I HOPE YOU PONDERED THOSE QUESTIONS? And I hope you got answers too.
Making money is easy. Anybody can make money. I have seen all sorts of people make money. Money however is not an end in itself. It begins many things. It is like an octopus with many tentacles. It is keeping control of the various tentacles that have ruined many.
“Being WISE is as good as being RICH, in fact it is better. WISDOM or MONEYcan get you almost anything, but it is important to know that only wisdom can save your life” Eccl. 7:11-12 NLT. Wisdom is the principal thing. Get wisdom, it creates, channels and sustains wealth. Money answers to wisdom.
Go first for wisdom. Study the word. Cease from your consideration of wealth and study the word. Get understanding by books. Take advantage of the spirit within that reveals all things and learn “deep things”. The word produces all things (John 1:3) and sustains all things (Heb 1:3). So “…blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of God and in it he meditates day and night, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth its fruit in season, its leaf also does not grow dry and whatsoever he doeth prospers” Psalm 1:1-3
Wisdom is key. If you find it there will be a future and your hope will not be cut off. It did for me.
The best start, the thirst and search for wisdom.
-emmanuel aladenusi
Meeting him as Dr Jekyll was such a delight but meeting him as Mr. Hyde was such a nightmare. It was the story of a man who had a split personality. Good and evil forces worked closely within the same individual. He just couldn’t help himself. He was weak to every nudge whether good or bad. This story aptly describes the mentality of a lot of Christians who are weak to every impulse of good and evil excusing it as the evil side of me. Some out rightly confess of an evil thing working deep down. It’s deep in me comes the humble and pitiable cry of some.
But let’s look at how God’s word describes you.
James said can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? Either a vine or figs? So can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. James 3:12. Once you and I were darkness but now are we light in the lord Eph 5:8. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1st Corinthians 6:9 – 11.
Once we ran under the course of this world. Within the very core of our being was an evil too strong for any code of conduct. We were evil by nature. Sin was in every fibre of our being. When sin sneezed we caught a very, very terrible cold. But God has delivered us from the bondage of sin that we were held in so that we should now live our lives in righteousness to God. Roman 6:10 – 11. Ponder a while on this reality. Since you are now the very child of God from above, the only thing wired deep down into your system is the very spirit of God. Thank God for this wonderful Grace upon you.
Next time you want to excuse that action because of an evil thing in your being. Realise that you are walking in the greatest deceit of all time. For that is not who you are. I mean don’t you know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God now dwells within you.
Catch you next week
– bolaji akanni
“Greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends”
I must confess that love involves having strong emotional feelings for a person and I am sure everyone appreciates this side of Love. But then it is very insufficient to say Love is only a strong emotional feeling, considering the fact that this feeling is not always there. Sometimes we are hurt deeply by the one we love and at such times the feeling is not that so called strong emotional feeling. In situations like that, do we withdraw and say I don’t love you anymore? No! Love goes beyond how we feel.
Sometimes Love is about forgetting about ourselves. Love does not seek its own. It’s about laying down one’s lives, denying one’s self pleasures, delaying pursing personal dreams and even more for the one we say we love. Laying down our lives sometimes is forsaking the hurt we feel to give way for forgiveness, in order to have the pleasure of that strong emotion again. I have even found that when we say we love a person and indeed if we love a person, we always seek restoration whenever there is a fall out.
Another very important side to loving a person is understanding that the other person is not perfect hence perfection is not to be expected. The Bible confirms the fact that we know in parts, hence whatever knowledge of the other person which led to our feelings for him or her is incomplete and one sided, sooner than later the weaknesses will begin to show. I remember something God dropped in my mind while I was courting my husband; God made me realize that He (my husband to be then) would not always do things right and in fact would make mistakes but I had to stick to him always. I think I needed to be told that by God Himself because I always expected so much from people. I am sure everyone needs to know this. Loving a person is accepting the other person through and through. Love seeks to correct wrong, that is why it does not rejoice in unrighteousness. Whenever we discover the shortcomings in our loved ones the right attitude is to seek for means to correct such. It is not an opportunity to feel better than the other person. Love is not about scoring points. I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient. – Real Live Preacher, RealLivePreacher.com
I’ll leave you with this saying for this week. See you next with more on love. Love you!
– lola ezeifeoma |
Bible Reading: Romans 8: 1- 14
One of the greatest assets of a believer is the potential to discern God’s will. Every believer has the same right to know God’s will for his/her life although not all of us take steps to actualize it. Those who have been able to train themselves to discern the mind of God are seen as great men of God. Whereas, knowing the will of God is similar to a radio station that is always broadcasting signals; if you do not tune your radio frequency to that of the station, you may never get the signals. In like manner, God is always sending signals to all believers, but only a few are tuning to ‘God’s frequency’.
The ability to recognize and actualize God’s will naturally position you in the path of peace, progress and prosperity. But how can you recognize the will of God concerning any area of your life? What do you need to do in order to make sure you always know the mind of God concerning a subject?
The questions I’ve been asked by numerous counselees over the years have informed me that the body of Christ is in dire need of this message. But I believe every believer should be very knowledgeable of this subject.
In the next few months, we will be teaching on this subject. I will like you to inform all your friends and loved ones to join you in benefiting from this message. One easy way they can do this is by freely subscribing to our mailing list viahttp://www.christlifeline.org/mailinglist.html
Our desire is that these teachings will affect your life to the point that unbelievers around you will crave to be like you and when they come to inquire the reason for your success, you will introduce them to Jesus Christ.
– tope aladenusi
I am borne of a Dad who believes in work 24-7. When I was growing up he would wake us up before dawn……even when no work was being done in the farm. He just wanted us to start doing something as early as five in the morning. I am not a proponent of working on and on and as such my life would be really unpleasant when the clock hit five in the morning. My brother copied him in this and he would make us work in the farm from six in the morning to six in the evening, the only break being a thirty-minute spell of swallowing food (not eating) nicknamed ‘lunch break’. It reached a point where our brother would allot the farm area to be worked on to each one of us, albeit some of us being younger and energetically challenged. At the end of my first day, my hands had developed blisters and my shoulders were stinging with aches. From the second day onwards, my palms developed hard gravel-textured protrusions such that whenever I shook other people’s hands, they would exclaim….oh your hands are so rough! My shoulders and back developed incessant pains. In the evening, we would apply pain balm on our bodies. It seemed like slavery. Absolutely! It was like the case of the Israelites at the hands of the odious Egyptians. My father managed to push some values into our lives…..though via hairsplitting methods. I thank him anyhow.
Then, my pastor came up with a sermon about those who do not work. Based on the scriptures, these should not eat at all. That affirmed my belief that life was about three things: Work, Work and Work. What my pastor didn’t say is that hard work does not mean roving throughout, like the earth which rotates nonstop.
But as time went on, I reached a point in life when my body stopped functioning like a thermometer, measuring the intensity of the fatigue, and instead started working like a thermostat, as a regulatory device that would make sure the body goes off whenever exhausted. I would experience serious thundering pulses on my head. That was when I was in my third year in campus and exams littered my life. I hopped from campus exams to professional exams ad infinitum. The results? Engine-knocks as it were. Serious headaches faced me. I went to the campus clinic and the doctor told me that I had symptoms of a person who had continuously engaged his mind without a rest. I have always labeled doctors as pure guessers, especially those with limited experience and professional qualifications like him. But this time around, I admittedly nodded….. “That’s right; I have been reading without a rest for the last eighteen months (on the lower side)”.
‘All work without play makes Jack a dull boy’ is not just ancient English saying. In deed it has become as practical as never before, as witnessed by inventions such as retreats, fun days, crazy Olympics, holidaying and indoor working that have marked the 21st century. Mankind has realized that there needs a balance between work and life.
The question of how to spend time wisely is an age-old riddle which can only be solved by applying the scriptures. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 sums up everything……there is time for everything. And Genesis 2:2 reads: And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.Are you wondering how you would strike a balance between work and life? Is the seesaw in your life tilting in one direction, threatening to throw you off-balance? Is your life clogged by a nerve-racking job? Or is your boss angry with you for your hands-off attitude to your work? The answers to both these diametric questions are hidden in the many pages of the Holy Book, the Bible. We will present some of them to you here. Stay with us.
– johnstone katuku
Coronary heart disease, also known as ischaemic heart disease is the commonest form of heart disease and the single most important cause of premature death in the developed world.
It is a disease of the coronary arteries which are the blood vessels responsible for supplying blood and oxygen to the tissues of the heart. It manifests with symptoms of chest pain and palpitations. There could be swelling of the legs due to heart failure and in some cases it may lead to sudden death.
But are there things we could do to prevent developing coronary heart disease. Certainly yes! Here are some things you could do to insure yourself against the disease.
- Avoid tobacco smoking – tobacco is the most important avoidable cause of coronary heart disease
- Reduce your cholesterol intake – cholesterol is found in foods like eggs, butter and certain oils. High levels in the blood predispose to the disease
- Increase your physical activity – a sedentary (inactive) lifestyle predisposes to coronary artery disease. Regular exercise is prescribed
- Stay away from heavy drinking – heavy drinking is associated with hypertension and other cardiac events which may lead to the development of coronary artery disease
Taking these four precautions will go a long way in helping you prevent coronary heart disease.
I love you and God bless you.
– Dr. deji oyembamiji
The word BIBLE does not appear in the scriptures at all. It comes from the Greek work “Biblos” and “Biblion” which means “the Book”. It is not called the Book because there are sixty-six books, but because of its pre-eminence over all other books.
The word “Testament” means covenant, and by this term God designated the relation that existed between Himself and His people. The Old Testament or Covenant was given at Mount Sinai and concerns the Jewish race. The New Testament was made in the upper room and concerns believers. This was sealed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; Heb. 9: 150.
Our aim in this study is not to undertake detailed exegetical analysis of each book of the Old Testament but a general overview. More than anything else, a survey reveals the unity of the Scriptures which is not only structural but doctrinal and organic.
The Bible was put together according to a definite and divine plan of God who was the Architect as well as the Builder. There are no inconsistencies in the Bible. Throughout man’s natural relationship to God as creator and the possibility of spiritual relationship on the grounds of redemption are kept in view.
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These five books are also called The Pentateuch or Books of the Law: Authorship ascribed to Moses; confirmed by Jesus Christ John 5:46-47).
- Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, I Kings, 1& II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. These are called the Books of History because they contain the history ofIsrael as a people in the Promised Land
- Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, canticles; these are called The Books of Poetry
- Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel. These are the Major Prophets
- Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. (Minor Prophets)
The terms Major and Minor Prophets have got nothing to do with the character of the prophets or with the quality of their message, it merely designated the longer books from the shorter ones.
It is important to know that the books of the Bible are not arranged according to dates of writing. If this was so, the book of Job would come before Genesis. Also, the books of the prophets (Major and Minor) are not arranged according to the dates each of them carried out his ministry. They carried out their ministries in three distinct era of Jewish history, viz; before the exile, during the exile and after the exile. Their order of ministry is as follows:-
- Prophets of Northern Kingdom (Israel) – Jonah, Amos, Hosea.
- Prophets of Southern Kingdom (Judah)- Obadiah, Joel, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum,Habakkuk,Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Lamentations.
- Prophets after the exile – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
- Number of books – 39
- Total Chapters – 929
- Total Verses – 23, 144
- Words – 602, 585
- Middle Book – Proverbs
- Middle Chapter – Job 20
- Middle Verses – 2 Chro 20: 17 -18
- Smallest Book – Obadiah
- Shortest Verse – I Chro. 1:25
- Longest Chapter – Psalm 119
- Longest Verse – Esther 8:9 (89 words; 425 letters)
- Largest Book – Psalms.
Some verses of the Old Testament contain all the letters of the alphabet except one e.g. (in King James Version).
- Ezra 7 :21 contain all except j
- Joshua T: 24;1 Kings 1:9; I Chro 12:40; IIChro 36:10, Eze 28:13; Dan 4:37; Haggai 1:1 contains all except q
- 2 Kings 16:15; 1Chr4:10 contains all except z
- Esther and Canticles (Song of Solomon) do not have the name of God in them.
To be continued …
– gabriel ajibade
- A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is
shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.2. An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he
predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.3. A statistician is someone who is good with numbers but lacks the
personality to be an accountant.4. An actuary is someone who brings a fake bomb on a plane, because that
decreases the chances that there will be another bomb on the plane.5. A programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had
in a way you don’t understand.6. A mathematician is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a
black cat that isn’t there.7. A topologist is a someone who doesn’t know the difference between a
coffee cup and doughnut.8. A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000 word document and calls it
a “brief.”9. A psychologist is someone who watches everyone else when a beautiful
girl enters the room.10. A professor is one who talks in someone else’s sleep.
11. A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells
you the time.12. A committee is a body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
– femi fadumila
I bring back to mind your sincere faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am convinced, in you as well.(1Timothy 1:5)
A legacy is a birthright or inheritance bequeathed upon an individual by virtue of family placement. It is something you get by default; no one asks your opinion before handing over a legacy. Much greater than any legacy we come across in scriptures is this legacy of faith handed down from Timothy’s grandmother-Lois to his mum and then him. A fact worthy of note is that Paul was so sure that the sincere faith which he’d noticed in Timothy’s grandma lived in him as well.
We all ought to pay particular attention to the kind of legacy we hand down to our children. It’s not all about the property, stocks and material resources we leave behind. Some say the best legacy you can give to a child is education; although education is good and indeed desirable, it is not the best legacy. A greater legacy is found in this verse of scripture- ‘sincere faith’.
Remember, you cannot give what you do not actually possess, so if you want to breed a lineage of faith, you have to work on your faith! Sounds strange right? Working on faith? “I thought works were supposed to be produced by faith and not the other way round”, you say.
Well, working on faith here simply means making up your mind to trust God better than you’ve ever done before. You would have to consciously walk by faith and not by what you see around you. Let your children see that you trust in God by your actions. Let God be a part of your home talk; you can gist about Him and how He demonstrated His might in your day by dinner time so the legacy is passed on to the whole family. For those who have not started their own family yet, the time to build a legacy for your unborn children is now- develop yourself in your faith-walk and ‘see’ yourself, your spouse and the children the Lord would give you living a life of faith and trust in God.
The Israelites referred to God as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because Isaac picked up the knowledge of Jehovah from His father Abraham and passed it on to his own son Jacob. Isaac trusted God would keep his son Jacob in a strange land because he’d seen how his father … – Abraham’s trust and obedience had yielded a replacement sacrifice in his own stead when he was but a boy. Demonstrations of faith are easier to replicate when one has seen it displayed; therefore, to produce faith filled offspring, parents and would-be-parents need to walk by faith!
– Dr. Ifelayo Ojo
It is no new thing to see people stand today and fall tomorrow; love today, hate tomorrow; rich today, poor tomorrow; live rightly today and backslide tomorrow. Although it may be difficult to commence the journey of success, it is more difficult to remain there. The class you’ll belong to is determined by the choices you make and the series of actions you take daily. Success is not the result of a day’s event but an outcome of a chain of connected events. It is like a journey and you travel to unravel it. To experience success habitually, you have to be a person of consistency.
Consistency implies doing something regularly and steadily. A beloved pastor once gave me an analogy that has always helped me. “You don’t brush your teeth a hundred times today so you won’t brush for the next hundred days”. That will lead to tooth crash. But in our lives, at times we tend to do things superbly only for a short while. This is why some Christians were most zealous only at the period they got born-again, some organizations only flourish at inception and some couples have settled for the dogma that says ‘love is sweetest when it is new’.
The language of consistency says ‘keep doing something the way you first did it, if possible, better than when you started’. Are you speaking this language daily in your devotion, career, family, education, ministry, etc? Are you still reading your Bible and ministering to others like ‘those days’? Do you still tell your spouse ‘I love you’ like you use to do? Are you still aggressive about increasing your client portfolio or you are now disappointing the few you’ve been able to get in the past years?
Everyday is a brand new day that requires you to make a brand new choice and exhibit brand new effort. Let’s learn from Apostle Paul, “I count not myself to have apprehended…I press towards the mark” Philippians 3:14 (KJV).
Success, except followed by another, usually results to failure. So dearly beloved, Press on. Speak the language of consistency daily.
– tope aladenusi