I work with a financial institution and I have come to discover that for most people savings with a bank is all they know or are content with when it comes to setting money aside. Most people have their seeds sitting in bank accounts earning not more than 3% per annum. So sad!
Letting money lie idle in the bank is according to the Master the least form of investment. In the parable of the talent, Jesus’ explained that the least the unfaithful servant could have done was to put the money in the bank so that on his return he would have collected it with usury (interest). Notice that is the LEAST. Money earns much more when put to work.
So here is a simple rule to follow. With our understanding of seeds we know that they multiply when planted. So money invested produces more money. The soil on which you invest matters. You must invest money where you earn far above the rate at which money looses value. So if prices of things are increasing at 10% per annum then you must invest where you get more than that.
What do you do with the proceeds of your investment? Spend it? No!!! Doing that deprives you of exploring the eight wonder of the world. Somebody put it simply. If you have two servants and they give birth to a third, you don’t give out the third. You put all three to work. The three will give birth to two more then you put all five to work. All five will give birth to three more then you out all eight to work. Let all eight go to work and give birth to 4 more then put all twelve to work. With time you will have a house full of servants. Money is a servant. It grows faster when compounded. By compounding we mean you re-invest the proceeds from the investment. Each time you do this you compound your investment and reduce the time it takes to reach your financial target.
If you invest 20,000 one time and don’t add to it and you reinvest (compound) the proceeds for lets say 47years at 10% above inflation then you will have nearly 2million. Now notice that is a one time investment. On the other hand if you save 20,000 in a bank and keep adding the same 20,000 yearly at the funny 3% returns it gives you will have less than a million after 47years. Now if you invest 20,000 and keep adding 20000 yearly for the same period at the same rate you will have over 17million.
That is the power of compound interest and Einstein called it THE EIGHT WONDER OF THE WORLD. Earn interest on your interest. You have no reason not to leave a fortune for that child. A one time investment for him will make him a millionaire before he even begins work.
Make an investment decision today. Compound your investment and enjoy the eight wonder of the world. –emmanuel aladenusi |
I live in a part of Africa and the world where basic necessities of life like food and clothing are luxuries. Many of us were born into nothing. Our days were continuously marked with the anxiety of where the next meal will come from. We woke up many mornings to no food. We had no idea where the next meal will come from. In my part of the world new cloths were only for festive periods and were celebrated with much happiness.
I know the fear and certainty of having nothing to eat. I know the shame of old and tattered cloths. I know the humiliation of staying outside the school gates because my fees have not been paid.
But more than that I know the certainty of Gods provision.
I know many still live in those same conditions – Parents who are unhappy because they can’t meet the needs of their children; Unhappy marriages whose only problem is that they cannot afford the basics of life; Children who can’t go to school or receive medical attention because the funds are not just available; I mean a whole lot of people if the statistics of those living below $1 per day is anything to go by.
I bring you good news. You can be absolutely sure of Gods provision. Beloved it is an insult on creation and a greater insult on redemption for us to worry about these things.
Matt 6:25: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Matt 6:26: Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Matt 6:30: Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Matt 6:31: Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
Never doubt that God will come through for you always. God fed the Israelites himself for 40yrs. He made ravens feed Elijah. He fed 5000 people with manna from heaven. God was displaying his utmost commitment to your welfare. Beloved God as our father is directly responsible for us.
God will supply all your needs according to heavens supply. In the midst of that want trust him for your daily bread. When the bills are due look to no one but him, when you are not sure how to make ends meet, trust him to do exceedingly and abundantly above your present need. God woke men many times to bring us food. Many traveled distance just to heed the call of God for my fees. Our every frame is so precious to our Father. If He feeds the birds and cloths the grasses, He will do much more for His children. Glory to God. He made provisions for our every need ages before we were formed. We cannot lack. We cannot be stranded.
Look beyond your basic needs. Plan for plenty.
– emmanuel aladenusi
Someone once said that if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. A game plan is very important in every affair of life. It tells where you are, what you hope to achieve, the resources available at your disposal and the time available for you to play.
When it comes to finances, knowing the expected end is very important. You must determine where you are now and your expected end. Christians live to fulfill PURPOSE. Purpose is the reason for you. The expected end is the actualization of purpose. I want to be rich is no cry. No target. How rich do you want to be? How rich? When do you hope to be that rich? Where are you now? What is in your hand now? And what time do you have left? These questions must form the nucleus of a solid investment plan targeted towards bringing you to the expected end.
Hab: 2:2:3 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak,
Very importantly “every vision is for an appointed time”. So it must be written down clearly. It must be made plain. Putting words to paper is very crucial. Don’t just assume you have a financial plan. Write it down clearly. This is where I ought to be … want to be. This is where I am. This is how long I have left. Then these are the steps I will take to achieve this purpose. Doing this releases power. Now notice that Habakkuk says that “he might run that readeth it”. Reading your vision/game plan releases power for the journey ahead. It gives focus and opportunity for redress. If you can’t see your expected end you might never get there. God told Abraham Gen 13:14: And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. Hallelujah. Friends look from the place where you are to the place where you want to be. Look father than your today. Plan bigger than your today because you will be given as far as you can see. Why? Because we are not sufficient of ourselves but our sufficiency is of God. Know the expected end. Write it down. Make it plain. Strength will be released for the journey.
– emmanuel aladenusi |
What you hear and how you hear determines where you are and where you will be. The meditations of your heart, your deepest thoughts are clear indications of how much life will bring your way. To be successful in life you must make optimal use of what you hear. I am always blessed each time I read Mark chapter 4 and will always pause at Mark 4:24: “And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given”.
Another version has it this way “take heed what you hear and how you hear……”
The message:
- Take heed what you hear: Be careful with what you expose yourself to. Be selective in your hearing habits. Don’t entertain just anything. There are things to be heard and things not to hear.
- With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you: The words we hear are like an orange fruit. Meditating on them is like squeezing out juice from it. The more we squeeze, the more we extract out. The word profits us to the level of attention we pay to it. Jesus describes the level of profit different people get from hearing the same words as thirty, sixty and a hundred fold. The level of profiting been directly proportional to the level of HEED we have paid to the word. Heb 2: 1 admonishes us to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard lest they slip away. Don’t be hasty with Gods words when you hear them. Most especially those concerned with areas you are facing challenges. Meditate on them. The more you meditate, the more it gives to you.
- Unto you that hear shall more be given: Do we actually hear? Or words just seem as sounds to us. We have actually heard when the words we hear have an impact on our lives. Words are purposeFULL. Jesus is teaching that when we hear, the level of attention we give to what we hear determines what we get from it. Let’s put it in money terms. The rich gets richer because more is given to what they have. The poor gets poorer because what they have is taken away from them. The value and premium you place on things determine the yield they accord you. Life is spiritually programmed to do that. Give 10% heed to the doctrine of wealth. It will return 100% to you. Give 10% of love. Get 100% response. Have nothing to give…get nothing in return. Have more to give…get more in return.
Place yourself only in direct contact with words of prosperity. Meditate on words of prosperity. Think prosperity always and you are sure to be what you think. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. That is the WHAT and HOW we hear. When you hear don’t let it depart (slip) from your heart, meditate on it day and night and you will make your way prosperous and have GOOD SUCCESS.
– emmanuel aladenusi
One of the greatest principles occurring over and over in scriptures is the power of words.
Words are double edged. Words we speak and words we hear. Both are very important. Let’s start with words we speak.
Somebody once said that he was great because he was standing on the shoulder of great men. Understanding words is learning the power of the greatest.
Let me ask you. How was the world formed? How is the world sustained? How will the world be destroyed?
“By faith we understand that the things which are seen were made from the things which are not seen”
From where do we understand? From creation. “and God SAID let there be…….“and God SAID let there be…….“and God SAID let there be……….and it was so.
The simplicity of creation displays a very potent tool. All things seen were made from the things not seen by the word. Whatever God wanted he spoke forth FIRST. Everything that came to being was first spoken. Everything! God operates by calling “those things that are not as though they were”. Learn that. Call, speak, say what you want as if it is already. The power of life and death lies in the power of the tongue.
Speaking Gods word to your life creates your future. Speaking words in line with Gods word ensures that future. It really does not matter where you are today. If you consistently speak what and where you want to be tomorrow, you will get there. It doesn’t matter if you feel you believe it or not. God honors His words. He honors the words you speak. He honored the words of Joshua to stop the moon and the sun…..he honored the words of the Israelites and they did not see the Promised Land. As they have said to his ears, so he does. Whichever way you speak, it is honored.
Kenneth Copeland summarizes it this way “YOU ARE THE PROPHET OF YOUR LIFE”. Life responds to what you say. What you say creates what you said. All things act in a way to produce that which has been spoken. Jesus acted and lived in a way to fulfill that which was spoken by the prophets. It gladdens my heart each time I read “that it might be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet….” in scriptures.
Don’t speak anyhow. Be wiser than the people of this age who chant regularly exploiting this powerful tool of life.
You are liable for the words you speak because they determine your tomorrow. Everything that happened in my life till date I spoke forth at some point in life. Positive and negative. So I know where I will be tomorrow because I speak my tomorrow today.
Watch your words. Use them correctly. Speak your tomorrow today. Don’t be careless with words because they will be honored.
When you wake up speak, when you work or walk speak, when you are faced with a situation speak the outcome you want…..always call what you want the way you want it.
With your words you set on fire the course of life.
Don’t forget.
– emmanuel aladenusi
Love is the seeds of all seeds. It is the coating that should be on every seed. Love is the manure that fertilizes all seeds and ensures a harvest. Love is the greatest. You become wealthy and prosperous by giving and the greatest giver and motive for giving is love.
To every problem love is the solution. Love satisfies every need. Don’t ignore love. Many do and make a shipwreck of their lives. When a man walks in love he has all his needs met. Love brings to reality biblical prosperity…having more than enough to meet the needs of others and yourself and having peace within and without.
In Romans 13:8 the bible commands us to “owe no man anything but to love one another”. 1Co: 13:2: And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
When you give love and give in love your labor and seeds become profitable.
Now love is the recipe and solution to the crises in your home. You believe money will win your wife’s respect and affection…. you are wrong. Do this instead. Eph: 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church….” Giving is a proof of the sincerity of love 2Cor 8:8, 1 John 3:16. Love your wife and children, sacrifice time and give to them, listen to her foolishness, help her weaknesses, come down to her level, in love and with love take her to your level. Grow with your children. When you sow the seeds of love in your home your harvest is ensured. All hell cannot stop you from prospering. Nothing can overcome love. Poverty prevails because you are alone. Win your spouse and children and enjoy the strength of a threefold cord.
Ec: 4:12: And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. The discord in your home is the reason for your lack. Life and labor is unprofitable because you are not working in love. Spend time together as a family. Pray, smile, gist, correct, plan, give, help one another.
Finally, let us all labor in love ministering (giving, helping, attending) to the needs of the saints. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
– emmanuel aladenusi
In our previous articles we emphasized that all life begins from the seed. That seeds are weapons of greatness and Gods faithfulness has ensured we all have seeds.
Most of us however don’t recognize seeds or have limited seeds to just money. Money is a seed but other seeds produce money. Seeds are of various types, everyone sows seeds and your seed is given freely to you as a gift from God. Now your dream, vision, purpose, and future are tied to the planting of one seed. So let us explore different kind of seeds that have produced a harvest of the future many desired.
- The seed of kindness. : Gen 18: 1-15
Each time I read the above passage, my spirit is deeply moved. Please read it right now. Have the following background about Abraham.
- He was a very rich man
- He had over 318 trained men in his house
- He had the capacity to chase 4 kings
- He was childless
- He was almost a 100yrs old
Bible records that one evening he saw 3 strangers (v2)
He ran to meet them- he recognized the opportunity to show kindness. He understood the seed of kindness and recognized those men as good soil to sow his seed.
Now what manner of kindness did Abraham display?
*He ran to meet them,
*He bowed with his face touching the ground,
*He called them sirs,
*He ordered for the best of everything and to crown it up
*He served them HIMSELF.
Abraham just had to be blessed. In return for this act of kindness and generosity to strangers and fellow men Abraham received the miracle of 99years. He was blessed with a son. His seed of kindness gave him the harvest of a son. In showing kindness to people we might entertain strangers unawares.
Friends, show some kindness. Show plenty of kindness. Every child, man and women you meet is good soil to sow the seed of kindness given to you freely by God. Be kind to everyone you meet. That means compassionate and tender hearted. Listen to “ordinary” men like Joseph; interpret their dreams for them…tomorrow they will recommend you before the king. Be kind to a king’s son like David and tomorrow he will tell you when to leave the country. Do something undeserved for someone today. The more of yourself you give to people the more of people and God you receive. You are on your own is not the code of great people. Get interested in people…mourn with those that mourn and rejoice with those that rejoice. Do somethingpersonally for someone.
-emmanuel aladenusi
Have you ever wished you were born rich with the silver spoon? I use to wish that. I felt my rich friends had an easier start in life and were exposed to better opportunities and had a certain future. I wished I had that kind of life.
But God made me see things differently and today I am always glad to have been born without the so-called silver spoon. Most great men in all sectors of life were born lowly. Tomorrow’s great men and women will be those with little beginning.
That’s how God operates. 1 Cor 1; 26-27 “for consider your calling brethren that there are not many mighty, not many noble; but God HAS CHOSEN the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the strong and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen the things that are not to nullify the things that are”. God gave that passage life to me. Right from the beginning mighty men were born weak, rich men were born poor, wise men considered foolish. Those that became were those that were not. That’s God way, higher than ours. Samuel overlooked David for he was youngest, God made him king. Great kings should be born in the palace; Jesus was born in the manger. He was from Nazareth where no good thing could come out. God showed differently. Moses was taken from the river. Joseph was the youngest and had more troubles, and he became a prime minister in a country where he wasn’t a national.
I am sure you remember Samson, but do you remember his parents. They were lowly people. How about Elijah, Elisah, Job who was the richest man in his time…do you know where they came from? How about Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Mandela, Ford, …just name them. Where did they start form, where did they come from? How about President Obasanjo?
It’s Gods way. A little one shall become a thousand (Isa. 60.22) and beggars will be taken from the dung hill and made to sit with the best of princes. When men are weak and lowly, Gods strength is made perfect.
Are you poor today, you will be made to confound the rich tomorrow. I tell you it is more certain that the poor child will be wealthy than it is that a rich one will still be wealthy tomorrow.
Despise not the days of little beginning. Glory in it. God moulds great men out of trying situations. Your poor background is not a disadvantage. It is your great advantage. Put your trust in God. Though men will trust in chariots and others in horses let your boast be in the lord for the race is not to the swift and the battle not to the warrior neither bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability. God makes the difference. Nothing else. God in you, the hope of Glory.
You can become wealthy from where you are.
-emmanuel aladenusi
Years back when I was a jobless graduate, God taught me concerning wealth. The revelations were tremendous. I like to share two with you.
It’s funny the way deceit is sown in cycles. Economists discovered and teach that man’s needs/wants are insatiable and that there have to be a formula for allocating the little/scarce resources between our needs. The economy however suggests to us that there is a level of income you attain where you will be free from want and have just anything you want. Another theory advocates that wants/needs grow to meet up with income.
The question is just how much is enough to satisfy you? For me in my jobless state, fifty thousand bucks monthly was more than enough to satisfy my dreams. Today that’s very insufficient. Rockefeller a famous philanthropist who gave out millions annually to charity was asked, “just how much money is enough” he replied “just a little more”. Whole nations make budgets worth trillions and still record a deficit. Men and women that have amassed millions still can’t sleep for fear of making more money. The most ferocious businessmen are still the richest men. More money did not bring rest. Many of the world richest men and women are broke today.
A mans worth is not his bank account. A mans dreams is not achieved nor hindered by his net physical worth. What we chase and get monetary wise will never meet our needs. Never! Jesus taught the rich not to trust in UNCERTAIN riches but to put their trust in God who gives us all things richly to enjoy. Money has wings and will surely fly. Praying and working all your life in other to meet your wants/needs will end in frustration.
There is a higher level. At that level God supplies all our needs not according to our income, but according to his infinite riches in glory. At that level God is our own shepherd and is responsible directly for our provision. At that level we cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us. Earn millions but never forget that God is the supplier of your needs. God in your little is having abundance and without God in your abundance, you have nothing. Hallelujah. Why is that a better level?
Which will you choose? I give you a billion now and that’s all or I give you nothing but allow you access to an account that has enough to supply whatever you need, whenever you need it and wherever you need it all the days of your life. I will choose the regular supply. That means if I am trapped in the desert like Haggai, a well will be dug for me; that means if I am in the cave like Elijah, ravens will be sent to me; that means if I find myself in the wilderness for as long as forty years, manna will come directly from heaven; that means every rock can produce water for me if I get thirsty; that means instead of looking at my oil (salary) like the widow of Zeraphat, I can keep pouring (spending) on His instruction and fill as many jars as I have (meet as many needs as may arise). That means whatever I get is protected and shielded from devourers. That’s my greatest confidence in finances. The understanding that at every point in time my needs have being known and prepared for beforehand by the most high.
It is the blessings of God that makes rich and added no sorrow. Glory! I can do all things. Equal to any task because God supplies my needs directly.
-emmanuel aladenusi
Every thing in life and outside life operates naturally when in its territory. A fish will swim naturally in water; birds fly naturally in the sky and man move naturally on ground.
For a believer wealth is our natural heritage and habitat. I don’t have to prove to be a male…. it is clear for all to see. Even if I am not aware of it, it doesn’t make a difference. I am still male.
Every child of God is RICH. Now ‘every” including you. We are not trying to become rich, we are already rich. But you have no money, no clothes; you have many needs you can’t meet, overdue rents, unpaid fees, fear of where the next meal will come from. Etc? That’s not true.
The truth is that you are so rich. Before Adam was created God prepared everything he will ever need to function in life. They were prepared before hand and handed over to him at creation. Now God created everything abundantly. He also made lots of varieties and God thought of everything. Though Adam still worked, he was not struggling to succeed or acquire. He was that by creation. He worked to replenish the earth, to have dominion and to subdue it. And in all he did he got results.
Now I want you to always remember that all you will ever need God has provided before you came to be. Nothing just happens with God. The fall of Adam changed that and the ground and life in general became unresponsive to man. But Christ changed that too. He became poor that we might become rich and gave us richly all things to enjoy; he became our shepherd that we might not want again, He supplies all our needs in direct proportion to his own riches, he made sure whatsoever we do prospers:
Glory to God! We are sure that all things are orchestrated together for our good, we are sure we cannot suffer for the curse of the land and the devil cannot bring any accusation against us for it is God himself that has justified us. We do not suffer any form of lack because we have been brought into glory; for it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. Beloved now are we the sons of God……now God is directly responsible for us. We are not servants; wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, THEN AN HEIR OF GOD THROUGH CHRIST. We are joint heirs with Christ. So scriptures affirm that all things are yours/ours/mine.
There is a place of rest and we that believe have entered into that rest. The mentality that it is only at death that a man experience rest is untrue. We that believe have entered into God’s rest. A place where we always have ALL SUFFICIENCY IN ALL THINGS.
Beloved we are rich. Richer than the man in the world because we not only are heirs and owners of all things but because we are custodians of the unsearchable riches of Christ; Change that mindset. Affirm these things constantly. Don’t be like the elder brother of the prodigal son that had all things but enjoyed none. God has given us all things richly to enjoy. – emmanuel aladenusi