“But how shall He pay back?” the judges asked
For He cannot repay
“How ever did he even come about such huge debt?”
asked others
Never did they realise
debt begets debt
Once in, he could only sink deeper
Having naught to pay
His head price was calculated
amounting to a mere speck
in his huge sea of debt
His wife’s head included
still his debt hung
including his children to the scales till the 4th generation
didn’t tip the scale his way
Surely he shall never have to pay
Concluded the master
“Let him be sold all the same” shouted the judges
He, His wife and His children
Then cried he
“Master be patient
For I shall pay”
Ridiculed the master felt
Even 40 lifetimes could not repay his debt
In Compassion however
the master in love forgave
Not a part but all
Not most but all
Not many but all
Now Free was He
No longer a debtor
But free to live
free to live indeed
His job still in place
– Dr bolaji akanni