Bible Reading: Matthew 5
“Ye are the light of the world: a city situated on the top of a mountain cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under the bushel, but upon the lamp-stand, and it shines for all who are in the house”. Mat 5:14-15
God has configured you to shine. No matter how hard men try, they can never stop you from shinning. Only you can stop you from shinning. People may facilitate your move from one position to another or one location to another, but they cannot move the illumination in you. Jesus Christ says ‘no man lights a lamp and put it under a bushel’. So why do some think that God has lighted our hearts and it may not be his will that we shine? Why do we think he wants us to shine only at a particular season? Why do we think that he is comfortable with the world seeing us as sinners, paupers and ‘sicklers’. No. Never! ‘You are the light of the world, you cannot be hid”. In order words, you are the light of the world and you should be in limelight. Anywhere you are, your lifestyle and success should command attention. Mediocrity has no place in Christianity.
I now appreciate Matthew 5:16 like never before –
Let your light thus shine before men, so that they may see your upright works,and glorify your Father who is in the heavens
First, it is your responsibility to let your light shine. No one can shine it on your behalf and no one can stop you from shinning it.
Second, let your light shine before men. Many times I hear Christians say things like “well, I may not look righteous before you, but I know God sees me that way. I may not look like an ambassador of Christ, but God sees my heart. I may be so poor and wretched, but I am rich in the Spirit. I may fall sick every now and then, but I have health on my inside”. My brothers and sisters, come out of that. God already knows your inner state and he acknowledged that several times. But he did not say “let your light so shine before ME, but before MEN. In order words, let others see on the outside what God sees on your inside. Let them look at you and see holiness, success, good health, prosperity, generosity. So that they can glorify your father who is in heaven
Are you only shinning before God? Beloved, His commandment is clear – Shine before men. Hallelujah!
– tope aladenusi