-WALK AWAY: I once read a book written by Randy Alcorn, ‘The Purity Principle’. He shared a story of a man whose occupation required lodging in hotel rooms because he moved from place to place. He was a devoted man of God. The man said whenever he was in the hotel room, all what they used to show on TV were immoral movies. He said ‘after so many trials i.e. getting filled with the immoral movies, I finally made decision to do something. Whenever I check into a hotel room, I ask them to remove the TV from my room. Invariably, they look at me like I’m crazy’. ‘But sir, you don’t have to turn it on’, but I used to insist. This is how I overcame that temptation’. This man was filled with a particular wisdom. That was ‘It’s always easier to avoid temptation than to resist it’. ‘Flee the evil desire of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith…. of a pure heart’. 2 Timothy 2:22. Walk away now!
-OPTIMISM: God never pushes us beyond our current limit of endurance. The word ‘able’ in 1 Corinthians 10:3 exist so as to know our ability. The word ‘ability’ explains the difference between the phrase ‘I can’ and the phrase ‘I may’. The confidence in the latter phrase experiences staggering but the former phrase experiences confidence. Now, God has let us realise that overcoming the gluey temptation is what we are able to do. This is not a matter of ‘I may’ but a matter of ‘I can’. According to 1 Corinthians 10:3, therefore, the temptation is prescribed by the ingredient that our strength reveals because God says ‘I will not permit you to be tempted above which ye are able…’. In other words, the altitude of our strength is gauged before the synthesis of temptation by the devil. Did you get my point?
-GET YOUR MIND BUSY WITH PURITY: ‘An idle hand is the workshop of the devil’. Devil keeps on looking for a space-hearted man so as to fill up the space with wrong thoughts. So when there is no vacancy in your heart, devil turns back and goes farther to a space-hearted man. Loneliness is also the root of evil. When you are lonely, get your mind busy with purity. When devil sees that your mind is too pure for him to stay, he goes away. So let your heart flaunts no vacant board when the devil comes with the aim of filling your heart with wrong thoughts.
-AFFIRMATION: ‘…and take the helmet of salvation the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God’ Ephesians 6:17 Jesus Christ overcame his first temptation through the word of his father (GOD). A soldier can never go to war front with bible likewise Christians are not expected to go to war front with ammunition. The word of God is our sword, when we fling it, devil flees from our vicinity.
Meditate on the word of God.
-SCREEN YOUR FRIENDS: ‘as iron sharpens iron, so as one man sharpens another’ Proverbs 27:17. Friends are like soil, wherever you go, you see them, but farmers never hesitate on which soil to plant. They know it’s loamy soil that brings out the glory of their seeds’ Author William says ‘A true friend knows your weakness but shows you your strength. Feels your fear but fortifies your faith. Sees your anxiety but frees your spirit. Recognises your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.’
You don’t keep friends for company’s sake. You walk with people who bring the best in you in the way of God. Choose God’s favorite people as your mentor and friends.
FINALLY: ‘Therefore let him who thinks he stands well take heed lest he fall.’ (1 Cor. 10:12).
You are blessed!
A.O.D. Oluwafemi