Search for mind stretchers Bible Reading: II Corinthians 3
I once heard Joel Osteen tell a story about a dog that was caught up in an accident which resulted to a partial paralysis of its two hind limbs. This dog was given necessary treatment to keep it from dying. However, after the treatment, it could only walk with its forelimbs and kept dragging its hind limbs while walking. Some weeks later, the dog delivered some puppies and after a few days, they were able to walk normally. But as they continued to grow and develop, the puppies noticed that their mother always dragged its hind limbs. So they started doing the same while walking. The owner of the dog was surprised to suddenly see the puppies walking like their mother and decided to take them to a vet doctor for check up. After conducting several tests, the doctor explained that the puppies were all normal. But what went wrong? Why did they suddenly start to drag their hind limbs like their mother?
Simple! You become what you constantly behold. Even though the puppies had all the natural ability to walk normally, they have constantly been exposed to feet-dragging walking steps, and the ‘abnormal’ has become normal to them. Likewise, we all have the same spiritual ability to grow spiritually, but many of us are still engaged in a feet-dragging exercise because we are constantly exposed to feet-draggers. This comes in the form of messages we hear, books we read, movies we watch, companies we keep, etc.
Here’s how the bible elucidates it – “But we all, looking on the glory of the Lord, with unveiled face, are transformed according to the same image from glory to glory” II Cor 3:18.
Yes! You do not need to tell us what/who you constantly expose yourself to, because your life is enough to tell us. Therefore, if we tend to become what we behold, what manner of people should we surround ourselves with?
Can we learn from Peter’s experience? He may never have walked on water if he did not see Jesus walking on water. Jesus’ action stretched his mind to the point where the impossible became possible to him. And you know what; it is not easy for the mind to return to its original state after it has been stretched. You need to be in the company of people who stretch your mind positively. “Do not be tricked by false words: evil company does damage to good behaviour” I Cor 15:33.
Do not be like Lot in the bible who was a good man but was encompassed by the evil people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Although we constantly live an evil world, we should be careful about the people we allow to be in our inner circle.
Who are your five closest friends? Do they appear to be progressing spiritually?
What are the last three books/materials you read? Did they cause a spark in you to become more like Jesus?
Why did you attend Church last 1 month? Is it because of what “they” will say if you did not attend or because you will receive information and fellowship that will make you re-read your bible and stretch your mind towards spiritual growth.
Beloved, let me stop here with one of my favorite statements – “you cannot fly with the eagles if you constantly scratch with the chickens”.
– tope aladenusi
Size up your head Bible Reading: Hebrews 5
My parents really wanted me to study medicine & surgery in the university, but I diligently fought against the idea. By the time I had spent some years in the university, I was already grateful to God I didn’t study surgery. Why? I realized that it would have been difficult for me to grow up in the profession. First, I saw my friends in medical class reading some giant textbooks on anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Then later I noticed that they performed experiments using dead bodies (which they prefer to call cadaver). As the years went by, they introduced them to the clinic, and made them to have real life experiences with live patients. Though I know I may have found it difficult studying the course, I still appreciate the way my friends in medical class were taught. It reminds me of how God deals with Christians to enable them grow spiritually.
After regular study of God’s word and prayers, it is expedient for us to express our knowledge in order to grow. Like medical students, sometimes some cadavers in the form of life challenges are presented to us so we can practice what we have learnt without the fear of mistakes. Later on, greater challenges are then introduced to us. Therefore, we should approach life challenges as an opportunity for growth. Being a doer of God’s word is vital to our spiritual growth, and that comes with every challenge we face. Like some of us may know, a medical student who doesn’t do well at the stage of handling cadavers may not be exposed to real life patients even in school. Consequently, no challenge of ours is insignificant and we should approach them with the right attitude.
I have never seen anyone who eats food in order to have a big stomach, but I have seen many Christians who read their bibles in order to have a big head. Their studies have improved their speeches and quoting ability, but their lives doesn’t reflect the practical side of what they read. That’s really dangerous to our spiritual health because it is synonymous to eating foods regularly that just ends up in the stomach and are not absorbed by the body tissues. We need to avoid such and engage in the godly exercise of living the word. Hebrews 5:14 (GW) – says “solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil”. There is a training/spiritual growth you receive by practice. Spiritual growth cannot be effective without the practice of the word just as my medical friends wouldn’t have advanced academically without passing many practical courses.
Therefore, when next you face a challenge, remember that it is an opportunity for you to grow spiritually. It has come to enable you practice what you have learnt. No challenge can be bigger than the learning you already have. I Cor 10:13 (MSG) says “God will never let you be pushed past your limit”. Always take that word from your head and inject it into your life. Sometimes I think we need to size up our heads to be sure it is not bigger than our lives. “Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within” Proverbs 20:5 (MSG). Be a wise Christian.
– tope aladenusi
How You Must Not Read the Bible – 2 Bible Reading: I John 1
As a teacher of God’s word, most times when I pick up my bible to read, I remember the difference between a water tank and a water pipe, and this has helped me a lot in my spiritual growth. What do I mean? A water tank is a vessel for storing water while a water pipe is a tube that just allows large volumes of water to pass through it but only stores water in drops and droplets. One reason why many believers, especially pastors and teachers are not growing spiritually is because they act as water pipes whenever they read their bibles. Their focus is on how to dish out the doctrine to other believers in Christian meetings. Whenever they pick up their bibles, they utter a prayer that is similar to – “Lord, give me a word for your people”. They never receive a word for their own lives. They are like mere pipes. Many words pass through them but they don’t retain any. You get close to them and you are confused because you cannot match their words with their deeds. I have handled my bible as though I was a pipe so many times. Occasionally, I still do so and I know it is a dangerous spot to stay.
Notwithstanding, I am particularly thrilled by the sequence of the effect bible reading should have in our lives. I deduced it from I John 1:1-2 (GW) which reads “The Word of life existed from the beginning. We have heard it. We have seen it. Weobserved and touched it … We are reporting to you about this eternal life”. I love the way John listed how they handled the word. First, they heard it, saw it, and later they experienced it (observed and touched it) in their lives. Thereafter, they reported their experience to us. They reported it after they had heard, seen and observed it. Many of us are reporters of the word without being observers of the same word. Being a reporter alone cannot make you grow spiritually. You have to be an observer of the word. You have to consciously ensure that you experience and live out all you read in the bible that pertains to you. What belongs to you potentially by the acceptance of Jesus should become yours experientially, and then you will be able to distribute it effectively. That reminds me of a water tank, it can store volumes of water and also distribute to others.
In addition, you will experience spiritual growth if you humble yourself when you read the bible. Matt 23:12 says “… whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted”. Many believers are not growing spiritually because they approach the bible with a proud outlook. When they pick up their bibles, you see them saying “oh, I know this already” or “My Pastor said this”. Some are just flipping through the bible in order to rubber stamp what Pastor said. They esteem their ideas and Pastor’s statement above whatever they read. They find it difficult to make adjustments in their lives and accept what the bibles says if it contradicts their personal philosophies. I Tim 6:3-4 “Whoever teaches false doctrine and doesn’t agree with the accurate words of our Lord Jesus Christ … is a proud person”. Do you always agree with the word of Jesus? Are you a proud reader of the bible?
In our next edition, we will discuss some of the right motives to have when reading the bible so that you can be sure it will lead to your spiritual growth.
– tope aladenusi
The speech that facilitates your growth Bible Reading: I Corinthians 14
For most of us who grew up attending church, we must have been taught that in order to grow spiritually, we should read our bible and pray everyday. Surprisingly, many Christians could attest that they read their bible and prayed everyday, but they did not seem to be maturing spiritually even though they have been doing so for years. Sometime I do not blame such people. This is because I noticed that most times we are usually taught “what we ought to do” but less emphasis is placed on “how we ought to do it”. That is why in my previous edition of this subject, I made attempt to explain how we ought to read our bibles in a way that will help us to grow spiritually.
In like manner, if you have ever been taught to pray everyday in order to grow, did you bother to ask the question – which kind of prayer?; what do I say to God?; Does it require that I tell God 77 times everyday that “Lord, help me to grow spiritually”?; which position should I maintain during such prayer?; what about the location – mountain, valley or bedroom? It is amazing that when some Christians visit Doctors and complain about their physique, they are advised to watch their diet. Most times, they inquire further “what kind of foods should I eat? How often should I eat? Etc.” But when they come to church, they throw away their inquisitive mind. If they are told “pray everyday”, they just rush out and start praying whatever they like, inventing prayer points with effects that doesn’t rise beyond their ceilings.
Beloved, at every point in our lives, the bible gives us detailed answer to every question we have. Sometimes we see these answers only if we are willing to make further inquires. So let’s see how we are told to pray in order to grow spiritually.
“When a person speaks in tongues, he helps himself grow”. I Corinthians 14:4
“Dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by prayingin the Holy Spirit” Jude 1:20
Do you read your bible effectively and you do not pray in tongues? If yes, then you are like a bird attempting to fly with just one wing. Rising high and maintaining balance may not be easy. The verses above are so clear. You help yourself grow spiritually by praying in the spirit. Every believer should endeavor to pray in tongues everyday. I Corinthians 14:5 says “I desire that ye should all speak with tongues”. Praying in tongues should not be for some of us but for all of us because spiritual growth is expected from all of us.
Many people wonder why Paul grew rapidly and did many great things on earth. Apart from his in-depth study of scriptures, he also showed us one sure secret to his success. He said in 1 Corinthians 14:18 “I thank God, I speak with tongues more than you all”. Sometimes I wonder what made him so sure that he spoke in tongues more than all the early Corinthian Christians. It must have been that he spoke in tongues everywhere at every time. It must be that when he wasn’t talking to others, he must be praying in the spirit. It must be that he did it several hours in a day – while walking, while on a journey, while praying, etc. Have you ever desired to perform exploits like Paul, then you should have also desire to speak in tongues more than us all, or else, the equation is incomplete. You only desire an output without a corresponding input.
Beloved, let’s start small and God will help us to improve. If you have not been serious about it, you should make a change today. You can decide to speak in tongues 30 minutes or 1 hour everyday for the next one month, and increase the tempo as the days go by.
NB: If you do not speak in tongues and you don’t know how to go about it, you can read articles on ourPrayer page in or send a mail to and a counselor will attend to you.
– tope aladenusi
A Lesson From The Parrots Bible Reading: Romans 12
If you have ever seen where parrots are raised, you must have noticed that they are able to easily mimic the sounds they hear. Let’s assume we have three parrots and one was raised by an Asian, another by an African while the third was raised by a Briton. If the only sound these parrots learnt in their lifetime was the sound of “good morning”, you will realize that these parrots will all be able to echo “good morning” but in a different intonation. This is simply because their coaches have different accent. Human beings most times behave in a similar way – Most things that echo out of our lives are a result of what we have been exposed to. At every time in our lives, we are mimicking something or someone.
You know many times we hear or read a good message and we are quick to say “Oh! I will never do that bad thing again. The things I used to do, I will do them no more”. But as the events of life unfold, we see our actions constantly contradicting our intentions. Why? Intention alone is not enough. If the parrot raised by a Briton have the intention of pronouncing “good morning” like the one raised by an African, it may never be able to do so unless it is exposed to the same coaching. Likewise, despite our best intentions to grow spiritually, if we do not expose ourselves to the right “sounds”, we cannot produce the desired sound (growth). If all the ideas we are exposed to were gotten from mere men, we will naturally produce the sounds of mere men. So here’s the way out prescribed by God:-
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transformyou inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Rom 12:2 (GNB)
Did you catch that? If you do not want to conform to the sounds echoed by the world, you have to pick up coaching of the kind of sounds you wanna produce. God has to transform you by a complete change of your mind. Imagine if those parrots desire to echo “good morning” like God will do, what sounds should they be exposed to? God’s of course! That’s the formula. Ephesians 5:1 (MSG) says it clearly – “Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents”. Go listen to God’s sound. If you must let God transform you, you have to expose yourself constantly to the thoughts of God. God has declared in Isaiah 55:8 – “my thoughts are not your (men’s) thoughts”. So every believer should also gravitate to a point where they also say “my thoughts are not the thoughts of men” just like a parrot can say “my sound is not like that of other parrots”.
How will this happen? Will God come to you every minute to whisper into your mind? Yes and No. I say “No” if you are expecting a mighty rushing wind and a voice that starts with “My son, my son” or “my daughter, my daughter”. I say “Yes” because his word is already near us and reading or hearing it regularly is as potent as his live whisper. Psalm 1 says “Blessed is the man whose delight is in God’s law and he meditate on it day and night”. We have to expose our minds to the thoughts of God constantly. Technology has even helped us to have all the verses of the Bible in an audio CD. Play it in your car while you drive or in your house while you do other things. Have audio Bible in your iPod and always listen to it. If you are not busy talking with anyone, you should be busy allowing God talk to you; you should be busy listening to the sound you want to produce in your life. Saturate your environment with the word. Do not be moved if you are called an extremist because you constantly allow God to transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind. Get excited about it and you will see yourself experience spiritual growth.
– tope aladenusi
Revolving the Word Bible Reading: Joshua 1
Apostle Paul once prescribed a principle to Timothy that would lead to his spiritual growth and maturity, and this principle has been effective in every generation:-
Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. (I Timothy 4:15 – KJV)
I really love the way The Message Translation described the effect that meditation will produce. It says “…The people will all see you mature right before their eyes!”
Do you want to see yourself mature spiritually? Then you cannot shy away from meditating on God’s word.
The root word for meditate in Greek and Hebrew language can also be translated as “to ponder”, “to imagine” or “to revolve in the mind”. When you revolve something, you can see how it looks like from different sides. You can appreciate the effect it can have when handled from different positions just like the earth experiences different effect when it revolves. Many believers read the bible, but they do not think about what they read. It’s like eating food without digesting food; you will not grow physically that way. Likewise, meditation on God’s word is to our life what digestion of food is to our body.
When you take in the word, you have to continuously revolve it in your mind. One way to do this is by asking the right questions and trying to answer them with scriptural proofs. I am really finding it difficult to explain meditation in few lines. So I want to try to simulate it, perhaps you may get a clearer picture of what I mean.
Let’s try to revolve Colossians 1:12-13 – Giving thanks unto the Father … Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.
Okay, this is an instruction to Christians. Why? Because Verse 2 of the chapter says the book was written to saints and faithful brethren. We are expected to give thanks to the father. Who is this father that I should give thanks to? My earthly father; my father in church; or my father in heaven? Perhaps the preceding verses, subsequent verses or the remaining part of this verse can tell us. The later part of the verse tells us why we should give thanks. First; the father has delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath transferred us into the kingdom of his son. Whao! I have been delivered from the power of darkness. But what does it really mean to be delivered from the power of darkness? Does it mean that I was once subject to the direct influence of the devil and his cohorts and right now they do not have power over me? Which other verses of scripture is saying the same thing? But sometimes I am afraid when people talk about witches or cultist; isn’t that really wrong for a child of God? Yes! I remember one pastor once said that one Christian sister was a witch? Could that be true? How can she be delivered (free from evil) and yet be under the devil’s sway. Whose report should I believe? But that’s not all; the later part of this verse says we have been translated into the kingdom of God’s son. This sentence connotes a past tense and it talks about something that has already happened. That means right now I am in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. But I am still on earth. So what does this kingdom really mean? What is the effect of being in this kingdom and how should I conduct myself now that I reign in the kingdom of Christ?
Hmn! Based on this my understanding, henceforth I will no longer be afraid of the devil and his cohorts. In fact I am on the offensive side and not on the defensive. When evil spirits saw Jesus, they ran away and sometime negotiated with him that he should cast them into swine. I am now in the Kingdom of Jesus and in this empire; all powers are subject to us … and so on … and so forth.
Beloved, by the time you go through such spiritual exercise of revolving the word in your mind, you will be amazed at the changes that are happening gradually in your life. There are times that I feel charged up after meditation and it is as though I should strike my head on the wall. You may also come to that point. But at such times, take it cool and don’t smash your head! The body of Christ needs that head. From experience, the next day may present you with a challenge to test whether you really believed what you read.
I desire you make a decision that henceforth, you will give yourself over to meditation on God’s word. It has a 100% success rate. It will inevitably lead to your spiritual growth. “I am now entrusting you to God and to his message that tells how kind he is. That message can help you grow and can give you the inheritance that is shared by all of God’s holy people” Acts 20:32 (GW)
– tope aladenusi
How You Must Not Read the Bible – 1 Bible Reading: Ephesians 3
I once scored 68 in a computer science course I took when I was in the university. As soon as I saw my score on the notice board, I immediately became sad and started lamenting. To my greatest surprise, I saw a friend who scored 42 and he was seriously jubilating. To quench my curiosity, I went to him to inquire the reason for his celebration. After chatting with him for sometime, I realized that what led to the difference between my reaction and that of my friend was our motive for reading. My friend’s dad already had a ready-made company waiting for him to come and occupy, and so his father just wanted him to have the ‘school experience’. My motive for reading was to be much grounded in the subject and also prove that by having a distinction in the course. No wonder what I defined as ‘poison’ would be gladly celebrated as ‘meat’ to my friend.
In a similar manner, there are millions of Christians reading the bible regularly, but one thing that distinguishes the effect it has in their lives is their motive for reading. This motive is usually defined unconsciously and it becomes the driver whenever they pick up their bibles. I have noticed several motives why Christians read their bibles and I will share some of them with you. To be candid, I lived like a bad Christian for over 10 years after I became born-again, but my life changed drastically the year I decided to read the New Testament with the right motive. I could not believe the change because I had tried many things to make me grow and gave up along the way, but this particular change I experienced came effortlessly. So bible reading is very good and can lead to rapid spiritual growth if you do it with the right motive.
Why do you read your bible? For many Christians, the reason is simple – to fulfill all righteousness. Bible reading is just seen as “one of the things a good Christian should do”. Therefore, in order to run away from a guilty conscience or not be identified with bad Christians, they read their bibles. They want to identify with the fact that ‘I have observed my quiet time today’. Some of my friends who live in bustling cities like Lagosand London have confessed to me that because they have to leave their homes very early in order to get to work by 8am, they just flip through their bible with sleepy eyes every morning. They do this day in day out and it is becoming obvious that their lives are getting worn out. I strongly believe that a Christian who reads his bible for 30 minutes with the right motive will experience spiritual growth more that someone who has been reading the same bible for 30 years in order to fulfill all righteousness. Your location or work schedule does not matter much like your motive whenever you decide to read your bible.
I know some people who also think they are pleasing God and making him happy by reading the bible. You hear them make statements like “God has been so good to me; I just have to appreciate him by giving him thanks and reading my bible”. Does a good student study his books in order to develop or help his lecturer? Then when we pick up our Bibles to read, we should remember that it is time to enrich ourselves and not a time to thrill the father; it is primarily for our own good.
I Samuel 16:7 – “… man takes note of the outer form, but the Lord sees the heart”. Beloved, let us not focus on having a form of godliness; let’s embrace the power that is experienced in reading the bible with the right motive.
– tope aladenusi
The power & grace to grow spiritually Bible Reading: Ephesians 1
One of the reasons why many Christians are not growing spiritually is because they think some of the things they need for their growth have not been given to them by God. So they go to God always in prayers to make demands for such things. Such demands have become a common thing in nearly every Christian gathering. It is even considered a sign of humility and dependence on God to make such requests. For example, it is very common for people to pray that “Lord give us the grace to grow spiritually”.
This prayer above seems very pious because it appears you are telling God you cannot do it on your own. It also suggests that if you are not growing spiritually, it may be because you are yet to receive the grace for it. But that is the devils deceit and he is using it to counterbalance the ignoramus among us.
Please put aside every tradition you are familiar with and let us reason together…
Ephesians 1:3 (GW) says “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Christ, God has BLESSED us with EVERY spiritual blessing thatheaven HAS TO OFFER”.
Oh my God! This is powerful! Firstly, the verse says “God has blessed us”. This statement is in past tense. The verse did not say “God will bless us”. Secondly, we are told that God has blessed us with every blessing that is spiritual. Is grace a physical or spiritual blessing? Is anointing a physical or spiritual blessing? Is divine power a physical or spiritual blessing? If they are all spiritual blessings, then we should throw away tradition and accept the declaration of God that we have been blessed with such things. Lastly, the verse says “we have every spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer”. Do we expect God’s grace to come from heaven or earth? If it is from the earth, then we can go ahead in an endless search for it. But if it is supposed to come from the father in heaven, then the bible is clear about it – we have been blessed with it.
No wonder Romans 5:2 (MSG) says “through whom (Christ) we have had access by faith into this grace in which we stand”. In other words, right now every believer is standing inside God’s grace. You have received it in abundance. That is why Peter admonished us to “grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ” II Peter 3:18”. He did not say “ask God for the grace to grow”, or “Pastors grow in grace and the congregation should pray for the grace to grow”. Rather, grow in the grace wherein you stand. Hallelujah! I know that there are some verses of scriptures that seem to suggest that we may plead for spiritual blessings, but if you understand such verses in context and in the light of the revelation of Jesus, you will still end up with the revelation that “everything we need for spiritual growth has been given to us” (II Peter 1:3).
So what do we do after realizing we have grace in abundance? The bible is also clear about that. Philippians 2:12 says “work out your salvation”. What you need for spiritual growth is in you, you are to work it out. You are supposed to give an expression on the outside about what you have on your inside. God has done his part. Let us take responsibility for our spiritual growth and stop shifting blame on God or other people. Work out the anointing. Work out the grace. Work out the power. It is the “working out” that makes it appears as though some Christians possess grace more than others. But the possession of a gift is different from the utilization of that gift. Are you utilizing your God-given grace to grow spiritually?
We will discuss how to work out these gifts in our subsequent messages.
– tope aladenusi
What is spiritual growth? Bible Reading: I Corinthians 3
Do spirits grow? Many of us are able to come to terms with the fact that our bodies grow. Many also know that the mind can undergo changes and be developed to take specific attributes and qualities. What about the believer’s spirit?
The bible makes us understand that when we got born-again, God gave birth to a new spirit within us (John 3:3-6, 1:12-13). Our spirits now has the exact nature of God (II Peter 1:4). In other words, the spirit of a believer is in the best state it could ever be and it cannot be improved upon because we are not expected to have a creature that is better than the creator. No wonder the bible says “ye are complete in him” (Col 2:10). Your spirit “has become new in knowledge after the image of his maker (Col 3:10). Therefore, “as Christ is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17).
So this topic on spiritual growth is not an attempt to teach you how to grow your spirit because he is currently at his best if you are born again. The verses below give us a peep into the definition of spiritual growth.
My friends, if someone is caught in any kind of wrongdoing, those of you who arespiritual should set him right; but you must do it in a gentle way. Gal 6:1 (GNB)
And I (Paul), brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as untocarnal, as unto babes in Christ … whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? I Corinthians 3:1,3
The Bible gave many descriptions of someone who is spiritual and who is a babe in Christ but I am particularly fascinated about the verse above. It says “I cannot say you are spiritual because you … walk as men”. Good News Version says “you are still living by human standards”.
Growing spiritually is the process of changing gradually from who you are to who God wants you to be (Christ-like). It involves living the God-kind of lifestyle that was displayed in Jesus Christ. It involves you exhibiting actions that are not based on human standards but on God’s standards. Take a quick look at your life, what are the things that chiefly affects your decisions or actions. Is it what you heard in the news or the current trend in town? Are you usually influenced by external things that feeds into your mind through your five senses or you always take cue from the standard of God that you have internalized over time?
Spiritual growth also involves a change of mindset, attitude and action to reflect who you truly are i.e. a son of God. It involves increasing your knowledge of God and commitment to him whereby you begin (and continue) to see things like he sees them. This means you see sin like he does and not meddle with it. You see possibilities like he sees them and impossibility is wiped away from your consciousness. You demonstrate faith like he does and walk in the practice of ‘calling those things that are not as though they were’. You see a sinner like he does and you extend your love to them so that they are saved and come to the knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ. This growth does not directly depend on the number of years you have being in Christ but on some other factors.
We will shed more light on this as we look at other subtopics like: What do you do to grow? What do you have to grow with? How do you know you are growing spiritually? When will you be fully grown? Etc.
– tope aladenusi
Why struggle to grow spiritually?
Did you struggle to grow to the height you have attained physically? Then why do many of us think growing spiritually is something we do by exerting strenuous effort? If no Christian has struggled to grow spiritually, I have. Some years ago when I became a believer, I asked my teacher in church what I needed to do to grow spiritually. She immediately sang a chorus for me:
Read your bible, Pray everyday
If you want to grow
I was already reading my bible. I was already praying. But my experiences did not prove that I was growing. I said to myself, may be I am not praying hard. So every night I will wake up and pray. This prayer was accompanied with much weeping and crying. I would say “Lord please help me. Grant me power to grow spiritually”. And I would top-up the prayer with a sincere cry. But God is not moved by tears. He is only moved by his word. What does his word say about growing spiritually? We know bible reading and prayer is good. But do they really help us grow? If so, then how do they help? What ingredients do we really need for spiritual growth? This and many more related matters will be addressed in our subsequent messages.
The truth is that you are not to struggle to grow spiritually. Rather you should struggle to take the nutrients that will facilitate your growth. Spiritual growth comes naturally and effortlessly when the nutrients for growth have being absorbed. This is similar to physical growth. Jesus said in Matthew 6:28 “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin”
Just before we get down to the nitty-gritty of this subject, I want you to imagine the differences between an orange seed and an orange tree. While we look at these differences, I will like you to imagine how your life would be if your spiritual growth moves from a seed-like form into a tree-like form.
- A seed is full of many untapped potentials; a tree has exploited most of its potentials.Spiritual growth will help you exploit your potentials and fulfill your purpose on earth.
- A seed is usually small in size and can be crushed and displaced using little effort; a tree is tall and rooted into the ground. It is able to withstand stormy weathers. You cannot crush it with your feet like you would do to a seed. Spiritual growth will help you stand firm against the fiery darts of the devil and you will not be tossed to and fro by the circumstances of life.
- A seed cannot serve as a shade or home for any creature; a tree serves as shade for humans, home for birds etc. Spiritual growth will enable you become a channel of help to many people. You will always have positive influence to those around you because you shade them away from trouble by your words, deeds and prayers.
- A seed cannot produce more seeds or fruits while it is still a seed; a tree produces more seeds and fruits. Spiritual growth helps you be an active ambassador in God’s kingdom – attracting many to Christ through the fruit of the spirit displayed in your lifestyle.
The list is endless. I believe some other differences are already popping in your mind.
Apostle Peter said in I Peter 1:23 “You have been born again … from a seed that can’t be destroyed”. He went ahead to encourage us to “grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ” II Peter 3:18. Spiritual growth is not optional for a Christian. You have to pay attention to it.
– tope aladenusi