A lion is a pretty strong beast. I am always fascinated when I see the claws, those teeth and the huge paws. I wonder how Daniel would really have felt knowing he did not just have to deal with one but was flung into a den of lions. Truly when the Lord is on your side … even lions can be tamed. Well, today however, I am again reminded that as fierce and strong a lion looks, it still tactfully takes on its prey. I mean it tends to always chase after a herd of buffaloes but would in the process isolate one. One very unlucky victim suddenly becomes cornered and fight as it may, it just cannot match those paws all by itself. ISOLATION…..a strategy of the lion for centuries. Oddly enough the devil who tends to think he is a lion loves this strategy as well.
But I am not here to enumerate devil’s tactics. Rather to give a word of caution to you, to me. Are you getting bored with the brotherhood? Are you drafting excuses to stay all by yourself? Well … Be careful. It might be nice to know it was spent in some prayer sessions or truly waiting on the Lord. But don’t bask in isolation for too long. Learn to be in the company of the believers in prayers, in worship, in study and even in tearing of bread.
Hebrews 10:25 gave a word of caution to us being by ourselves. Have you noticed our fathers in the faith? Some great errors were made upon standing alone – David, Samson, Noah, Lot, etc. Be on guard. Do not despise the brotherhood. No doubt there may be arguments with your brother but let love grow in the midst of us. Let our unity truly be strength. Let us pray and not tatter endlessly on what should be that is not. Let us worship God and wait on the Lord. Let our meetings together be a source of inspiration and not a means of disintegration. Let us truly be one. Let us meet and desire to meet again and again. Let us meet for God and not for ourselves.
I have always been moved close to tears each time home is brought closer than I could ever imagine in the midst of the brotherhood. While briefly in Asia I had the opportunity of attending a house fellowship; I would not trade that experience for any other. Everything seems to stand still. Truly how wonderful and how beautiful it is for brethren to dwell in unity. When I consider the one to whom we are gathered, all tribal sentiments, all divisions, all gender strife, all bickering, all mistakes, all errors, all headaches seem inconsequential in the light of Christ to whom we are gathered. And they can’t prevent me from coming again and again.
Are you miles away from one? Start one at home, in the field, at work. It doesn’t require much really. Just you and another believer.
Don’t be isolated from the brotherhood. Don’t be on your own.
Till I see you brother and sister. Go be with the brotherhood close to you.
Dr. bolaji akanni
I am being made to understand that God is able. He does not need a set of process to effect a change. All that matters is His word as a backing. For by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie.
He maketh all things beautiful in His own time should not be interpreted as weakness or that He is trying to make an event happen. Holy Spirit please help pass this message across.
The bible says He calleth those things that be not as though they were. Romans 4:17
He said in a certain place that, are my hands too short or my ears deaf?
God said let there be…..
He didn’t say let the protons merge with the neutrons and the electrons surrounding. Then let’s wait for the famous KABOOM!!!
No he said let there be and there was.
I pray and desire to be able to trust God for my salary at the end of the month as much as I would believe He is able to cause me to abound beyond that same paycheck.
I trust God to allow that headache be healed as much as He would cause new eyes where their once was none or cause new feet where there was once none.
Because He is God all by himself and He doesn’t need building blocks to achieve His aim.
Sometime ago I used to try and rationalise how it would come to pass. I mean try to explain and point out every path to a miracle. But now I am left with no other thought than to wonder at the majesty of the one with whom nothing shall be called impossible.
Don’t limit God today!! Trust Him in faith that He is able to do.
Dr. bolaji akanni |
The life of the believer is marked by a continual gazing upon Christ and the truth of his word. These things however are deducible not by vain imagination but by revelation through His word.
The Bible declares that we walk by faith and not by sight, which is emphatic on the fact that we must continually observe through the eyes of faith.
What however is faith?
Faith is deep rooted conviction in a substantial entity. Faith is the expression of belief upon God through his Word in spite of contradicting or favourable circumstances. Notice that in spite of circumstances, what our faith is meant to be hinged upon is the Word of God. Without an understanding of the Word there cannot be bible kind of faith. Remember, faith cometh by hearing and hearing the message of Christ.
Along these lines especially in view of the topics above let us X – ray the faith of some patriarchs of old
Bible declares that against all hope, Abraham believed God. He was not imagining things. The bible goes on to give us the basis of his faith in verse 21 of Romans 4….he was fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep HIS WORD and to do what HE HAD PROMISED. Consider verse 19 (according to that which had been spoken, “So shall your seed be”)
Do you now wonder when the scripture says He believed God?
Abraham again offered up his Son in verse 19 of the same chapter. Why? Because he reasoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead. Let us not forget God had been clear enough to explain that Isaac was the one through whom he was to be father of many nations physically.
Abraham 4th person in the Hall of faith joins along with the other patriarchs who looked forward to the city whose foundations are built of God. Verse 10, 13, 14, and 26 of Hebrews 11.
Moses looked forward and away to the reward verse 26.
By this same conviction, Joseph ordered his bones to be taken knowing the promise of Godthat they would be delivered out of the land.
I consider lastly Stephen whose wisdom was so mighty; but how won’t it when all the while he was not seeing the people and their seething anger but beholding in faith to the point he saw the Glory of the lord.
How do you and I see these unseen realities and stop walking in the vanities of our mind or the things seen. This comes by trust in God and his Word.
He that would come to God must believe that he is and a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb 11:6
Don’t imagine or think up faith. Rather establish your heart by pondering diligently on his word for this is where faith is hinged on.
– Dr bolaji akanni
II Samuel 3:39
At a troublous time in his sojourn on earth, David complained about the vengeful and murderous act of his nephews, Joab and Abishai. “…and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me.”
They were really hard for David’s soft heart to manage. When he preaches forgiveness, they practiced vengeance. When he prayed for peace, they declared war.
So, have I noticed with the trio: Self, World and Satan – the enemies of my soul. When I made up my mind to be spiritual, the world brings in worldliness. When I brace up for a marathon prayer, my body sags in weakness. In many of my desire to serve the Lord, Satan hindered me.
Yet, I have a word for each of you. To the devil, “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise.” Micah 7:8. To the world, “I am dead, and my life is hid with Christ in God.” Col 3:3. To my weak body, “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” I Corinthians 16:13.
And to my Lord Jesus I plead “Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee.” Ruth 1:16.
– okenna igbokwe |
I fancy playing some team sports when I’ve got the time to. Maybe on a picnic or sometimes just wanting to break some sweat. But one thing I notice they all have in common (Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, etc) is the change of attitude a player has when he switches sides. Take for instance player A in team A is suddenly told to change over and join team B, thus becoming his former teammates opponents.
Now he may have teamed well with his former players but now he has to advance strongly AGAINST them. He is suddenly employing all that he has to score against his former team.
As Christians that kind of mindset should permeate our being especially in view of repentance.
No longer are we advancing the same course with respect to our former ways which are in disharmony with the word of God. Paul had this to say about the Thessalonians Church …“and how you turned to God from your idols to serve a God Who is alive and true and genuine, and how you look forward to and await the coming of His Son from heaven, Whom he raised from the dead – Jesus,”
Consider the phrase “turn around” and “look forward”. This connotes a complete reversal of thought.
I love the way Paul conveyed this in the book of Corinthians. “When you became distressed in a godly way, look at how much devotion it caused you to have. You were ready to clear yourselves of the charges against you. You were disgusted with the wrong that had been done. You were afraid. You wanted to see us. You wanted to show your concern for us. You were ready to punish the wrong that had been done. In every way you have demonstrated that you are people who are innocent in this matter.”
A clause I must however add at this juncture is this: We walk by faith and not by sight. Our turn around must be established on the Word of God. It is a turn around with the word of God before us; not just antagonizing all we ever did, but viewing all in the light of God’s word.
Enjoy your game but don’t let this mindset ever escape you.
– Dr bolaji akanni
At the inception of the year, the Federal Road Safety Corps in Nigeria made the wearing of crash helmets mandatory for all motor bike riders and passengers nationwide. This order was to bring a sense of decorum and protection for both bike riders and passengers alike. Given the spate of “Okada” (commercial motor bikes) accidents in Nigeria, the government through its agency needed to step in to enforce the much needed safety measures. Government came to the realization that all citizens and inhabitants are first and foremost “government pikin” (Government’s responsibility). They know they are primary custodians of the well beings of their citizens and inhabitants of the geopolity. On this basis the government views anybody who denies them this onerous responsibility of being the harbingers of a befitting wellbeing as enemy of the state and thus would be dealt with accordingly.
Over the weekend I hitched a ride on a motor bike to my friend’s abode. I wore a crash helmet as a law abiding citizen who had been inculcated into this new regime of security and social wellbeing. It then dawned on me that I was “abstract”. I wasn’t looking the “norm”. Especially in a society where people have been used to plying the most popular means of transportation unprotected – skulls left stark naked awaiting the uncanny event of an accident by a recluse “expert” rider. After all I wasn’t mounting a power bike so why should I be embellished with a “sophisticated” Grand prix outfit. As much as I had imbibed this new social culture I was feeling very odd with this new regime of conformity. A sense of humility encapsulated me as I was being gagged by the law. Above all I needed not fear the wrath of the law enforcement agents who were ready to wield their authority at the slightest default.
Much as the government of the day is concerned about our well being God is much more concerned about the well being of the world he created. He gave his son (Jhn.3:16, Gal.4:4, Rom.8:32) and in addition to that he gave us all things freely to enjoy (Rom.8:32, 1Tim.6:17). It’s erroneous for humans to work and walk trusting expertly on their whims rather than the plan of the Father (Eph.5:17). They’ll thereby leave themselves in the hands of the Devil who’ll have them for a gourmet made lunch (1Pet.5:8). The Father’s plan for us is that we work in line with his protection and provision for us in Christ Jesus (2Pet.1:1-3). This safety measure humbles us (Eph.3:9-14, Phil.3:8-10) and makes us live against the norm (Gal2:20, 2Cor.5:14-15). It brings a sense of decorum and direction in our conducts on the face of the earth (Tit.3:11-14). The Christians appreciate their pilgrimage and sense of responsibility to the dying souls (1Pet2.11-12). At first we would feel that we are being unwholesomely abstract – yea, but we are (Eph.5:8-10).
Friends much as you could have been used to being driven by some expertly cut out human ideas, we belong to the ultimate counselor, governor and master (Isaiah 9:6-7). He knows he’s responsible for our lives because he bought us with his life. He’s the creator of everything (John.1:1-5, Col.1:16-17) so he has a better idea of how to manoeuvre in this puzzled terrain. Just as it is an aberration to defy the laws of the land to the detriment of our safety it is an aberration to defy the law of the new creature (Gal.6:15-16) to the detriment of your excellence as a Christian.
Abide with the “safety first measure” by attending to and doing God’s will in all your endeavors. God owns you (1Cor.6:19-20).
– emeka ofia |
Sometime ago while pondering over God’s word. I was again struck by the unique, distinct and peculiar life we have been called into. I am actually living the life of Christ. I am not to try to please him by my hands but to show forth the excellent virtues of his mighty power at work in me.
I am not trying to carve a niche for myself. Instead whatever niche that may be carved out should continually stem from the accomplished work on the cross.
I mean does my life exhibit the uniqueness of Christ or is it another self declared style unique to me.
Does my action stem from the world or does it stem from the true word of God.
Even though we are called new creatures, our sufficiency does not come from ourselves but from the operation of God in us.
I used to say that what kind of strange humility would make a man pray that men should not see him but the CROSS but now I understand better. Paul desired that we abound in and be filled with the fruits of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ to the honour and praise of God [that his Glory may be both manifested and recognised] Phil 1:11 Consider contextually verse 18
verse 20…my own eager desire and persistent expectation and hope that I shall not disgrace myself nor be put to shame in anything but that with the utmost of speech and unfailing courage, now as always heretofore Christ will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine and be boldly exalted in my person whether through life or through death.
For me to live is Christ
Brother, let our names be forgotten but let Christ be exalted in our bodies. No other thing surpasses this.
The Hymn writer says
“Not I, but Christ,” be honoured, loved, exalted;
“Not I, but Christ,” be seen, be known, be heard;
“Not I, but Christ,” in every look and action;
“Not I, but Christ,” in every thought and word
Christ, only Christ, ere long will fill my vision;
Glory excelling, soon, full soon, I’ll see
Christ, only Christ, my every wish fulfilling
Christ, only Christ, my All in All to be
Culled from Sacred Songs and Solos (Hymn 623)
In conclusion brothers and sisters, the life of the Christian is the life of Christ. Let us prayerfully pore over these words “I have been crucified with Christ, and I live; yet no longer I, but Christ lives in me. And that life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith toward the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself on my behalf”.
Dr bolaji akanni
Basic economics teaches us that the demand for a product or service in the market determines its supply. People would continually demand for a product or service that they derive utility from. In other words they demand products that add value to their well being. People are naturally attracted to things that give them satisfaction the same way ants are attracted to sugar. The most sought after products in the market are those identified to meet the yearnings of every class in the society. The greatest blue chip brands in the world are those brands that have added value to most of the households across the world, the likes of Microsoft, Pepsi, Coca-cola, Toyota, Mobil, e.t.c. Their products are ranked as premium – first amongst equals.
The greatest soccer teams in the world have a huge fan base because they add value to the lives of their fans. Their quality of play and system of administration endear more supporters to them. You can’t compare the fan base of the best team in a first division to the fan base of the best team in a second division. Although both teams play football, they are not in the same division. People will naturally associate with top quality and this can only be measured by the divisions they play in. Anytime a “great” team wins a globally recognized tournament her fans are left in cloud nine – they’re made proud and excited. This is the value they add. That is why they are counted in a special class above equals.
The greatest blue chip brands and greatest soccer teams have something in common – they add value. They enjoy great patronage because they provide goods and services that meet the yearnings of their customers cum fans; hence they have mustered a bandwagon for their products and services. The reasons they’ve achieved their unparalleled feats is that they are diligent and driven by excellence.
As a Christian what differentiates you from the rest of the pack is the value you add. If you don’t show qualitative Kingdom values nobody would glorify your Father in heaven for your sake (Mat. 5:14-16). It’s the degree to which you make yourself available for God that you’ll shine so make every effort to be fit for the Master’s use (2Tim. 2:20-21).
As a Christian for you to be a successful value adder you must be diligent. In other words, you must be focused, dynamic, purposeful, ingenious, proactive, pragmatic and dexterous. With these qualities you would certainly impact the world around you immensely (Prov. 21:5) and you’ll have your place before great men (Prov. 22:29). A lazy Christian is doomed (Prov. 21:25).
You must vigorously pursue the excellence of God’s grace in all your endeavours, because it’s through the knowledge of God’s grace that you’ll appreciate the beauty of God in you and what God demands from you (Tit. 2:11-14). The Apostle Paul took advantage of this knowledge in his labours (1Cor. 15:9-10) and he has become the most celebrated Apostle in the Bible. He wrote about 13 out of the 27 books of the New Testament.
Add value to yourself and to the world at large because God has configured you to do so (Eph. 2:10). You are a Premium gift to the world and your manifestation is earnestly awaited (Rom. 8:19) – don’t delay.
Posted by: emeka ofia |
A Christian indeed! He confesses that God can do all things. At the same time he declares that: “Nobody is perfect.”
Do you think he is right? Hear these:
“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man wasperfect and upright, and one that feared God, and escheweth evil.” Job 1:1.
“Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” Genesis 6:9b.
“The Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Genesis 17:1
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48
“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast…” Matthew 19:21
“Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect…” II Corinthians 13:11
You can see that God is eager to make you perfect, if you will play your own part. In this life journey, I have learnt a secret to perfection. That is winning from the mind.
“Casting down all imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” II Corinthians 10:5
That is where to start! Every thought, dream, ambition, imagination and desire that is not of God must be cast down. A winner in the mind is a winner in the body and a winner in action.
Never limit God. By His grace, a man is made perfect in his deeds.
-okenna igbokwe |
Most times when we teach and tell people truths and principles of scriptures, they just look at you and remark – ‘this guy does not know what he is talking about’, ‘if it’s that easy, you think I will be here’, ‘na today’, ‘he hasn’t seen anything yet, it is youthful exuberance’. ‘You don’t understand what I am going through or saying’. People believe if it must work, it has to be difficult. They believe a ‘difficult problem’ requires a serious and rigorous solution. They believe ‘good things don’t come easy’ so they expect very rigid rules and regulations which if they succeed in keeping their conscience will be satisfied that they have worked for and are entitled to what they get. The foundation of God however stands very sure and the scriptures cannot be broken or modified to suit our traditional ‘I deserve it’ or ‘nothing good comes easy’ mentality. This Gospel is simple and is taught simple!
2Corinthians 1:12 “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that insimplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward”.
The gospel is taught with simplicity because it is a simple gospel:
2Corinthians 11:3 “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through hissubtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ”.
Don’t be amazed it’s so simple. In Christ all things are made simple. There is simplicity in Christ Jesus!!!! His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Friends, it is not easy because it should be easy. It is easy because someone paid the price that made it easy. It’s without regulations and rigid sacraments because someone observed those sacraments on our behalf and had them put aside. You deserve it because someone worked it out for you. You don’t have to trek and sweat through deserts and mountains and forests to get to the next continent. Just take advantage of someone else’s wisdom and work, travel by air. Same way you don’t have to struggle.
Take advantage of Christ. If you come with leprosy and he tells you go take a bath, go take it! If your wine is finished and he tells you fill your jars with water, fill them up. If you are crippling and he says get up, stand up. If he says let down your net, don’t say you have tried many times, just do it.
– emmanuel aladenusi