“And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life BECAUSE OF RITHEOUSNESS”. Romans 8:10 (KJV)
‘Righteousness’ is the password of recreated human spirit. It is the password of the new creature. Like a computer system, without this password you simply cannot log in.
The life that can swallow up the mortality in your flesh is within your spirit but righteousness is the key that unlocks that storehouse.
What is righteousness? It is the embodiment of our rights in Christ based on the new birth. It includes a lot among which are:
- Our right to stand before God without a sense of shame, guilt or inferiority.
- Our right to stand before Satan with a sense of authority.
- Our right to stand before the whole of life with a sense of dominion.
But righteousness will only do us good when we walk in the consciousness of it. What does that mean? It means living a life un-haunted by sin consciousness.
The spirit is the life of the body ‘because of righteousness’. And righteousness operates through our consciousness of it. Therefore, embrace the truth of righteousness today and unlock that fountain of life with your spirit to reform your mind and restore your body.
– Dr. deji oyebamiji
“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit, who lives in you”. Romans 8:11 (NIV)
Christianity is supernatural! I could say that a thousand times and still not have said it enough. As believers, one of the many things that mark us out from the pack is our ability to live above the blood level.
Leviticus 17:11 tells us that ‘the life of the flesh is in the blood’. But as we have seen in the previous article, for a believer, the life of his flesh is not in his blood but in his spirit as expressed in Romans 8:10.
How is this possible? When you got born again, you received eternal life into your spirit. That ‘eternal life’ is the life of God. The very essence of divinity coming to tabernacle in your spirit. It is the life by which God walks and talks, creates and heals.
Now when you received that life, it was never meant to be locked up within your spirit. It was God’s full intention that through certain means that life will flow out from your spirit to transform your mind and heal your body.
Those means are revealed to us in Romans 8:10-11 as (i) Righteousness (ii) The Holy Spirit. In the next two articles, I will be talking about how to use these means to bring the supernatural life of God in your spirit to bear upon your mortal body.
– Dr deji oyebamiji
“And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but THE SPIRIT IS LIFE (or ‘the spirit is the life of the flesh’) because of righteousness”.
(Brackets Mine) Romans 8:10 – KJV
Christianity is supernatural! This is not an overstatement; it is a statement of fact. To be a Christian is to be an extraordinary man or woman. One out of the many things that mark us out as extraordinary is our ability to live above the blood level.
In the portion of scripture quoted above, we are told of the extraordinary make-up of the believer. We are told that because of the presence of sin in his flesh, his body is dead (or subject to death) like the body of any unbeliever. But through the gift of righteousness we are told that his spirit becomes the life of the body.
So what’s the meaning of all this? When you are born again, the righteousness of God in you enables the life in your spirit to overrule the death in your body so that you begin to live in your mortal body as though it were not mortal.
The Bible tells us in Leviticus 17:11 that the life of the flesh is in the blood and medical science confirms that the majority of infections and diseases are carried by the blood. But when a man becomes born again, he has gone beyond the blood level. The life of his flesh is not in the blood. The life of his flesh is in his spirit.
Acknowledgement is the button of operation. Embrace this truth and put an end to the rule of sickness and death in your body. Today!
– Dr. deji oyebamiji