One of the greatest discoveries I have made as a Christian is that God has spiritually blessed every believer equally – and this has led to a turnaround in my life. The reason we seem to be miles apart in the blessings that are evident in our lives is simply that our understanding and appropriation of God’s blessings are also miles apart. Therefore, what we experience in our lives is not a result of God opening the doors or not, it is a question of whether we have stepped through the doors. Simply put, the ball is in our court.
Many times our walk with God is similar to walking through automatic doors – common in most airports. They do not open when you stand far away, but when you approach them and get very close; their sensors recognize your image and the doors open wide for you to step in. Many believers would rather stay at home or far away, pray for days for the automatic doors to open, and get discouraged after some time. But these doors wait for you to step close and you will see ‘openings’.
Ephesians 1:3 says – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. By nature, we are all alike, but our individual lifestyles set us miles apart. Call it grace or anointing or power, so long as it is a spiritual blessing, all believers possess it in equal measure. But we do not believe it or act on it in the same measure. The secret of men that walk in God’s blessing and abundance is locked in this phrase: whatsoever he tells you to do, do it. The truth is that we do not always obey God.
Recently God gave me directions about the next steps He wants us to take in our ministry and immediately, I became scared. I figured that the vision would require mega bucks and many devoted people, and started to wonder how it would come to pass. I even complained that He should allow me finish the other tasks he had given in the past before introducing new ones. But He said, “just step into it and you will see me at work. The tasks are not mutually exclusive, neither are the resources that are required for their accomplishment.”
Recall that Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish. One would expect that after much prayer, the 5 loaves would fill 500 baskets for the people to start eating. But it didn’t happen that way. After Jesus’ prayer, there was no visible change. It was when they started sharing (breaking) the bread that the multiplication took place. Similarly, the red sea did not part when the children of Israel were in Egypt; it parted when they got to the bank of the sea. One reason many of us have not experienced the abundance of God in our lives is that we have not walked close to the door He has showed us. This may be because it appears closed now. Know that they have sensors and will recognize us when we get close – these doors are programmed to give way for us.
As I write this, I am taking these steps and trying to catch up with my heavenly father. I know it is challenging, but it is one of the blessedness and pleasantness of Christianity. Will you also join me in doing the same? What has God told you about your ministry, career, family or future? Step into it. Make a move today.
Tope Aladenusi |