Never mind who dares… if God cares
Never mind who frowns… if God smiles
Never mind who mocks… if God exalts
Never mind who cheats… if God lifts
Never mind who struggles… if God promotes
Never mind who curses… if God blesses
Never mind who withholds… if God gives
Never mind who disappoints… if God appoints
Never mind who separates… if God unites
Never mind who rejects… if God accepts
Never mind who forgets… if God remembers
Never mind who tears… if God mends
Never mind who stirs… if God stills
Never mind who binds… if God liberates
Never mind who devours… if God protects
Never mind who stains… if God cleanses
Never mind who faints… if God heals
Never mind who hates… if God loves
Never mind who crucifies… if God resurrects
Never mind who dies… if God lives.
“…Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on God, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” I Peter 5:7 (AMP)
– tope aladenusi
How would a sailor sail his ship without his compass for direction?
How would the Captain of the flight continue on his journey when he has lost complete contact of the radar or radio communication?
As I sojourn here on earth, direction towards the right path is best gotten in our communication with God. He’s the embodiment of our compass for direction.
A very good way is to “prayerfully” know His heart intention for you.
Every rhythm composed from your footsteps should connote the rudimental musical notes and principles in the Father’s heart for you.
Why continue in that journey without a sense of direction?
Pray some so that you can be rest assured that you are on the right track and path.
Start the prayers right there. It’s about the best place and time for you.
“I will therefore that men pray everywhere …”(I Timothy 2:8 KJV)
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit …” (Ephesians 6:18 KJV).
– adeyiga awomuti
Today’s adverts reveal a lot about the major pursuit of men.
From the lotto Nigeria advert where a shoemaker dreams of becoming a millionaire and chauffeur driven to the Skye Bank “I wish I could go far in life without stress”. The answer/solution to both questions is MONEY. Why not? “Money answereth all things” … Ecclesiastes 10:19. and “is a defense”. Ecclesiastes 7:12
But are we right in the unrelenting pursuit of money? Is money really the answer to life’s problems? Is it right to wake up every money and exert all that is in me in the pursuit of money? Just how many years of my active life will I spend LOOKING/WORKING for money? If the money problem is settled what will I rather do with my effort and time?
Is there a formula for acquiring wealth? I mean a tested and trusted one? Can I be rich WITHOUT STRESS? What does the Bible have to say? What is the Christian way?
Lots of questions. Ponder them.
Stay with us.
– emmanuel aladenusi
Jesus Christ met a man who had been sick for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda and he asked him, “Would you like to be well?” “I can’t, sir,” the sick man said, “for I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred up” – John 5:6-7 (NLT).
This man had Jesus by his side, but his mind was more focused on his difficulty. His reason was simple – ‘I & no one’ couldn’t help. Many believers also fall into this web of trusting in their abilities and in others for help despite the fact that they have Jesus residing in them always.
If you ask a believer, “Do you believe God can divide a sea?” he would probably say, “Yes! He did it for the Israelites”. If you question further, “Do you believe God can crumble a building?”, “Of course, even the walls of Jericho came down flat”, he would say. But ask him, “Do you believe God can help you out of this so called difficult situation you are going through?” He would immediately start fumbling with words. He claims to trust God for big things that are not directly attached to him, but for little challenges that come his way daily, he schemes other sources of solution.
The reason why we say a situation is difficult is because we have looked at it and compared it with our abilities and connections, and we realize they don’t match. But no matter how big any difficulty may look, placing it before Jesus, we immediately see a possibility.
Beloved, we live in an age where the ideas of philosophers are gaining more grounds and we are taught to trust in the various means by which help comes, rather than on the source of help; we are taught to rely on ourselves and connections for help, but Christianity is still saying – “From where does my help comes, my help cometh from God”.
– tope aladenusi