Greater than my Achievements and Ailments
Greater than my Beauty and Bitterness Greater than my Crowns and Cry Greater than my Diamonds and Dirt Greater than my Excellence and Emptiness Greater than my Fortunes and Failures Greater than my Glory and Grass Greater than my Honor and Heaviness Greater than my Ingenuity and Inadequacies Greater than my Jewel and Junk Greater than my Knowledge and Knots Greater than my Loftiness and Lack Greater than my Medal and Mountains Greater than my Nobelity and Nothingness Greater than my Opportunities and Obstacles Greater than my Pearls and Problems Greater than my Quest and Queries Greater than my Riches and Rage Greater than my Success and Sorrows Greater than my Trophies and Troubles Greater than my Understanding and Undermining Greater than my Victories and Vileness Greater than my Worth and Worries Greater than my Yearnings and Yelp Greater than my Zenith and Zeros
God indeed is Greater There is nothing I desire compared to Him All that bothers me I lay at His feet God forbid that I glory in anything other than Christ. In all things I see Him as my Priceless Possession and Sufficiency My Present Help in time of Trouble and Difficulty. God indeed is Greater.
– funmi aina |