Look at the ring-like scar that sits on your belly. It is called a navel or belly button but I like to call it “our first mouth.” Let’s face it; there was a time in our lives when we fed through the umbilical cord. This “mouth” was connected to our mothers’ placenta when we were in the womb, and was used to provide oxygen, nutrients and even transfer our waste to the outside world. During this phase of our lives, the mouth we currently use to eat was being developed. We got to a stage of maturity where our ‘first mouth’ had to be sealed off, so that the other mouth could take full preeminence.
Anytime I see my belly button, I remember that life is in stages. Different channels of nutrients and waste come with every stage. What generated income for you yesterday may be locked up today. Don’t keep looking back, just like a baby does not feed through the umbilical cord after it is born. The people that were instrumental in lifting you up yesterday may go all-out to pull you down today. Know when to run. It is commonly said that “a nest is good for a robin while it is an egg, but it is bad for a robin when it has wings”. Sometimes the line between success and failure may just be the ability to know when to leave the nest of our lives.
‘Moses’ may lead us out of Egypt, but it is ‘Joshua’ that will lead us to the Promised Land. Learn to know when someone stops leading you. Conditions will always change on the outside, especially as we mature in the things of God. Let’s be sensitive to see the new door that God is opening rather than singing the “things are getting bad” song of the world. For “He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does”. (Ecclesiastes 3:11- GNB). Don’t be shocked to see some closed doors this year; don’t be too naive to decipher the numerous doors of opportunities that God will bring your way. Be sensitive to know when to make that turn.
Tope Aladenusi