“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, EVEN AS THE LORD THE CHURCH”. Ephesians 5:29 (KJV)
I am the flesh of Jesus’ flesh and bone of his bones. When God created man in the garden, he made him alone. Then, we are told that God caused him to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib out and formed a woman out of it. He brought the woman to the man and the man said: ‘This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh’. When he said that, he meant that the bones and flesh of the woman came out of his own bones and flesh. But more than that, he also meant that he was obligated to nourish and cherish the bones and flesh of the woman as he would his own bones and flesh.
Now, Ephesians 5:30 tells us that just as through the deep sleep and awakening of Adam, Eve was made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones, so also, through the death and resurrection of Christ, we have been made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones.
Therefore, in the same way in which Adam was committed to nourish the flesh of Eve as his own flesh, Christ also is committed to nourish and cherish this mortal body of ours as his own glorified body.
Do you now see why sickness and disease can’t just come and drop it’s baggage on you? Your body is hooked up to the body of Christ. He is committed to nourish and cherish your body as his own.
A body nourished and cherished by Christ should not have cancer, skin disease, HIV or any such thing. Why? Because Jesus’ body simply doesn’t have any of these. Heed the call of victory today and walk into your dominion. You are bone of Jesus’ bones and flesh of his flesh!
– Dr. deji Oyebamiji