the spirit on the Gentiles, God started with a man who had made constant deposits to his heavenly account. “His prayers and gifts to the poor came up as a memorial offering before God”. At that time he was unsaved, but God still kept a record of all the deposits he ever made and rewarded him with the Gift of Gifts!
So how do you make deposits and withdrawals into this account we all have?
As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest will not cease! Deposits are made in seed time. It is giving time. Anytime we give, we make a deposit into our heavenly account.
Phil 4: 15-17, our seeds or giving is a direct deposit to our account.These accounts can abound and increase through giving to the poor (Proverbs 19:17) Giving to the poor on earth makes an instant deposit in heaven. Jesus said whatsoever you do to the least of them, you do directly to Him. Making any type of investment into the preaching of the Gospel (Mark 10:29,30) and giving simply as praise to God are also deposits to the heavenly account.
So Luke 12:33 says “sell that ye have, and give alms, provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.”
1 Timothy 6:17-19 also says “charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on to eternal life.”
If all you have is a heavy earthly account then your tomorrow is uncertain. Money has failed to save anyone. So focus on your heavenly account through giving, and lay up in store for yourself a good foundation for the time to come.
If giving had no returns I will still give. I cannot imagine a life where I cannot share my resources, my time, my talents and the gift that God has made me, and put in me. Life will be without worth if I cannot give and receive a smile, a hug and a prayer from another person. But thanks be to God because we can make withdrawals from our heavenly account and receiving follows giving.
Let everyman be a liar, God remains true. The scripture cannot be broken. Our deposits are securely received and multiplied by God. Many have been taught to give, but few Christians expect or know how to receive and withdraw from heaven.
But God who cannot lie affirmed that as we give, it shall be given back to us, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give to our bosom. And also affirms that He is able to make all grace abound towards us that we always having all sufficiency in all things may abound unto every good work!
The first step to making withdrawals is to have the confidence and consciousness that you have an account you have a right to at anytime. This is key; confident faith and a consciousness. This should lead to an unwavering expectation. Expect always a return on your investment. When you go out, expect to be blessed because men giving to your bosom is a form of withdrawal.
Expect things to work for you. When men fail all over, you win because your account has to be multiplied for you. In Malachi,God said test me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you down a blessing there will not be room enough to receive it. It’ is confident faith, consciousness and an unwavering expectation at all times that we use to withdraw from heaven.
And finally make verbal demands on your account. Exploit the power of your tongue. A man shall eat good by the fruits of his lips and by the increase he shall be satisfied. When you need anything call it. Say you have it. I have should replace I need. Your faith produces the consciousness which creates an expectation. And out of the abundance of that expectation your mouth speaks forth. That’ is how you make a withdrawal. Be conscious of that. God expects you to expect to receive. He expects you to draw on your heavenly account.
You have an account in the heavens. Use it well. As ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace of giving also. (2 Corinthians 8:7).
We are blessed.
Emmanuel A Aladenusi
Our mentality is the building block of our lives. When your mentality is wrong, everything that comes from you would definitely be wrong. Overcoming the gluey temptation is basically achievable for someone who has the right mentality that temptation is resistible. God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted above that which ye are able but will with the temptation also make the way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:3). In every temptation, there is always a way out. Note it. Temptation is prepared in a way that is porous. It is prepared in a way that leaves an exit so that you can escape. God knows about every temptation that comes your way. The Devil may prepare it though, but God weighs it that, ‘Is this not too much than you can bear?’ Every temptation comes your way with the approval from God. But the good news is: you can overcome it!
The main point is that Christians are not meant to see temptation as an element of depression but an element of elevation because at the end of every temptation that is overcome, there is always a reward from God and it starts from peace reigning in our hearts. ‘I the LORD searches the heart and examines the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve’ Jeremiah 17: 10
If fire that destroys some people, also cooks for some people to eat, if the wind that depresses is used as an elevator for a kite, if the key that locks is the same key that opens, so don’t have an absolutely wrong mentality about temptation that it has come to destroy you as a Christian. Though the devil brings it for destruction but who is the devil to make a decision of destroying you when he wasn’t there when your GOD was moulding you?
This is the conclusion worth making: as temptation is an instrument for destruction in the hands of the devil, so is temptation an instrument to increase the level of faith, courage and purity in the hands of Christians. Therefore, we as Christians can also choose to view the purity side of the coin that temptation tosses. Because no matter how tough or how tight the temptation seems like, there is always a way out. Always there is! That’s why it is called temptation. Temptation is when you are left with choices to make: either to stay or to leave. So I want you to eradicate the wrong mentality that temptation is irresistible. The only thing that can encumber you in overcoming the gluey temptation is when your mentality about temptation is wrong.
Now, this is the good news: ‘God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted above which ye are able but will with the temptation also make the way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:3)
Stay blessed!
– A.O.D. Oluwafemi
Temptation never comes out of our dislikes. My own definition for temptation is ‘desired but unrighteous’. You can never be tempted by what you dislike. The Devil makes a usual visit to view the zeal we place on the things of the world before he sets before us temptation. Temptation doesn’t just come, it comes when we place our interest on the things desired but unrighteous. He entices us with the things he knows we hardly do away with.
I have come across so many Christians who are said to have repented but still find themselves doing that which is desired but unrighteous within a wink of an eye. The fact that we are tired of sin doesn’t grant us an exit from the sinful world. Although we can be tired westill find ourselves doing it. Overcoming the gluey temptation requires strategies that negate the wishes of the flesh. ‘…make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof’ (Romans 13:14) We can’t place the mirror before the sun and expect it to reflect the moon. And in the same cline, we can’t live in the dome of impurity and expect our thoughts to portray purity. There are gatherings meant for sinners and there are gatherings meant for saints. If not, the Psalmist won’t tell us to ‘walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of the sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful’. The nature of our body is being synthesized in a way that is sensitive to whatever we are surrounded with, that’s why we need to be very careful when it comes to people we commune with. The scripture says ‘as iron sharpeneth iron, so as man sharpeneth another’. The shape of our thoughts is sometimes distorted by the things fed into our sight, ear and to our feelings. ‘do not be deceived, evil company corrupts good habits’ 1 Corinthians 15:33 Perhaps you are still confused about falling into the same temptation over and over again after so much counseling and deliverance. Overcoming the gluey temptation is not only the effort of counseling and deliverance but it is the accomplishment of strategies crowned and governed by divine grace. GRACE can be simply defined as the ACQUISITION of a POSITION that even your QUALIFICATION does not meet in all RAMIFICATION. So when your strategies are seasoned with divine grace, then the gluey temptation becomes history. Martin Luther said ‘you can’t keep the birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair’ YES! You can’t shut your eyes while walking in town but you can shut your mind from cogitating on what your eyes see. It’s all about principle! It’s a principle sprung up by a heart that truly hates sin. LOOK AT THESE: ‘a man who is truly tired of masturbating is not expected to keep the record of porn sites’ what for? ‘a just-repented harlot doesn’t have any excuse for exposing her cleavage’ what for? ‘a man who is truly tired of adultery is not expected to fill ‘single’ in any form’ what for? It’s all about principle crowned and governed by divine grace. ‘Temptation ceases to be overcome except our zeal reflects nil’. Now the question is ‘are you truly tired of that sin’? If yes ‘are you ready to negate the wishes of your flesh’? If yes ‘stay tunned till next week’ BOTTOM LINE: Ask God to make you a spirit-driven soul and not a flesh- driven soul. You are blessed! -A.O.D. Oluwafemi |
If a wise man should wisely say ‘we all look but see differently’ and
and another wise man mounts on it saying ‘beauty lies in the eyes of
the beholder’ then it gets to my understanding that people may tell
you they see DOG when you claim to see GOD. It’s still because of
another wise law of nature that says ‘what you see depends on the
angle of view’. Now this clears my doubt about universal definition of
objects. Sometimes, people unconsciously give wrong definition to the
matters of life.
The bottle you say is meant for containing substances, I can decide to
use it as musical instrument, but the question is: ‘is that the reason
behind the existence of the bottle’?
‘What is it meant for’?
Remember! If you use the bottle as a container, it would serve the
purpose, and if you use choose to use it as a musical instrument,
people would exuberantly dance to it without them knowing that the
great beats come from an inappropriate source. Why this variability in
our thinking? ‘We all look but we see differently’
This brings my awareness to the fact that people have a universal definition for what is called
SUCCESS. If I may ask you, what is success? Remember that we all look
but see differently, but with what you see after looking, what do you
call success?
He had cars, I mean recent cars. He had houses, I mean recent
structures. He had honour, I mean reserved honour, but what made him
to blurt out with tears on his deathbed? He said ‘though I’m wealthy
and famous but I’m not fulfilled’ the nurses and other bystander
looked at one other with a confused countenance.
Is that the same countenance on your face right now? Are you confused
with what success depicts?
One may succeed but that doesn’t reflect fulfillment. Fulfillment is
called success but success is never a fulfillment. Fulfillment is the
achievement of your purpose of existence in life. A pass mark for the
assignment given by your creator.
What initiates the creation of anybody into this world is never to
increase the population of the world but to carry out a particular
assignment in the world. So let me use this medium to tell you that
you are on errand. Your true success is by getting the pass mark for
the assignment given by your creator.
Remember! People exuberantly dance to the beats without them knowing
that the great beats come from an inappropriate source. Listen up: I’m
not doubting your number of cars, houses, companies, jets,
universities and even more, but the question still remains:
‘Does that wealth come from an appropriate source’?
‘Does the wealth come in a way that your creator has demarcated for you’?
‘Does it come in a way that when your consciences smiles, God smiles back’?
‘Does it come in a way that if death should come right after reading
this, you would gladly welcome it and say not what that wealthy but
unfulfilled man said on his deathbed’?
‘Does it come in a way that all those cars, houses, jets are referred
to as bonus and never your priority but the fulfillment of God’s
‘Last but not the least, does it come in a way that God whispers to
your ear saying: you have seen and you have looked the way I expected
you to look’?
When a successful man is placed before the mirror, an earthly pass
mark is reflected. But when a fulfilled man is placed before the
mirror, reflections like true success and heavenly pass mark are
NOTE: Fulfillment is a success but success is never a fulfillment. Every
achievement outside fulfillment is not a true success.
BOTTOM LINE: Ask God to show you the divine definition of your
existence because that’s where your true success (fulfillment) lies.
– A.O.D. Oluwafemi
Joshua 1:8
Quoting a tract I read: “He could have lived a missionary, he decided to be a millionaire. Early in life, you would have thought a John was in making, but he ended up being a Judas. We thought he would be another Paul, but he became another Pilate.”
Adding to the above choice that led to a life of tragedy – A church was committed into his hands, but he opted to be an international evangelist. She was called to take care of the children church, she chose to join the choir. Invited to teach on Spiritual Growth, he turned the message to Financial Growth.
Where is he now? He owns a beautiful house abroad. He rides an expensive car. His business is booming. He is very popular that he even dines with the President.
What about the ministry given to him by God? He is now busy arguing on the mysteries of the kingdom of God rather than winning souls into the kingdom. Having numerous business appointments, she rarely has time for her own kids. Evangelism in his local church is now a thing of the past because of his numerous seminars abroad.
The moment one is born again, a ministry is committed into his hands. Be it, public ministry as evangelism or private as performing an activity in the church, God demands faithfulness. If you remain in the faith and be faithful in that which was committed into your hand till the end, kudos – you have earned good success. If you fall out of the faith or deviate from that which God called you, you are a failure. Peradventure the world declares you successful because of the physical achievement they see, lo – you have achieved nothing more than bad success, and there is no reward for that. No, not one!
“…Keep this man: if by any means he be missing, then shall your life be for his life…”
Let us be watchful and prayerful to avoid saying on that day:
“And as your servant was busy here and there, he was gone.” I Kings 20:39-40.
– Okenna Igbokwe
The way successful men are applauded and celebrated made me to desire to be successful, right from the time I was a child. I used to feel good when I pass my exams. I feel on top of the world when I gain admission into a competitive school. I had, however, discovered that the excitement does not last. That very thing that brought joy to my life sometimes brings sadness later. I then began to ask: which achievement in life lasts. How am I going to get that success which would bring joy all the days of my life? If I discover that, I was determined to get it.
Wealth! What amount of riches would guarantee this desired lasting joy? Would a car and a house do? I have come to understand that the more your wealth increase, the more your desire. Who knows? You might one day desire to possess the entire world.
Would fame and power bring joy that would last? I was taught to learn from others’ mistakes. So, when I heard the confession of an influential politician, I bit my lips. I came to understood that power and fame can as well ruin a man.
In his dead-bed, he confessed: “…I would have loved to die a saint rather than a hero.”
If power, fame and wealth would not bring lasting joy in life, what then? In my search, I came across another confession of a man whose death was near.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith;” II Timothy 4:7.
With this, I discovered that some men in the past did achieve this lasting success. I then knew I was nearer to finding the source. Then, I came across this.
“This book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8.
That was all I needed to know. One can achieve this greatest success that lasts, if and only if he is a friend (obey the laws) of Him that gives success.
What would such a man gain? Peter once asked Jesus that question.
“And Jesus answered and said…he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.” Mark 10:29,30.
Such a man has everything now, on that day and forever.
– okenna obi-igbokwe
Bible Reading: Colossians 1:16-27
I will never forget the story of the balloon sales man in New York. He advertised his balloons by filling them with gases and releasing them into the skies. These balloons had different beautiful colours – blue, pink, green etc. Suddenly, a young boy came to the balloon salesman and asked – if you throw up a black balloon, will it also go up? The balloon salesman looked at the young boy and with a grin on his face he said – it is not the colour of the balloons that make them go up. It is what is inside of them that make them rise high.
Many of us today still have the mentality of this young boy. It is pretty sad that some Christians think that their advancement and success in life is based on the colour of their skins. Some even consider their external look as a bait or hindrance to success. This dogma has been popularized all over the world and it is now believed by many. Despite this, God’s standpoint on this issue has remained the same over the ages and across borders. Do you know what it is?
Colossians 1:27 – God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, the hope of glory.
Yes! It does not matter what the world seems to say to you. Make up your mind to believe the conclusion of God – Christ in you, the hope of glory; the hope of prosperity; the hope of advancement; the hope of creativity; the hope of greatness. Oh my God, I wish I could say it loud and let everyone on earth hear it at once — Christ in you, the hope of success.
– tope aladenusi
Jesus Christ lived a successful life on earth. One of the reasons for this is because he is a person of consistency. Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”. At every opportunity he had, he introduced his disciples into some of the secrets that guarantee success. He told them in Mark 14: 38 (NLT) to “Keep alert and pray”. To keep alert means ‘always watching and ready to notice anything strange or unusual’.
Imagine you have a very tiny pin together with other objects in your left palm and you are to take them from one end of a 20km street to the other. There is a great tendency for you to misplace the pin. Assume you check your palm every 30 seconds to see if the pin is still there, you are assured you could still locate it if peradventure it gets missing, though it is very tiny. This is because you would easily be able to decipher the point it fell, because you must have covered a very short distance in 30 seconds.
II Cor. 13:5 reads “examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith”. Due to lack of regular examination, we discover areas that need adjustments in our lives when they are already strongholds. This is because a week old habit is like cobwebs while that of a year is like a cage. It is very easy to tear down cobwebs, unlike cages. A basketball coach will always look at three objects; his players, his game plan and the scoreboard. The scoreboard will always give him a hint on how to make changes in the team and also adjust his game plan. For us to experience success habitually, we have to regularly score ourselves with respect to God’s plan revealed specifically to us and his standard revealed in his word.
How should you do this? Ask questions and provide sincere answers. The prodigal son made a U-turn in his life when he asked himself the question “How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!” (Luke 15:17). When you ask yourself questions that begin with what, when, where, who & how, the realities of your life will begin to unfold. For example: What am I living for? How have I added value to people in the last one month? Why did I experience a decline in profit margin this year? What percentage of my time do I spend with my family?’ By the time you do something similar, you may be amazed of how many good things you have allowed to slip away. But if you are consistent with it, you will be amused of how wonderful your life is becoming. Remember, you can easily locate every pin if you have just a short distance to search. You can effortlessly destroy any habit in the similitude of a cobweb. In the journey of success, regular evaluation of our ways is necessary.
– tope_aladenusi
It is no new thing to see people stand today and fall tomorrow; love today, hate tomorrow; rich today, poor tomorrow; live rightly today and backslide tomorrow. Although it may be difficult to commence the journey of success, it is more difficult to remain there. The class you’ll belong to is determined by the choices you make and the series of actions you take daily. Success is not the result of a day’s event but an outcome of a chain of connected events. It is like a journey and you travel to unravel it. To experience success habitually, you have to be a person of consistency.
Consistency implies doing something regularly and steadily. A beloved pastor once gave me an analogy that has always helped me. “You don’t brush your teeth a hundred times today so you won’t brush for the next hundred days”. That will lead to tooth crash. But in our lives, at times we tend to do things superbly only for a short while. This is why some Christians were most zealous only at the period they got born-again, some organizations only flourish at inception and some couples have settled for the dogma that says ‘love is sweetest when it is new’.
The language of consistency says ‘keep doing something the way you first did it, if possible, better than when you started’. Are you speaking this language daily in your devotion, career, family, education, ministry, etc? Are you still reading your Bible and ministering to others like ‘those days’? Do you still tell your spouse ‘I love you’ like you use to do? Are you still aggressive about increasing your client portfolio or you are now disappointing the few you’ve been able to get in the past years?
Everyday is a brand new day that requires you to make a brand new choice and exhibit brand new effort. Let’s learn from Apostle Paul, “I count not myself to have apprehended…I press towards the mark” Philippians 3:14 (KJV).
Success, except followed by another, usually results to failure. So dearly beloved, Press on. Speak the language of consistency daily.
– tope aladenusi