Using circumstances to label God’s will
Bible Reading: Acts 8:1-8
A brother once came to me for counseling. He said he was convinced God wanted him to embark on a particular project but all his efforts to actualize it had yielded no result. He then asked this very common question: If it is God’s will for me to do it, why am I experiencing difficulties along the way? Many Christians have found themselves in similar situations. They throw away God-given projects just because they experienced some difficulties along the way. In fact, I’ve noticed that when some believers share their difficult experiences in the projects they have embarked upon, the next suggestion you will most probably hear is – “may be it is not God’s will for you to do it”. Adversity is now popularly regarded as an indication that you are walking out of God’s will. Usually, this is not true.
Favorable circumstances don’t always mean you are walking in God’s will. For example, things went well initially for the prodigal son – His father granted his request; he traveled safely abroad; he met nice friends as soon as he landed in another city. But what was the end of his story? Similarly, Jonah was having a swell time until he found himself in the belly of a fish – he had a safe trip to Joppa even though God instructed him to go to Nineveh; when he got there, a ship heading to Tarshish was waiting for him; while on the ship, he was having a sound sleep in the midst of a raging storm. So the fact that things seem to be going on well now is not a sound basis for confirming that you are in tune with God’s will.
In like manner, unfavorable circumstances may not necessarily mean you are out of God’s will. Sometimes they even accelerate the fulfillment of God’s will in your life. The brothers of Joseph were the ones who attacked him, though they indirectly hastened his advancement towards the throne. Apostle Paul suffered betrayal from some of his closest pals in ministry. When the early believers were preaching, Bible recorded that they ‘faced a great wave of persecution’. Sometimes such circumstances are necessary to show and strengthen our conviction even as we walk in the will of God. Proverbs 24:10 says “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small”.
May be you should look back into your life to identify those areas where you easily chickened out from divine guidance/projects just because you faced a difficulty. If it is not too late, get back on track. Refuse to be a victim of circumstances. Instead, let the word of God be a lamp to your feet (Ps. 119:105) and ‘the peace of Christ guide you in the decisions you make’ (Colossians 3:15).
– tope aladenusi
Like a coded note
to the one my heart desires
So my lips flow
uttering messages too deep
for you to follow
It’s language only for the initiated
I and the father sharing a moment
like none other
The world and its deepest technology
can’t decipher the boundaries of the matter
So deep is the message
You can’t be involved lest you are introduced
You can’t know unless by an interpretation
By the one who started it all
Only then would you discover
that praise like none other can well up
from the heart of one who is one with God
Join me in the glorious flow with the
one who owns my soul
Flowing what I ought
and not what I feel
Saying what is meant
and not I guess
It’s coming from the heart of one who is one with God
– bolaji akanni
The litmus test in labeling God’s will
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:9-17
As a student, I remember the first time my science teacher came to the class to coach us how to differentiate between an acid and a base. Among all the points she gave, the most fascinating was when she dipped a moist litmus paper into an acid and immediately it turned red. Right away, I felt like having a bag of litmus paper so I could apply this indicator on any liquid I see. Many believers have asked the question similar to – ‘how do I really know that it is God’s will?’ I wish I could hand them a bag of “God’s will litmus paper”. Although such a thing does not exist, there are two powerful indicators that can easily let you know if your heart messages or the prophecies from other believers are in line with God’s will:
- Is it in agreement with God’s general will revealed in Scriptures? – A young vibrant employee once took money from his company’s purse to donate to the poor and when he was accused of stealing, he said he was led by God to do so. Whereas the bible says “steal no more” whether your intention is wrong or right. A Christian lady once described her fiancé like this – ‘oh! You need to meet him; he is such an amiable, charming and caring gentleman. Though he is not a Christian, I believe God that he will change soon’. Whereas II Cor. 6:14 (GW) reads “stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners?”
Let’s learn from Apostle Peter. In II Peter 1:17, he narrated that he was present at Jesus’ baptism when a voice sounded from heaven saying ‘this is my beloved son’. However, in verse 19-20, he said beyond the voice, we have ‘a more sure word of prophecy in the scriptures’. It is very unlikely that God will lead you to do something that contradicts his will and nature as revealed in scriptures. So if we do not have a thorough understanding of scriptures, we will be ranking very high in the list of gullible Christians.
- Is there peace in your mind: There are times when it is not an issue of black and white, but it is of cream and white? For example, “don’t marry an unbeliever” is so clear in scripture. But amidst all believers, who exactly should you marry? In such cases where you want to know what is right for you among the goodies around, thenColossians 3:15 (GNB) gives a perfect instruction – “The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make”. As a matter of fact, I believe that all other ways God leads believers have a way of working in line with peace in your mind as a confirmation. Where there is unrest and anxiety in your mind, it may be an indication that you should exercise caution. Although sometimes we have unrest as a result of fear and not necessarily because God is saying ‘No’, it is good that we always draw a line between the two.
I believe if you make use of these two indicators, it will help you a lot in telling if a message is from God. In situations where it still appears difficult to label God’s will after using these indicators, then you should apply patience. This is because for every genuine Christian, it’s just a matter of time for you to get back to the right track.
– tope aladenusi
David wondered and pondered
Could God really consider Righteousness apart from the worker Ooh!! How blessed that man is forever To whom God would declare all over “Behold my righteous one”
Now I pondered Could God really declare Such to a man who had not works to share Ooh!! How blessed that man is forever
But then I found such a man Ooh!! Weep and howl for he didst not know I cried and screamed For God had made A gift of his righteousness Not to be worked for Not to be prayed for For His Son paid it all When he died on the Cross
Now to all Who would only believe Is God making this call Rejoice ooh man Stand up from the dust For righteous we stand Because of him who died I said, “Righteous we stand’ Because of him who died
– bolaji akanni
God’s leading through other believers
Bible Reading: I Thess. 5:13-21
As I was about to write this piece, I remembered that when I was in my teenage years, I was very concerned about my future and so I visited a prophet to make inquires about it. He made predictions about some things that will take place in my life. Although some of those things came to past, it doesn’t stop my action from being a gross expression of ignorance. Why? Hebrews 1:1-2 (GW) says – “In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many different times and in many different ways through the prophets. In these last days he has spoken to us through his Son”.
If we had existed before Jesus Christ, it would be very valid to run to a prophet when you want to know the mind of God, because that was the way God related to his people. But after the glorious death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, things have changed. The mind of God has been revealed in Jesus Christ and we have unlimited access to it if we have received Him. God said in Hebrews 8: 10-11 (MSG) “This time I’m writing out the plan in them, carving it on the lining of their hearts. I’ll be their God, they’ll be my people. They won’t go to school to learn about me, or buy a book called God in Five Easy Lessons. They’ll all get to know me firsthand, the little and the big, the small and the great.
Wow! We will get to know Him firsthand thereby making it easy to know His will firsthand. God does not want to breed spiritual toys that are jumping from one prophet to another seeking to know his will, but he desires to have matured Christians who are enjoying the provisions of redemption by getting to know him and his will firsthand.
Does this mean you shouldn’t listen to prophesies of other believers? No. Am I trying to say you should despise the inspired messages of your pastor? Never. I just want you to know that you have the privilege and responsibility of knowing God’s will. Any other message that comes from other believers should serve as a confirmation and corroboration to what you already know. It is a secondhand means that should be thoroughly examined before it is accepted most especially when there was no initial conviction on your part. The Bible says “… Don’t stifle those who have a word from the Master. On the other hand, don’t be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what’s good” – 1Th 5:20-21 (MSG).
But how do you examine your hearts’ messages and the ones from other believers to be sure that they are actually from God? The answer and many more insights will come your way in our subsequent messages.
– tope aladenusi
Today, I wake by the power of Him who loved me
Today, I live by the assurance of Him who keeps me
Today, I excel by the power of Him who works in me
Today, I pray to the one who by grace, saved me
Today, I am strong because of Him who healed me
Today, I am purposeful because of Him who called me
Today, I shine because of Him who glorified me
My heart, the lord has been faithful to me
My heart, the lord has been good; can’t you see?
For where you are is far from where you were
And where you will be, He’ll be the one to take you there
– funmi aina
Over a man’s tomb I sat,
Wondering what to write,
Phrases I had used in times past
Didn’t just seem right.
Gone too soon was such a line
But before he died he said it was just the right time.
Gone but not forgotten nearly sounds cool
Only that He said he would be back soon
We lost a gem was for a brilliant boy who died at the age of twelve,
Only (this man) that He was not lost, but we found a gem through his death
Call to Glory was for a Christian whose folks didn’t like the sound of lost
Only this man had no such worries for he knew where he was heading towards
He said he left his Glory to die and has gone back to the same,
Transition…always wondered what that meant,
Only to learn it meant to move away to another place,
But this man didn’t really do that saying He would not leave us as orphans
Forever in our minds could stand but I don’t really like the mind part
For I know he is more real to me than my mind can fathom
Never to be forgotten…how could I
In memoriam…sounds too solemn
Gone but not forgotten…I just don’t like the gone part
But while I was wondering what to inscribe with chisel in hand and mallet in the other
The tomb shook…
I peeped in to see the remains of this man…maybe I would get some inspiration
What a neat tomb I must say…
Most likely used for the very first time
…. But wait a minute
Something isn’t right
The tomb was empty
No one!!!
Only a cloth wrapped neatly
Mouth agape I cried
Now I understood all He said
As under a spell I left the tomb
And struck away with my chisel ad mallet
Pieces of stone flying across my face
The wolves howled
The owls hooted
The crickets were really noisy that night as I was told later on but I didn’t notice
Soon the cocks were crowing
But soon it would be over
Stroke after stroke and then one final stoke
…Under the moonlight
I looked at what I had inscribed
And I knew nothing else could I add
For on the tomb was written
– bolaji akanni
Getting familiar with God’s voice
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10
If you know the exact sound of God’s voice, then it will be easy for you to recognize it whenever you hear it. Do you agree?
When believers say God spoke to them, have you ever questioned further to know how it sounded when they heard him?
Some of the Christian movies I’ve watched have portrayed God’s voice to have a very loud, husky and croaking baritone sound. So you can imagine what came to my mind when someone told me God spoke to him/her. Besides, God had been speaking to me all the while but I always disregarded it because it never sounded like what I heard in the movies. However, my story changed when I read 1st Samuel Chapter 3, where the bible gave an account of how the Lord called Samuel three times and he thought it was Eli calling him.
I asked myself the question – if the voice Samuel heard was unusually strange like what I hear in the movies, would he have gone to Eli? I don’t think so because he went to Eli three times saying ‘thou calledst me’. He didn’t say ‘I heard a strange voice’. Could it be God speaking to me during those countless number of times that I’ve been saying “Something said to me?” What exactly do I mean when I say ‘something told me’? What is that thing?
I began to study my ‘heart messages’ i.e. what I was told by this “Something”. I observed the way it came. I wrote them down. I obeyed some of them and evaluated the final result in the case where it was an instruction. I compared these messages with God’s word before making a move. I made inquiry from many matured believers. I studied some books. I also observed the trend in the bible.
What did I get from all these? First, the emphasis is not on the sound of God’s voice but on the state of heart of the recipient of a message. What do I mean? Sometimes it is loud, other times it could be a still small voice. It could also appear to be that you are talking to yourself. But amidst all, there is usually a conviction in the heart. The second thing I learnt is … I am now getting familiar with how God often speaks to me.
– tope aladenusi
Follow your heart Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-15
Last night before I went to bed, I set my alarm clock to wake me up by 5:30 this morning. I was just about taking my sleep to the fourth gear when it started ringing. So I stretched my hand to the clock and without opening my eyes, I silenced it and continued sleeping till 7:00am. Why should I do this? – I said to myself when I woke up. My reasoning tells me that I had a lot of reasons why I should obey my alarm clock, but my earnest desire was to have some more time to sleep. And like it often happens, I followed my desire.
Most times we do not end up doing what we think we should do, but what we desire to do. There were so many times when I desired to wake up by 4:00am, and without the aid of my alarm clock, I woke up at exactly that time. There is a power that unleashes from within when you are acting based on your own will or desire. God is very much aware of this that is why one way he communicates his will to us is by ‘wiring’ them into our deepest desires.
Philippians 2:13 says it so well “…for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight” (AMP).
Do you know why I love the way the Amplified version puts it? It is because of the phrase “all the while”. Yes! All the while God has been cultivating in you the desire to start that business, but you say ‘No, I need to hear a voice’; For some years, your heart has been nudging you to end that relationship, but you say “no voice, no way”; All the while your heart has been craving to be a missionary, but no one seems to be in support of it; Your heart is ticking to buy those shares, but you say they have not risen in the past six months. Why disregard the ticking of your wristwatch because it is not a church clock. We have been saying “No” to the desires God has placed in us because we have not heard an audible voice. No wonder many are not progressing in the way that seems right to them.
You may ask, what if my desire is not really God’s will. Well, we will address this in our subsequent messages. But before that, I will like you to absorb the verse of scripture above. God is constantly at work in you to make you please him. To achieve this, he creates in you a desire/will. This ‘Will’ comes with an energy that guarantees success once it is obeyed. Look back into your life and you will see so many instances where you desired something deeply and you thought it would take ages to get it, but it came your way without difficulty. Look now at your life and you will realize that you are already experiencing some of your deepest desires of yesterday.
If genuine Christians really followed their heart, their lives will be an epitome of excitement. Above following men or trend, learn to follow your heart.
To be continued …
– tope aladenusi
The Holy Spirit; Christian’s power and light
The promised Holy Spirit; comforter and Teacher The Holy Spirit; person of the Godhead The Holy Spirit; Blessed Trinity He cometh not in a measure Ever asked for a portion of Christ or God? He is not water, fire, a dove, oil, or a force Why thinkest thou that He is given in measure Why thinkest thou that He can run dry Why thinkest thou that He can be extinguished Grieve not the Holy Spirit He is a person; committed to you fully He has power; He giveth it fully He lives in us, wholly, wholly, wholly! – funmi aina