Know the price of success?
Bible Reading: Luke 14:25-34
Most times when I see people abandon good projects, I am eager to know the reasons. In many cases, the reason reminds me of Jesus’ question in Luke 14:28 (MSG) – “Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it?”
In other words, from the start of a good course, as much as possible we should have thought through the entire process, known the cost and estimated the challenges. By so doing we will know if we can release the power to stay long, remain strong and finish well.
You will agree most of us do not do that. We have relegated planning and thinking under the guise of faith. Our watchword is “when I get to the bridge, I will cross it”. Most times we say this out of mental laziness. We are implying indirectly that we have not estimated the size of the bridge; we do not even know where it is or what it takes to cross it. All we know is that the Bible says ‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me’.
Yes! I agree. But if you are persuaded you can do all things, then let that mentality start working from the start of anything you want to do and not only when you are in the middle of nowhere. Ability to do all things means you should be able to estimate the price of any venture. Every success has a price tag and before you even commence a journey, you should know the price and be prepared to settle it. Faith is not ‘failing to know the price’ but a conviction to pay the known price and cross the bridge when you encounter it.
Do you want to stay long and remain strong in your career, company, ministry and marriage? Do you want to experience steady success in your projects? Have you estimated the price? Do you have an idea of what you require to remain on top of it?
Let’s stop rushing into things because everyone is doing so. Even when you go to the Church and your Pastor has been able to charge you with the word, don’t just dive immediately into a project. When someone proposes something nice to you, it is not a sign of weakness to say “let me think about it”.
If you really want to stay long and remain strong in every good thing you do, then you should cultivate the habit of estimating the cost of an endeavor and deciding if you are wiling to make the sacrifice before executing it.
tope aladenusi