The Dispensation of Innocence | From the creation to the fall of man. Gen. 1:26 to 2:23. | Gen. 2: 16- 17. Man had only one commandment to obey.
Gen. 3:6. Man chose to believe Satan rather than God | Gen. 3:14 — 19. | Gen. 3:15. God promised a Redeemer who would come and restore man’s dominion.
The Dispensation of Innocence | From the fall of man to flood – 1656 years:
Gen 3:27 to 8:14. |
Gen. 4:7 He is to choose between doing good and doing evil | Gen. 6:5, 11- 12. Man is exceedingly wicked: “God saw that the wickedness of man was great.”
Gen. 7. Judgment through the flood. | Gen. 7:1. Eight people are saved out the flood to begin the new dispensation.
The Dispensation of Human Government | 427years. From the flood to the confusion of tongues
Gen. 8:1-11:9, |
Gen.9: 1,6 “Whosoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made the man.
Gen. 11:14.
Noah’s downfall – Gen. 9:20-23 Building of Tower of Babel. An organized political and religious rebellion against God. Idolatry and apostasy.
Gen. 11:5-9; Confusion of tongues and the dispersion of the people. Division of the earth to continents and islands. Gen 10:25; I Cor. 1:19. | God was merciful to them in their idolatry and sought another man who would follow Him.