Check-up from your feet up Bible Reading: II Corinthians 13
Are you growing spiritually? How do you know if you are growing spiritually? Do you know that it is almost impossible for you to remain stagnant? It is either you are progressing or retrogressing. For you to know whether you are growing spiritually or not, you need to constantly examine yourself with the right basis. For example, some people may feel they are growing just because they have been able to do some ‘church things’ that their friends do not do. That’s a wrong basis for gauging spiritual growth because the bible says in II Cor. 10:12 (MSG) “But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point”. So we must be careful we do not miss the point in attempting to fulfil the biblical instruction – “Test yourselves to make sure you aresolid in the faith … Give yourselves regular checkups” II Cor. 13:5 (MSG). Regular check-up of our entire life is absolutely necessary. In the next few weeks, I will share some parameters that we can use to perform these regular checkups.
First, the way you perceive God and his love will go a long way in revealing to you whether you are growing spiritually or not. God expects us to increase more and more in love towards him and other people. But you will agree with me that it is difficult to advance in what you do not understand. For instance, it will be very difficult to advance in the accounting profession if you do not understand the basics of debit and credit. Similarly, when we have little or no understanding of God’s kind of love, we cannot love like God, which is a key attribute of spiritual growth.
If you also rate God’s love based on the material things you are able to get or not get, it is a sign that you need to do a serious work on your spiritual growth. When your desires and prayers are mainly centered on material things to the point that sometimes you even doubt God’s love and faithfulness because you haven’t gotten those things, then you need no prophet to tell you that you are a babe in Christ. For example, a child that is not given biscuit by his father may think his father doesn’t really love him whereas it will be strange to see that mindset with a 25 year old son. Isn’t it surprising that many of us still cry over “biscuits” despite several years of knowing the Lord?
Hey, don’t be like some people who after giving them such example, they start watching their speech to be sure they do not mainly bother God for material things. Some others start struggling not to feel bad towards God if material things show up late. However, if you realize that you are still exhibiting such babyish tendencies, be true to yourself and be grateful you now know your level. You may even continue with the way you relate with God and be sure to focus more on your growth. This is because your speech, desires, prayers and mindset will change effortlessly when you continue to grow. Just spend time applying the ingredients of spiritual growth which you have learnt from this series and you will be amazed at the drastic change that will happen in your life. We will continue next week.
– tope aladenusi
Recently, there was a political violence in between the government and its opposition. It led to the destruction of lives and properties. After many days of turbulence with which none of the parties were willing to give in to the other, the former Secretary General of The United Nations, Kofi Annan was sent to the region to make peace and bring about reconciliation. And by his visit, he was able to bring the two parties to an agreement to put an end to the fight.
In the same way, we have been chosen and sent by God to be the peacemaker between Him and mankind. We are the one to bring an end to the enmity between God and man which came as a result of the sin of Adam, by reconciling men to God. ‘All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Christ Jesus, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation’ 2 Corinthians 5:18. There has to be someone to come in-between and settle the rift, so God first of all sent Christ to reconcile us to Himself, and now sent us to go and reconcile the whole world of men to Him.
What an honour to be a peacemaker between God and man! Hear what Jesus Christ said about the peacemakers; ‘Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God’ Matthew 5:9. So when you go about preaching Christ and telling men about the love of God and His power to save, you are called a child of God, You will be identified with your father!
Now it gets more interesting to know that we are not doing it alone or by our ability. It is by the power of God at work in us; ‘To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself’ 2 Corinthians 5:19a. If God was in Christ, and now we know that Christ is in us, then it means that God is in us. So it becomes easy because He is the one that wants reconciliation. He knows how to convince men, all we have to do is to yield ourselves as a vessel.
At this point, it is expedient we know the kind of message that brings about reconciliation. Taking the Kenya case as an example, if Kofi Annan had gone there to condemn or judge those people, the story wouldn’t have been the same. He must have gone there with the message of love and forgiveness. Likewise we ministers of reconciliation have a message that God sent us to the world. One message; a message of God’s love; a message of justification and not condemnation. ‘That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, NOT IMPUTING THEIR TRESPASSES UNTO THEM, AND HAS COMMITTED UNTO US THE WORD OF RECONCILIATION’ 2 Corinthians 5:19. We are not sent to the world to condemn the world because Jesus Christ did not come to condemn the world but to save. We are carrying the Gospel, which means good news, glad tidings. It is a message that makes people rejoices when they hear it. Such messages as: the love of God (Romans 5:8); forgiveness of sin (Colossians 1:14); faith (Ephesians 2:8); gift of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 2:12); gift of eternal life (1 John 5:11-12); deliverance from the power of darkness (Colossians 1:13); victory (1 John 5:4-5); divine health (3 John 2); divine protection (Psalm 91); success and prosperity (Psalm 1:3). In fact, the list is inexhaustible. Those great things God has done for us as revealed in the Epistles of the Apostles, and the glorious life he has brought to us. This is the kind of message Apostle Paul preached (Acts 13:32-48; 16:31-34). This same message was what Peter preached (Acts 10:34-48).
The same with Philip and other Apostles (Acts 8: 35-39). Our Lord Jesus, who is also our role model, preached only this message in His entire life. No one will hear such message and remain the same. It is a life-giving message.
You know what? He has made us able ministers of the new testament (2 Corinthians 3:6).
So you are able to reconcile men to God!
– segun eshorun
In the midst of a world marred with foolishness and disobedience, people hating and maligning one another, we were misled by others and slaves to evil desires. Our lives enthralled in wickedness
We hated others and they hated us. -emeka ofia |
A maiden who hails from some ghetto
Dingy and rusty with respect to civilization
Suddenly to her utter amazement
An inimitable noble man approaches her
I would like to marry you-he said
Her jaw drops and she mopes in absolute disbelief
Her thoughts traveled faster than a whirlwind
What does he see in me-she wondered?
Is it my beauty?
Is it my sophistication?
Is it my gorgeous outlook?
Is it my large pocket?
Is my exquisite display of good manners?
Is it my soignée cum debonair?
She summed up all her qualities and still amounted to a minus with respect to the guys qualities
Love at first sight my foot
He is obviously infatuated
I am sure he is one of those ritual killers
In fact how can he just say he wants to marry me…why?
He does not just stop there
He wields his influence
He finally reaches an agreement with her
He goes ahead to pay her bride price
Down the aisle they walked
For better for worse they signed as usual
They had a vow to be joined for eternity
This obviously blows the whims
It should be till death do them part?
This is just startling
The greatest marriage ever
Christ and the church…(Col.1: 21-22,Eph.5: 25-26&30)
– emeka ofia
Search for mind stretchers Bible Reading: II Corinthians 3
I once heard Joel Osteen tell a story about a dog that was caught up in an accident which resulted to a partial paralysis of its two hind limbs. This dog was given necessary treatment to keep it from dying. However, after the treatment, it could only walk with its forelimbs and kept dragging its hind limbs while walking. Some weeks later, the dog delivered some puppies and after a few days, they were able to walk normally. But as they continued to grow and develop, the puppies noticed that their mother always dragged its hind limbs. So they started doing the same while walking. The owner of the dog was surprised to suddenly see the puppies walking like their mother and decided to take them to a vet doctor for check up. After conducting several tests, the doctor explained that the puppies were all normal. But what went wrong? Why did they suddenly start to drag their hind limbs like their mother?
Simple! You become what you constantly behold. Even though the puppies had all the natural ability to walk normally, they have constantly been exposed to feet-dragging walking steps, and the ‘abnormal’ has become normal to them. Likewise, we all have the same spiritual ability to grow spiritually, but many of us are still engaged in a feet-dragging exercise because we are constantly exposed to feet-draggers. This comes in the form of messages we hear, books we read, movies we watch, companies we keep, etc.
Here’s how the bible elucidates it – “But we all, looking on the glory of the Lord, with unveiled face, are transformed according to the same image from glory to glory” II Cor 3:18.
Yes! You do not need to tell us what/who you constantly expose yourself to, because your life is enough to tell us. Therefore, if we tend to become what we behold, what manner of people should we surround ourselves with?
Can we learn from Peter’s experience? He may never have walked on water if he did not see Jesus walking on water. Jesus’ action stretched his mind to the point where the impossible became possible to him. And you know what; it is not easy for the mind to return to its original state after it has been stretched. You need to be in the company of people who stretch your mind positively. “Do not be tricked by false words: evil company does damage to good behaviour” I Cor 15:33.
Do not be like Lot in the bible who was a good man but was encompassed by the evil people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Although we constantly live an evil world, we should be careful about the people we allow to be in our inner circle.
Who are your five closest friends? Do they appear to be progressing spiritually?
What are the last three books/materials you read? Did they cause a spark in you to become more like Jesus?
Why did you attend Church last 1 month? Is it because of what “they” will say if you did not attend or because you will receive information and fellowship that will make you re-read your bible and stretch your mind towards spiritual growth.
Beloved, let me stop here with one of my favorite statements – “you cannot fly with the eagles if you constantly scratch with the chickens”.
– tope aladenusi
Size up your head Bible Reading: Hebrews 5
My parents really wanted me to study medicine & surgery in the university, but I diligently fought against the idea. By the time I had spent some years in the university, I was already grateful to God I didn’t study surgery. Why? I realized that it would have been difficult for me to grow up in the profession. First, I saw my friends in medical class reading some giant textbooks on anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Then later I noticed that they performed experiments using dead bodies (which they prefer to call cadaver). As the years went by, they introduced them to the clinic, and made them to have real life experiences with live patients. Though I know I may have found it difficult studying the course, I still appreciate the way my friends in medical class were taught. It reminds me of how God deals with Christians to enable them grow spiritually.
After regular study of God’s word and prayers, it is expedient for us to express our knowledge in order to grow. Like medical students, sometimes some cadavers in the form of life challenges are presented to us so we can practice what we have learnt without the fear of mistakes. Later on, greater challenges are then introduced to us. Therefore, we should approach life challenges as an opportunity for growth. Being a doer of God’s word is vital to our spiritual growth, and that comes with every challenge we face. Like some of us may know, a medical student who doesn’t do well at the stage of handling cadavers may not be exposed to real life patients even in school. Consequently, no challenge of ours is insignificant and we should approach them with the right attitude.
I have never seen anyone who eats food in order to have a big stomach, but I have seen many Christians who read their bibles in order to have a big head. Their studies have improved their speeches and quoting ability, but their lives doesn’t reflect the practical side of what they read. That’s really dangerous to our spiritual health because it is synonymous to eating foods regularly that just ends up in the stomach and are not absorbed by the body tissues. We need to avoid such and engage in the godly exercise of living the word. Hebrews 5:14 (GW) – says “solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil”. There is a training/spiritual growth you receive by practice. Spiritual growth cannot be effective without the practice of the word just as my medical friends wouldn’t have advanced academically without passing many practical courses.
Therefore, when next you face a challenge, remember that it is an opportunity for you to grow spiritually. It has come to enable you practice what you have learnt. No challenge can be bigger than the learning you already have. I Cor 10:13 (MSG) says “God will never let you be pushed past your limit”. Always take that word from your head and inject it into your life. Sometimes I think we need to size up our heads to be sure it is not bigger than our lives. “Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within” Proverbs 20:5 (MSG). Be a wise Christian.
– tope aladenusi
USA Past Leaders Comment on The Bible
Today, we know the United States of America as one of the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world. But do you know that what we see today in USA is a reflection of some of the seeds that were sown by their past leaders. Here are a few comments from some of the past respected leaders in the United States that reveals the kind of people they were:
“It has been my custom for many years to read the Bible in its entirety once a year” (John Quincy Adams).
“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education” (Theodore Roosevelt).
“If we abide by the principles taught by the Bible, our country will go on prospering” (Daniel Webster).
“I believe the Bible is the best gift that God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book. I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go” (Abraham Lincoln).
“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible” (George Washington). (ibid)
Dear reader, cherish this great treasure you have that is called the Bible. Live by its principles and spread the impact wherever you are. Let some other men read your good quote about the bible when you are gone.
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