In our previous articles we emphasized that all life begins from the seed. That seeds are weapons of greatness and Gods faithfulness has ensured we all have seeds.
Most of us however don’t recognize seeds or have limited seeds to just money. Money is a seed but other seeds produce money. Seeds are of various types, everyone sows seeds and your seed is given freely to you as a gift from God. Now your dream, vision, purpose, and future are tied to the planting of one seed. So let us explore different kind of seeds that have produced a harvest of the future many desired.
- The seed of kindness. : Gen 18: 1-15
Each time I read the above passage, my spirit is deeply moved. Please read it right now. Have the following background about Abraham.
- He was a very rich man
- He had over 318 trained men in his house
- He had the capacity to chase 4 kings
- He was childless
- He was almost a 100yrs old
Bible records that one evening he saw 3 strangers (v2)
He ran to meet them- he recognized the opportunity to show kindness. He understood the seed of kindness and recognized those men as good soil to sow his seed.
Now what manner of kindness did Abraham display?
*He ran to meet them,
*He bowed with his face touching the ground,
*He called them sirs,
*He ordered for the best of everything and to crown it up
*He served them HIMSELF.
Abraham just had to be blessed. In return for this act of kindness and generosity to strangers and fellow men Abraham received the miracle of 99years. He was blessed with a son. His seed of kindness gave him the harvest of a son. In showing kindness to people we might entertain strangers unawares.
Friends, show some kindness. Show plenty of kindness. Every child, man and women you meet is good soil to sow the seed of kindness given to you freely by God. Be kind to everyone you meet. That means compassionate and tender hearted. Listen to “ordinary” men like Joseph; interpret their dreams for them…tomorrow they will recommend you before the king. Be kind to a king’s son like David and tomorrow he will tell you when to leave the country. Do something undeserved for someone today. The more of yourself you give to people the more of people and God you receive. You are on your own is not the code of great people. Get interested in people…mourn with those that mourn and rejoice with those that rejoice. Do somethingpersonally for someone.
-emmanuel aladenusi
I read a book by Sam Adeyemi where he said “if you get a hold on the seed principle your future is guaranteed because that is where God invested the future”. That’s a powerful assertion. But is it really true? If it is then we all hold the keys to a lifetime of abundance.
The seed principle is very true. It is the fundamental principle of life and one of the utmost displays of the wisdom of God. Genesis shows us without any doubt that the future was invested in the seed. God makes/produces/creates/births just ONE and plants within that ONE seeds from which he must multiply. I repeat ‘must multiply’. There is no other way of multiplication given under heaven except through seeds and that will remain as long as the earth remains. To be ignorant of this is very fatal.
Look at this “Gen. 1:11: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so”. “Gen. 1:20: “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” Gen. 2:7: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Clearly, plants multiply through seeds, how about humans and animals?
Gen. 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Notice the phrase – “thy seed and her seed”. God was saying in essence that enmity wouldn’t be between the two of you (else it will have died with them) but between their seeds i.e. for all generations. That’s why the serpent still bruises the heels today because the curse was placed on the seed and hence the future. God invested the future in the seed.
Glory to God! It means if we all have seeds then we can all have abundance. Thank God we all have seeds because God made sure every thing created were those“whose seed is in itself”. What ever you want, plant a seed of that kind and wait for the harvest. If you want more of it, simply plant more. Take money for example…every penny you get has got more pennies in it. Don’t underestimate that coin. If you don’t plant it then you have lost many coins. Dr Robert Schuler puts it this way “you can count the number of seeds in an apple but you can’t count the number of apples in a seed”.
The ability of life to multiply is perhaps more than our human understanding can comprehend. But the spirit gives us a witness that what we sow we shall reap in appropriate multiples. How do I know a prosperous man? By his seed attitude. If you spend all that money without giving to the kingdom, without investing a portion, I know where you will end up. If you don’t give help to people in many ways, I know where you will end up. If you don’t invest time in books, people, ministry, work, etc. I know how little you will have tomorrow. So sow a seed even though you feel like or not…we work by faith and not by sight. Don’t wait for a convenient time. He that observes the wind will not sow and he that regards the cloud will not reap. Disregard every circumstance. Act in faith; sow a seed. Be fanatical about it. It holds the key to the future. -emmanuel aladenusi
Myles Munroe once held a small seed in front of a class and asked them what they saw. Looking carefully they agreed they saw a seed. Myles told them he held in his hands a forest. Why? Because in the seed there was a tree, in that tree many fruits, in those fruits many seeds, in those seeds many trees and hence a forest.
Life operates on the seed principle. Scripture makes us understand that as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest time will not seize (Gen 8: 33). There must be planting before harvest. Investment is planting a seed to ensure a harvest.
To have plenty you must learn to invest. You must consciously and deliberately set aside a portion of all you get. You must learn to plant seeds. Every money you have is a seed, all actions a seed, words, the most powerful of seeds. And unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it abideth alone, but if it dies it brings forth a huge harvest.’
Jesus operated on that principle. He was the seed of David. He died and what harvest his death has produced.
Your seed is in your hand. Don’t eat it. Plant it, let it die and bring forth plenty for you. I love this passage … ‘For God is the one who gives seed to the farmer AND THEN bread to eat…’ 2 Corinthians 9:10. God in his faithfulness gives us seeds with every food to ensure we have plenty to scatter and have plenty. Withhold not thy hand. Plant first AND THEN EAT.
That simply is investment …seed planting
-emmanuel aladenusi