The challenges of a new success
Bible Reading: Philippians 1:25-30
“New level, new devil”! Every level of success you attain comes with its own sets of responsibilities and challenges. We are always eager to attain a new level, but are we also mentally prepared for the challenges in that level?
Let’s consider a life illustration for getting to a new level. If a woman is married for years without any child, her major prayer point may be to have a child. If she eventually puts to bed, there will be so much jubilation in the family. But soon after that, she is faced with some sets of tribulations and challenges. Some people may envy her; her sleeping hours will change; she starts a breastfeeding and bottle-feeding cycle; her purse feels the presence of the child, etc.
Likewise when you are pregnant with a success, you should know that the birth of that success will also birth some new sets of challenges in your life. In fact, anytime you get to a new level, after giving glory to God, it should be normal for you to ask yourself … So what are the ‘devils’ associated with this level? And be confident that you have what it takes to conquer them. I Cor. 10:13 (GNB) tells us that “… God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out”. Yes! For every level you attain and no matter the ‘devils’ it contains, God releases staying power to sustain you so that you remain steadfast.
Joseph was his father’s favorite, and that generated envy and hatred in his brothers. Apostle Paul was given mandate to preach to the gentiles, the Jews immediately became a thorn in his flesh. The father of Jesus was so privileged to have the first son of God come through his family, but that made King Herod hunt after their lives. What is your new level? What about the ‘devils’ in that level?
When the ‘devils’ of your new level appear, it is not a time to grumble or give up. It’s not time to get distracted by thinking you have bad luck. Rather it is time to rejoice, because it is an indication that you are progressing or about to have another breakthrough. James 1:2 (MSG) reads “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides”. Because they have come to make you better and not bitter; to drive you from your slack zone into your destiny zone; to step you from your old level into a new level, though that new level will also come with its own sets of …………… (You know what I mean).
– tope aladenusi