‘Inreach’ before outreach Bible Reading: Galatians 1
Many believers today are specialist in converting God’s promises to prayer requests, but the ability and grace to grow spiritually is not a promise from God. It is a done deed! The bible makes us understand that everything we need for spiritual growth has been given to us (2 Peter 1:3). But how do we make use of these gifts in order to grow?
Firstly, I will suggest you learn to set your priorities right. Many people get born again and fly to the pulpit or start struggling for recognition in Christian gatherings. Some others are only concerned about becoming like ‘that man of God’. I remember my dad always told me that a soldier prepares for war in the time of peace. They undergo trainings before facing the battlefield. Even soldiers that are recruited during war time still go through a brief training exercise. It is only if a war general wants to kill a brand new soldier that he puts him in front of a battalion. As a soldier of Christ, do not kill your growth because you want to be in the forefront without having the internal capability to be there. These days, you see someone get born-again last year, and this year he has founded a church. If you ask him his reasons, he will tell you God called him. Yes I agree. God called him like he called everyone over two thousand years ago when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. But it is good to learn from others that God called in time past and they made a good success of their calling.
Jesus Christ spent the early years of his life focusing on his growth. Luke 2:52 (GW) says “Jesus grew in wisdom and maturity”. When Apostle Paul got saved, he did not go to struggle for position in Jerusalem. Rather, he spent over 15 years reaching out to himself.I’m not suggesting you postpone blessing humanity till sometimes in the far future. Like Paul, he was able to preach the gospel and invite others to Jesus immediately after his conversion. You do not need spiritual growth to do that. But I’m admonishing that you do not try to reach out to others at the expense of your spiritual growth. Don’t struggle to breathe out more than you breathe in. Let your concern not be centered on occupying church offices.
You just got born-again? Focus on your growth. You’ve been born again for some time? Focus on your growth as well. I have observed in life that people who spend time only longing to be at the forefront and do not attend to their growth end up not getting there. But those who did not even dream of the front but just spent time focusing on their growth and development end up being in front. This is because they tend to catch up with the dream during the growth process and the dream is complemented with the capability to be there.
The commandment is still “love your neighbour as you love yourself”. If you don’t love yourself enough to reach out to yourself and develop yourself, do not deceive men that you love them and want to reach out to them.
Evangelical researcher George Barna once reported – “Americans are willing to expend some energy in religious activities such as attending church…, and they are willing to throw some money in the offering basket, but when it comes time to truly establishing their priorities and making a tangible commitment to knowing and loving God, most people stop short.” The truth is that, this is not peculiar to Americans alone. We see the same problem in Asians, Africans and every race.
So the first step I recommend after knowing that God has given you all you require to grow spiritually is to set your priorities right. Make a decision to reach out to yourself. Help yourself so you can help others. Make a real commitment to give your best in knowing God and growing spiritually.
– tope aladenusi |
I’ m so beautiful and precious a stone!
I’m a yellow precious substance use for several wonderful things!
Never talk of shiny coins, ornaments & jewelleries in my absence!
I make the whole colours of radiating products!
No riches are complete without me!
I make a whole man respected when he appears in gold!
I make a king honoured when he wears a golden crown!
The more gold you have, the more honours you get!
But I’m strictly careful of something!
I’m not available to ordinary men’-so, I make myself so scarce!
You only find me after digging deep a rock!
Yes! I’m more than that, cos I know what I pass through before shining- strictly refined by fire- in pains & in agonies
Subjected to unbearable conditions so as to shine.
– But don’t bother about that!
I’m not interested in what proceed the glory even though painful experience- but only interested in the glory itself
No! I can’t afford to be dim or not to shine, I can’t afford to be dishonored- so I bear pains!
But it’s a pity- so piteous indeed that:-
MY GLORY IS FLEETING:- so speak the Gold. It’s PERISHABLE!
It’s so interesting to hear, that gold can bear all these!
Because it cherishes its fleeting glory despite the pains gold bears during refinery for a perishable reward.
How much more then should worth my faith of greater worth than gold.
Giving me a living hope in Christ.
Shielding me by God’s own power
How much more should I shift my attention;
From this fleeting pains and tears
From this present shame and frustrations
As I cherish much more my afterward glory
My future more glorious, more valuable, more wonderful than of gold which its glory perishes.
No matter how costly and unavoidable it may be!
But I, living with a glorious inheritance
Not at all comparable to that of gold’s
Yes! Present circumstances are immaterial!
– raphael aworinde
Ever watched a race before? The sprinter thrusts himself forward and gathers momentum. In a moment he sprints in an amazing speed. He tries as much as in his power to increase his speed as he eyes the end-mark. Inside, his strength wanes. He keeps mustering courage, hoping that amidst waning strength, he would make it. At last, he gets to the end-mark. Whether he arrived ahead of his opponents or behind, one thing is sure – he is exhausted. His strength is almost drained. He pants and gasps for air. That is the law of nature, even the law of diminishing returns.
Not so with grace. The more a believer runs in the race of life, the grace accumulates even more. The more you need it, the more it is available. Grace is abundant. No wonder men of God wax stronger in the Lord even in their old age. Not so with a sprinter.
Afraid that hydrocarbon reserves would soon wind up, nations of the earth are scrambling for alternative energy, but the well of grace will never drain up.
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee” II Corinthians 12:9.
More wealth brings more care, increased wisdom increases sorrow, but the abundant grace of God brings steady joy.
“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:30
Believer, why not carve out time even in your tight schedule to spend time with your maker? Grace is here! What is stopping you from enjoying it?
okenna obi-igbokwe
Whao! They are all fully ready for the race! The field is clear and the tracks are set! Indeed: the field is surrounded by many lovers of the game! What are they there for? To watch the race of course! Everyone is interested in knowing who comes first! Even though none of the competitors hope to come last! Yes! They’ve all under gone strict trainings….
Those that needed medical attention did not fail to seek it! The muscle is set and prepare for the game-it’s a race! Everyone on his track, waiting for the whistle to blow. Of course, they know the rules and they know what disqualifies, so they must not cross the border…! Each following his lane! Now! Everything is set: On your marks…. Get Set…. Go!….. The race has begun … the crowd is hailing, clapping and shouting .Hmm….nh… Will they be carried away with these praises of men? Will they try to look beside them to see who just mentioned their name in hails…? No they concentrate on the race! For the crowd will only be interested in whoever comes first! So all of them are being hailed but only one gets the prize! Ten are on the marks now but only one will come first! Just one gets the prize! Indeed, none of them is playing on the field; none of them is walking; they’re running with all their might! But only one, just one gets the prize! All of them have spent time in strict trainings…. But the first comer gets the prize! What a waste of strength, waste of time it is for the rest runners? The hails they received at the start of the game soon turn to shame and pity – for only one comes first! Though tired and worn-out…. yet without prize! Though strictly trained and very ambitious…. Yet without prize of course! Not the runner but the winner..!
Yes! Even though we all run daily our Christian race… But only the winners get the prize, not the runners. People of real faith who are blessing many souls; people of hard and sacrificial labours of love; people of sleepless nights interceding for souls; people of evangelism tours into villages and rural areas. God loves them …but remember: in a race, all runner runs, but only one gets the prize…! Just one gets the crown! Very well… the father is ready to reward all our labours of love. But the crown is actually for the winner, not the runner. Run therefore to win and not just to participate!
“So daily, I beat under my body, bringing it to subjection, that after I might have preach to others I myself may not be cast-away”. Here is the rule that guides the race of the kingdom! That we may not fail to daily work upon ourselves… that we may not concentrate on building other “houses” while ours lies in ruin…!
That the word we preach and teach may have a solid foundation in us that we may not dispel in trials of life …. Let’s therefore watch our ways and doctrines closely. Denying the flesh daily of its lustful desires… Let not keep moving up and down for the prosperity of ministries at the expense of our personal relationship with God.
Remember; our Father will reward – but not the runners, but only the winners…!
– raphael aworinde
It’s Time to Experience God in the miraculous
By the mouth of Elijah, God declared a draught in Israel, yet Elijah was not to be excluded from experiencing the effect of the draught; nevertheless, there was provision for him to see with his eyes the dryness and experience God as Jehovah Jireh.
The first miracle – God tells him to go to the brook, a raven will feed you with bread, flesh and water. An outside person may say he is eating little but considering the situation, he had enough to meet his need.
Sometimes when things are tough all we have is just enough to meet our need. The fact that we have just enough to meet our need does not mean we are not living in the miraculous.
Sometimes we need to step back again and look at our situation from another perspective in order to see His hand. Many times our eyes are too clouded with the problems so much that we fail to see God in our situations.
Let’s take another look at Elijah’s experience, when it was a time for a new experience the brook dried up and God told him to go to a widow, another unlikely source of provision. There he knew abundance much more than he did earlier. God even created an avenue to prove Himself as the almighty.
Sometimes when things get tough, God is setting you up for the miraculous. Imagine you got pregnant the first night or first few months of your marriage, your experience could never be called miraculous. Now think about Hannah! Can you see the difference? Or imagine you never had any financial constraints and your family is growing material wise in leaps and bounds; now imagine you moved into an empty house after marriage and the next day or months that follows, the house is filled to overflowing. Can you imagine what Job and his wife went through when they lost all in one day?
And then God turned around all their losses for good, can you imagine the joy that followed?
Malachi 3:3 says: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” Like the silver smith God is holding you in the fire, not taking His eyes off you for one minute, waiting until He can see his image in your life and relationship.
Whatever they’re going through, they’ll be a better person in the end.
Hold on, surely morning will come after the Night.
– omolola ezeifeoma
Invest your time for eternity
Invest your life for the life to be Forever gone are the hours you’ve lost Don’t waste your life; count again the cost;
Your money place in the Saviour’s hand It’s only safe when in heaven’s strand You never lose what you give to God But lose all else when you withhold;
Invest your work in the Saviour’s plan Work hard for God and His will for man Don’t count the hours that you toil and plod You will reap again all you do for God;
Don’t waste your life for a passing joy Don’t sell your soul for a fragile toy Give till it hurts; give your very blood You live but once; LIVE ALL OUT FOR GOD. – segun eshorun |
Each time I travel through villages or poor communities I notice so many things. Chief amongst them is the fact that you find many people especially young ones sitting under trees or various shades either doing nothing or playing games when they ought to be going about various businesses.
The result is pretty obvious. Poverty everywhere. Why is it that the whole communities are poverty stricken, robbery is is on the increase, few or no professionals for many professions, economic downturns and unsustainable growth in real income? Lack of diligence
Diligence is defined as STEADY EFFORT AND CAREFUL HARDWORK. To have real wealth you must apply steady effort and careful hard work in the affairs of life. Those that are rewarded with kingdom prosperity are those that apply themselves diligently to the task at hand irrespective of the nature of the task.
We live in a world where many are slothful. You cannot afford to be one of them
Rom 12:11 ‘Not slothful in business’. Don’t handle your business or work with a slack hand. Be serious about it. Exert yourself in no small measure.
Pro 22:29 says ‘Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men’.
Diligence will differentiate you from the floor and set you on the high table. It does not matter what you are doing, what matters is how you are doing it. The most mundane of tasks when properly done will bring you to the court of the king. Bible says the spider is in king palaces because it ‘taketh hold with her hands”. The spider applies steady effort and careful hard work and it is seen in palaces.
It is not enough to desire wealth; you must work your desire to reality.
Pro 21:25 the desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labor”.
Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it well and heartily. If your job does not reward your effort work harder any way. Zig said something I love so much, “if you do what you are not paid for one day you will be paid for what you don’t do”
In church, school or work God expects us to be diligent workers. He expects our CONSISTENT BEST. Don’t be slothful; do something. Let your hand find something to do. Proverbs 31 tells why many women today are bread winners; they work diligently with their hands at even the most menial tasks. They don’t give up, they keep trying. They perform tasks that most men find demeaning and grow them into a thriving enterprise. While men wait for good jobs women do little jobs diligently and receive great rewards.
Be the student every school will love to have; be the employee that is the pride of his employer and fellow employees alike. Let it be consistently said of you that you apply yourself diligently to every task. The sure reward is wealth and a place with kings and not mere men.
– emmanuel aladenusi
The power & grace to grow spiritually Bible Reading: Ephesians 1
One of the reasons why many Christians are not growing spiritually is because they think some of the things they need for their growth have not been given to them by God. So they go to God always in prayers to make demands for such things. Such demands have become a common thing in nearly every Christian gathering. It is even considered a sign of humility and dependence on God to make such requests. For example, it is very common for people to pray that “Lord give us the grace to grow spiritually”.
This prayer above seems very pious because it appears you are telling God you cannot do it on your own. It also suggests that if you are not growing spiritually, it may be because you are yet to receive the grace for it. But that is the devils deceit and he is using it to counterbalance the ignoramus among us.
Please put aside every tradition you are familiar with and let us reason together…
Ephesians 1:3 (GW) says “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Christ, God has BLESSED us with EVERY spiritual blessing thatheaven HAS TO OFFER”.
Oh my God! This is powerful! Firstly, the verse says “God has blessed us”. This statement is in past tense. The verse did not say “God will bless us”. Secondly, we are told that God has blessed us with every blessing that is spiritual. Is grace a physical or spiritual blessing? Is anointing a physical or spiritual blessing? Is divine power a physical or spiritual blessing? If they are all spiritual blessings, then we should throw away tradition and accept the declaration of God that we have been blessed with such things. Lastly, the verse says “we have every spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer”. Do we expect God’s grace to come from heaven or earth? If it is from the earth, then we can go ahead in an endless search for it. But if it is supposed to come from the father in heaven, then the bible is clear about it – we have been blessed with it.
No wonder Romans 5:2 (MSG) says “through whom (Christ) we have had access by faith into this grace in which we stand”. In other words, right now every believer is standing inside God’s grace. You have received it in abundance. That is why Peter admonished us to “grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ” II Peter 3:18”. He did not say “ask God for the grace to grow”, or “Pastors grow in grace and the congregation should pray for the grace to grow”. Rather, grow in the grace wherein you stand. Hallelujah! I know that there are some verses of scriptures that seem to suggest that we may plead for spiritual blessings, but if you understand such verses in context and in the light of the revelation of Jesus, you will still end up with the revelation that “everything we need for spiritual growth has been given to us” (II Peter 1:3).
So what do we do after realizing we have grace in abundance? The bible is also clear about that. Philippians 2:12 says “work out your salvation”. What you need for spiritual growth is in you, you are to work it out. You are supposed to give an expression on the outside about what you have on your inside. God has done his part. Let us take responsibility for our spiritual growth and stop shifting blame on God or other people. Work out the anointing. Work out the grace. Work out the power. It is the “working out” that makes it appears as though some Christians possess grace more than others. But the possession of a gift is different from the utilization of that gift. Are you utilizing your God-given grace to grow spiritually?
We will discuss how to work out these gifts in our subsequent messages.
– tope aladenusi
What is spiritual growth? Bible Reading: I Corinthians 3
Do spirits grow? Many of us are able to come to terms with the fact that our bodies grow. Many also know that the mind can undergo changes and be developed to take specific attributes and qualities. What about the believer’s spirit?
The bible makes us understand that when we got born-again, God gave birth to a new spirit within us (John 3:3-6, 1:12-13). Our spirits now has the exact nature of God (II Peter 1:4). In other words, the spirit of a believer is in the best state it could ever be and it cannot be improved upon because we are not expected to have a creature that is better than the creator. No wonder the bible says “ye are complete in him” (Col 2:10). Your spirit “has become new in knowledge after the image of his maker (Col 3:10). Therefore, “as Christ is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17).
So this topic on spiritual growth is not an attempt to teach you how to grow your spirit because he is currently at his best if you are born again. The verses below give us a peep into the definition of spiritual growth.
My friends, if someone is caught in any kind of wrongdoing, those of you who arespiritual should set him right; but you must do it in a gentle way. Gal 6:1 (GNB)
And I (Paul), brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as untocarnal, as unto babes in Christ … whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? I Corinthians 3:1,3
The Bible gave many descriptions of someone who is spiritual and who is a babe in Christ but I am particularly fascinated about the verse above. It says “I cannot say you are spiritual because you … walk as men”. Good News Version says “you are still living by human standards”.
Growing spiritually is the process of changing gradually from who you are to who God wants you to be (Christ-like). It involves living the God-kind of lifestyle that was displayed in Jesus Christ. It involves you exhibiting actions that are not based on human standards but on God’s standards. Take a quick look at your life, what are the things that chiefly affects your decisions or actions. Is it what you heard in the news or the current trend in town? Are you usually influenced by external things that feeds into your mind through your five senses or you always take cue from the standard of God that you have internalized over time?
Spiritual growth also involves a change of mindset, attitude and action to reflect who you truly are i.e. a son of God. It involves increasing your knowledge of God and commitment to him whereby you begin (and continue) to see things like he sees them. This means you see sin like he does and not meddle with it. You see possibilities like he sees them and impossibility is wiped away from your consciousness. You demonstrate faith like he does and walk in the practice of ‘calling those things that are not as though they were’. You see a sinner like he does and you extend your love to them so that they are saved and come to the knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ. This growth does not directly depend on the number of years you have being in Christ but on some other factors.
We will shed more light on this as we look at other subtopics like: What do you do to grow? What do you have to grow with? How do you know you are growing spiritually? When will you be fully grown? Etc.
– tope aladenusi