Many years ago Henry Armstrong, a young pianist and composer from Boston, set down a melody that had been running through his head for days. It was beautiful and had a lot of rhythm. For seven years he sent the song to music publishing firms, but all of them turned it down. He hired a lyricist, Richard Gerard, who came up with “You’re the flower of my Heart, Sweet Rosalee,” but Armstrong still could not find a publisher who was interested.
Then one day while walking down the street, Armstrong and Gerard saw a poster advertising a concert by Adeline Patti, a popular Italian singer. On impulse they decided to name their song after her. Their new title was a bit lengthy, so they reduced it to the simple phrase “Sweet Adeline.” Armstrong’s song became the most famous barbershop quartet ballad of all time. I wonder what the world would’ve looked like if great men and women who contributed to the development of the society had given up. Just take a little time and reflect on it. Imagine what it would’ve been without cars or if it was made for the rich only. Exactly what it was meant to be until Henry Ford said no. Imagine what it would’ve been if man was not to travel by air. Maybe it will take months to get to Far East. And what would you say about the home appliances that bring comfort to you and I. One can’t stop thanking God for these men. And do you know something my dear reader, these men and women are just as human as you and I. It then means that we are capable of doing even greater things. Yes, God gave us that potential to do all things. All things I said. The question then is, how many have you done? How many are you doing? And how many will you be remembered with? So many questions begging for answers. One thing is for certain, ideas and inventions will never cease. Man will always come up with something new. Why shouldn’t it be you? Most of these new things need not be new after all. And that’s where creativity comes in. Just a little addition or subtraction to an already existing invention and you come out with something different. I remember Lance Armstrong a world class bicyclist diagnosed with terminal cancer. When most people would have given up hope, Armstrong never thought about death, but trained while undergoing treatment. And so in 1999, three years after he was told he only had six months to live, Lance Armstrong won the glamorous tour de France. Experts’ verdict you will say. They are humans after all. Aren’t they? Dear reader, never give up irrespective of the circumstance until you achieve your dream. Never. The key is in your hands! Use it. As Nigeria turns 52, never give up on the country. Happy birthday Nigeria. Happy birthday Nigerians. To our success! Twitter: @UjuBOnyechere |
Do you know what would excite you or give you a sense of fulfilment when you are old? Have you ever thought about it? I raised this question at a meeting with some leaders in our ministry over the weekend. Interestingly, it has roused some thoughts and even more questions in my mind since then. I cannot help but wonder why it seems that at every stage in life, a different set of things tend to stir our interest and take our time.
Reading/ studying is considered to be one major activity that takes the time of most “serious” students while in school. But today, when I discuss the good old days with former classmates, I have never heard anyone say how they cherished their reading time in school, hardly anyone seems to look back at it with longing. The activity of reading ranked high in terms of the time allotted to it while in school but, not as one of the most fulfilling and exciting activities. But let’s even assume that reading gave you a sense of fulfilment and took most of your time while in school, I bet something else occupies that position today – most probably your job. If your job currently takes most of your time and perhaps gives you fulfilment, do you think you would feel the same way about it in say 20 to 50 years?
I ask these questions because a vital key to real success is having constancy of purpose. When the thing that drives your life and gives you fulfilment changes every 3 to 5 years, it may be an indication that you are not living intentionally and purposefully but merely moving with the tides of life. Your life has a purpose and every stage of your life should prepare you and give you the platform for its expression. When you meet with God at the end of your life on earth, what would give you excitement and fulfilment about the life you lived? Are they the things that take most of your time and creativity today?
I’m not saying we should not read or work. That’s not the point! The bible even says “he who does not work should not eat”. The point is – if the fulfilment of our life’s purpose is what ultimately counts (even in eternity), then our purpose must be expressed at every stage of our lives. If our impact in the lives of others is something we would be excited to discuss with God in heaven, then we have to give it utmost priority today. I think it only makes sense to give daily priority to things that would give true fulfilment later in life and, will matter even after are dead. What do you think?
– Tope Aladenusi