Start with your miracle seed
Bible Reading: John 2:1-11
Why do we plant seeds instead of fully grown trees? Why do we erect houses block upon block rather than just depositing a magnificent building into the ground? Why did Jesus start with twelve disciples even though he desired to impact the whole world?
Great endings are usually products of small beginnings. The bible says “And though your start was small, your end will be very great” Job 8:7 (BBE). My Christian brothers and sisters love to quote this verse, but most of them don’t start realizing their dreams because they have fallen into the trick of the devil that says … “if only you can have more, then it will be appropriate for you to start”. More money, more connections, more people, more anointing, more love, more more …
So they keep saying “if only I have more, I will start now”. But kingdom principle says … “if only you start now, you will have more”. I remember when we started our internet outreach, we had just ten subscribers. Today, the number of subscribers we have in a day is more than our total subscribers at inception.
It is grave diggers that start from the top and keep digging downwards. Great things usually start small and keep growing. Jesus’ lifestyle showed us that you are permitted to start small as long as you do not remain small.
Some people think you do not have faith if you start small. I wonder what they will say about God who brought forth the 6 billion people on earth through two people – Adam and Eve. What a beginning! Compare two to six billion and you can imagine the abundance that is waiting for you when you start.
To start small means to start with what you have and from where you are. Have you been offered a small job? Start with it. You live in a jungle? Start from there. You have just 3 followers? Start with them. You’ve got only 10 million bucks? Start with it. God always gives a miracle seed to everyone and it is not beyond what you have and where you are.
Don’t join the company of men who keep wishing they started climbing the success ladder from the top. Start with what you have and from where you are, and you are already on your way to the top.
– tope aladenusi |
It is commonly said that a hungry man is an angry man, a little wonder why most people’s actions during the period of hunger suddenly become unapproachable. For some married men, all you will be telling them at home at such periods certainly will have to fall into the dunghill. While some just suddenly begin to find fault, others remain unnecessarily quiet, calm, and weak as though they just lost a battle. Mostly, we create an uneasy environment for people around us just because they are trying to help.
In Acts 10: 9-10, members of Peter’s household were just at the nick of time trying to help him pacify his hunger. I try to imagine how fast and swift they must have been doing this, but I suddenly discovered that the hungry man (Peter) made a historical move against convention and norms. Instead of shouting, wailing, finding faults, complaining, and lamenting, he simply moved to a lonely place such as the roof top to do something unimaginable at the heat of hunger, (TO PRAY). “The next day, as they were on their way and coming near Joppa, Peter went up on the roof of the house about noon in order to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat; while the food was being prepared, he had a vision” (GNB).
Prayer is always the last thing people think of when hungry. As a matter of fact, people only pray at such times when they are financially broke and there is no means of finding solution to the problem on ground; then their pray will certainly be for God to provide a means of supply to them. Instead of creating funny scenarios and making everyone around you feel uncomfortable because you are hungry, why not take out time to pray, perhaps you could come out from the place of prayer with great revelations beneficial to someone and yourself if you do so. Jesus likewise did the same thing in John 4: 6-8, when he turned the period of hunger which made His disciples to go buy food to a time of blessing the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.“Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired out by the trip, sat down by the well. It was about noon. A Samaritan woman came to draw some water, and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” (His disciples had gone into town to buy food.)”(GNB)
Please the next time you are hungry, find a corner to pray, it could the golden opportunity you need to hear from God and receive a revelation on what is about to take place.
-adeyiga awomuti
Love never gives up, never looses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 14: 7 (NLT)
Perhaps you are at the crossroad about to make a decision; Quit or endure? You are facing a lot of problems in your marriage that is getting you hardened by the day. You have probably exerted efforts to make your marriage work instead, it is growing worse. Love has turned sour; seeing your partner irritates you. Uhm … You say marriage is not a bed of roses.
I can understand how you feel. Marriage may not be a bed of roses to you but even if it were so, the rose plants I know have thorns in their stem. Sometimes you may get a small ‘sting’ while trying to pick the roses. Marriage may not fit exactly like what we were being told in the fairy tales “and they lived happily ever after”. It usually comes with very big challenges. Before you make your decision to quit, I would like to remind you that God is so much more interested in your situation and He wants a turn around for you so that you may enjoy the blessedness of marriage. Like the phrase, “it’s not over until it is over”, I know your innermost desire is to see a turn around in your marriage.
Consider this: The way you respond to life determines what you get from it – Gal 6:7. Your attitude affects a lot of things and as you truly desire a change, be positive in your mind. Don’t base your marriage on feelings because they can be very deceptive rather let it be based on choice; the choice to always stick together; choice to love no matter what. See those problems as a challenges; a challenge to love better, to be more patient; to learn. When you see problems as a challenge, you have already laid a foundation for change and for the solution. Challenges are meant to make you better. It works when you are positive in your mind about your situation, believing that turbulent times will pass away. No matter the situation, make a decision today that you will win your spouse back to love.
Have you ever considered why a larva has to go through a lot of struggle in the cocoons to become a beautiful butterfly? Of course to get rid of the ugly part. If the Larva had refused to see the cocoon as a challenge and decides to react negatively, it would die as a larva.
Regardless of the situation, be positive in your mind, don’t give up in Love. Be determined to win your partner back. Then you will enjoy the blessedness in marriage. You will begin to succeed everyday in your marriage.
– busola oshinubi
Extreme of everything is poisonous. Extreme hunger causes starvation and malnutrition. Excess eating cause stomach upsets and pains. Excess rains causes flooding. Excess dearth causes death and devastation. Such is the case in the country I live in. Part of the Kenya is desert while other part borders Indian Ocean, another part is next to a major lake, another part still is highlands known as ‘White Highlands’. The highlands get evenly distributed rains and have become the granary of the country. The land bordering the ocean is lowland and is prone to occasional flooding due to sporadic convectional rains. Same applies to the lake region. In the desert region, things are more pathetic. The herdsmen had to battle with all mannerisms developed by their cattle namely licking droplets of water in dry taps. The image of a cow smelling and licking a dry tap caught the cameras of the cameramen in 2006. Too much rain in the lake and coastal regions has been causing damage. Too much drought in the desert region on the other hand has resulted to devastation.
For some people, Ecclesiastes Two Eleven is the guiding principle when it comes to toiling. “Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had labored to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun”.
Why do I work for no profit then? Those who follow this principle in extremism shun all work and decide to spend time either doing non-profitable things or doing nothing. The end results? I guess everyone knows. An idle mind provides a platform for deceptions of the enemy. That’s what Eve and Adam experienced in the Garden of Eden. Theirs was to move around enjoying the creation. They didn’t look for food as food was there. They didn’t need clothes since they were covered by the glory of God, thus they were not naked. The serpent approached Eve and deceived her. Her wills were strong and her husband could not avoid being deceived too. Humanity got a curse from their action. Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Paul has a warning to the church at Thessalonica.
2 Thess. 3:10-13 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
(Catch the action in this page next week)
-johnstone katuku
Saying the world is the enemy of the Christian is sometimes hard to believe. Do you mean this beautiful world? But then again the world and its system of operation are under the control of the devil. Eph 2:1 -3 aptly describes him as the prince of the power of the air. Compare John 12:31
The Christian however has been delivered from this world and the wrath which is to come – Gal 1:4. He is no longer conditioned to walk according to the course of this world because he has been set free – 1st John 5:4. It is in this glorious state of freedom that we are able like John to identify the true state of this world.
What do we mean by the world? I John 2:15-16 (MSG) – “Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world–wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important–has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him”.
You cannot live meaningfully as a Christian when you seek to use the world order as a guiding light -Rom 12:2, Gal 6:14. This is because all that is in the world is enmity to God.
These values of the world have been woven into every fibre of its system. It may sound farfetched: and I assure you it is not, when you fail to realise that there is no zone of comfort. God’s perspective of science, education, finance, health, politics, entertainment, etc is different. Let’s use love as an example. Besides being built on a sensual foundation, love in the world does an assessment of the object that would be benefited using various measures e.g. wealth, fame, profitability, beauty, etc But the love of God is the volition of God expressed irrespective of the object that would benefit nor it’s attribute. This is also how the Christian has been called to love. This however is stupidity to any person in this world.
But you are not of this world anymore – 1st John 2:6. Finance sees constant giving as leakages but God thinks differently. Health says it is impossible but God thinks differently. Education determines wisdom, God thinks differently. Till you realise the standards of this world are not the standards of God, you would live short of who God has called you.
Realise that in all this we have not talked about the people in this world because it is not primarily people or what they have done as much as the thinking that has influenced him/her to do what he has done. This is only identified and done away with in Christ Jesus. 2nd Cor 10:4 – 6
Only a believer conscious of his heavenly citizenship upholding the values of the country that He belongs to would shine in this crooked and perverse generation – Phil 2:15 – 16. I leave you with this advice from Paul under inspiration of the Holy Ghost….those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For the world in its present form is passing away.1st Cor. 7:31
Dr. bolaji akanni
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 2
It is commonly said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, but many never take this first step. If our actions could match up with our intentions, then the world will be a better place. I hear of great ideas, lovely plans, fabulous dreams, superb intentions … but it’s a pity we cannot be blessed by your intentions until they are translated into actions.
Some people say “at 20, a man thinks he can save the world. But at 30, he begins to think of how to save part of his salary”. I totally agree with this statement if and only if it was referring to unbelievers. Every Christian has been configured by God to impact the world in a unique way. You should not zero yourself down only trying to make ends meet all the days of your life.
Those dreams that begins to crescendo when you are/were approaching 20 years can witness a ‘Rest in Peace’ if you do not make a move. Even Jesus Christ got to a point in life when he had to step out to actualize his vision. John 2:11 (GW) says “Cana inGalilee was the place where Jesus began to perform miracles…”
God told Moses in Deut. 2:31 (NIV), ““See, I have begun to deliver Sihon and his country over to you. Now begin to conquer and possess his land.””. Wow! I love this verse. God began a work in the realm of the spirit and later instructed Moses to begin its realization in the realm of the physical. Oh! I wonder how many good things we have missed just because we did not fulfill our own part of the deal by …Starting.
Your dream home, dream company, dream ministry … dream life may become a nightmare if you do not start doing something about it now. Many of us have studied; we have prayed; we have been led … but it is high time we began to act.
Starting Power is a series of message that will be coming your way in the next few weeks. It will propel you into success and assist you in realizing your God-given desires.
– tope aladenusi
Spread the message Bible Reading: Hebrews 3:12-19
Dearly beloved, for the past five months, we have been sharing on the topic ‘recognizing the will of God’. We were joyous to receive mails and calls from some of you who testified of how the Lord has enriched you via this message. Also, two gentlemen gave similar testimonies which we would like to share with you; they said they decided to read the whole series again and the understanding they got was marvelous.
We were not surprised to hear this because it was a singular message that came in different sections and reading them together will foster a better understanding. We would like you to emulate the attitude of these two gentlemen and read the message at a time, most especially our new subscribers.
To read a complete series of ‘Recognizing the will of God’, just scroll down.
Romans 15:14 (GW) reads “I’m convinced, brothers and sisters, that you, too, are filled with goodness. I’m also convinced that you have all the knowledge you need and that you are able to instruct each other”. In God’s perspective, you do not need to be a Pastor or Bishop before you can enlighten others. Every Christian should be found in the business of encouraging one another. You will come across many believers who are ignorant about ‘knowing God’s will’ and we admonish you to teach them. Spread the message. You have what it takes.
Lastly, the Bible says in James 2:17 “God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense” (MSG). So, practice what you’ve learnt. Let your life display excellence at all times because nothing less than that is expected from you.
We love you and we are always willing to help …
tope aladenusi
It is not difficult to differentiate in a Christian gathering the older ones in the faith and the upcoming ones. The difference is always clear because the younger ones are always vibrant, industrious and versatile while the older ones act slowly, steadily, and calmly. This is not comparison between the aged and the youths but length of relationship duration with God; i.e. how long the older ones have been serving as Christians in comparison with the how long the younger ones have been serving as Christians irrespective of the age.
You would often find the older Christian tell the younger ones that it’s because they have not had any experience, which in most cases means they have not had any disappointment in the faith. If only they’ve had any, their vibrancy would have died. This was exactly the same attitude put up by the older Christians when they gathered to pray in Acts 12 for the release of Peter. Apart from the fact that Peter was released despite their actions, faithless expressions and multitude of words, they almost killed the vision, and vibrancy of a young Christian lady. (Peter now realized what had happened, and he said, “I am certain that the Lord sent his angel to rescue me from Herod and from everything the Jewish leaders planned to do to me.” Then Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John who’s other name was Mark. Many of the Lord’s followers had come together there and were praying. Peter knocked on the gate and a servant named Rhoda came to answer. When she heard Peter’s voice, she was too excited to open the gate. She ran back into the house and said that Peter was standing there. “You are crazy!” everyone told her. But she kept saying that it was Peter. Then they said, “It must be his angel.” But Peter kept on knocking, until finally they opened the gate. They saw him and were completely amazed.)
The elders did not only disbelief and said she was mad but further doubted and said it must be his angel. All we need in our day and age where lukewarmness is the order of the day and where some older Christians pose as sources of discouragement is to maintain our fervency in the lord. They had every reason to have acted the way they did. They could have said to themselves that from experience Peter should have died or be on his way to the point of slaughter just like it happened to James.
Whenever you pray and you are convinced that God is at work please stay with your conviction. Under no circumstance and guise should you allow the so called experiences pollute your conviction in what God is able to do. STAY CONVINCED.
– adeyiga awomuti
Let me start by saying a big thank you to Titi and Suzan for their comments. I am really happy the last message has been a blessing to you.
Last time we started talking about Unequal Yoking. I will like to continue from where I stopped.
Imagine you have two people who want to carry a long table and one of them is a six footer, while the other is a three footer. You can imagine what the two parties will go through carrying the table because they are not of the same height.
The truth of the matter is that you might never find two people of same height but then there’s a need to get someone who is within the same range. To say I am looking for someone just like me with same family background, tribe, church, school, experiences blah blah blah will not just be realistic. Nevertheless, there must be some equality especially spiritually. What Bible says is “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers”. God expects the core of our being to come from our spirituality. As Christians, our whole life should revolve around our relationship with God. I don’t know if you are like me but nothing works around me when I am not in tune with God. And from experience I know that in marriage you will do yourself a lot of good by marrying someone you share core spiritual beliefs with.
You can appear to be unequally yoked with a fellow believer, not because of the difference in your denominations but in your beliefs. Take for example one party believes in speaking in tongues and the other does not, one believes you should guard your heart with all diligence and that affects music, movies and all, while the other party does not think so. I could go on and on.
For a single reading this article, I think this is a time for you to identify your core values as they will help you in choosing your spouse. Identify what you can live with and what you cannot.
Many Christians take for granted the fact that a person’s background can have serious influence on the life of such person and your marriage. Please don’t get me wrong, I know we do not have the opportunity to choose our background (that is our family) and it should not be held against a person, nevertheless, I believe you should have an idea of what you are going in for and choose to accept or reject it.
Take for example the story of Dipo who is in a Christan relationship with Kenny who has promiscuous sisters. Kenny is a good girl alright but she doesn’t have good influence from her family members and these people are not people Dipo can yank out of her life. Dipo will have to go ahead bearing the fact that he will have to deal with this people directly or indirectly, at the same time Kenny can convince Dipo that her family will not influence their marriage in any way.
Many Christians have missed this fact. Remember Abraham told his servant to go back to his father’s house to go and look for a wife for his son. He took this so seriously that he asked that his servant swear to him.
May be you are married and reading this and somehow you realize you and your spouse seem to be unequally yoked in many ways, all hope is not lost. While going through marriage counseling before marriage, we shared a prayer “Lord help me to accept the things I cannot change and also gracefully change the things I can”. Always pray about those things that really bother you about your spouse and be very patient. Cover up your spouse deficiencies and be strong.
Here is the bottom line, you will never find two people of same spirituality, values, background etc but then similarities must out number differences especially Spiritual similarities.
God bless you as you seek to do His will beyond yours!
– omolola ezeifeoma
Have you ever wished you were born rich with the silver spoon? I use to wish that. I felt my rich friends had an easier start in life and were exposed to better opportunities and had a certain future. I wished I had that kind of life.
But God made me see things differently and today I am always glad to have been born without the so-called silver spoon. Most great men in all sectors of life were born lowly. Tomorrow’s great men and women will be those with little beginning.
That’s how God operates. 1 Cor 1; 26-27 “for consider your calling brethren that there are not many mighty, not many noble; but God HAS CHOSEN the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the strong and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen the things that are not to nullify the things that are”. God gave that passage life to me. Right from the beginning mighty men were born weak, rich men were born poor, wise men considered foolish. Those that became were those that were not. That’s God way, higher than ours. Samuel overlooked David for he was youngest, God made him king. Great kings should be born in the palace; Jesus was born in the manger. He was from Nazareth where no good thing could come out. God showed differently. Moses was taken from the river. Joseph was the youngest and had more troubles, and he became a prime minister in a country where he wasn’t a national.
I am sure you remember Samson, but do you remember his parents. They were lowly people. How about Elijah, Elisah, Job who was the richest man in his time…do you know where they came from? How about Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Mandela, Ford, …just name them. Where did they start form, where did they come from? How about President Obasanjo?
It’s Gods way. A little one shall become a thousand (Isa. 60.22) and beggars will be taken from the dung hill and made to sit with the best of princes. When men are weak and lowly, Gods strength is made perfect.
Are you poor today, you will be made to confound the rich tomorrow. I tell you it is more certain that the poor child will be wealthy than it is that a rich one will still be wealthy tomorrow.
Despise not the days of little beginning. Glory in it. God moulds great men out of trying situations. Your poor background is not a disadvantage. It is your great advantage. Put your trust in God. Though men will trust in chariots and others in horses let your boast be in the lord for the race is not to the swift and the battle not to the warrior neither bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability. God makes the difference. Nothing else. God in you, the hope of Glory.
You can become wealthy from where you are.
-emmanuel aladenusi