Some years ago, just before I was called up to compulsorily serve my nation for one year under the NYSC (National Youth Service Corp) scheme; I had series of experiences which I rashly concluded from. A lot of them relate to efforts made in keeping up the heat of my Christian faith just like it was back then in school. In two different circumstances, I can recollect that I got so easily tired when I returned from work; still I endeavored to religiously look at some pages of the bible and equally prayed. As the norm was, electrical power outage in the evenings made me put on candles to light the room each time I got home; but on several occasions I slept off either while reading, just finishing, or yet praying. At the point of switching into the snoring mood before being transported to dream land, I surprisingly felt the tap of someone and spontaneously responded by waking up. Thereafter, I discovered the candles were completely burnt, and the coconut shell they were placed on was also burnt; while the heat also had imprinted marks on the carpet through the coconut shell. In all these experiences, I got so amazed why the carpet and the room did not burn. Honestly, if I did not experience it and someone told me of the story, I probably would not have believed it but concluded it as one of those cooked up stories for testimonies. Most experiences I have heard of, those involved never had the opportunity of being alive to tell the story.
Sincerely speaking, it got me thinking and I remember saying to myself that “there was more to my life”. However, I recently realized that it wasn’t just that but there is indeed a power at work within the believer that sees him through every circumstance. Sincerely speaking, there is actually more to the life of the believer as confirmed in the bible… we have been called according to purpose. I now fully understand why and how such events like that actually happened.
Lately in a related development, precisely some weeks ago, I hurriedly made use of the pressing iron while rushing out of the house to work. Unknowingly, I forgot to put off the switch when I was through. It was actually left on throughout the whole day till I returned from work. Coincidentally, on my way back from work that evening, I discovered that there was an inexpressible joy within me; I actually got the feel right. As I walked through the gate into the house, I danced and sang hymns that I sang last some years ago. Deep down within me, I asked what could be responsible for this. While still attempting to unravel the mystery behind my sudden ecstasy, I opened the entrance door and straightaway perceived the smell of a pressing iron that was long in use. In a swift move, I ran to where it was placed as if that could save the situation that event could have possibly taken advantage of before my arrival. I knew that the pressing iron would have probably being on for almost the whole day.
As I sat to think over this, it occurred to me why I was in such a joyful mood, and equally remembered that the previous three consecutive nights it was like someone has been waking me up in the midnight to pray. Normally because of tiredness resulting from work, I do not stay too long in the night to pray except on a weekend but I realized that during those nights, once I obey the nudge, I receive an unusual strength to pray for a longer period. It can not be denied that the move to pray the previous nights was to avert the pending hazard; even some other ones I am not aware of elsewhere that may involve friends, well wishers or family members. Such nights are nights I use in praying very well in the spirit.
As a result of this recent event, I immediately recollected that the experiences mentioned earlier i.e. before my service year (NYSC), there were several times I had the nudge to rise and pray in the night, though obedience was not total in all those nights. I therefore reconfirmed that it was needful for us to be aware that the Holy Spirit residing in us through our spirit recreated after God’s own is actually at work and never sleeping even when we are. He never leaves when we have disobeyed him but our consciences think so sometime. He is truly a friend indeed and in need. The next time you are woken up in the night take advantage of it to pray. Who knows what you could be addressing in the spirit realm.
adeyiga awomuti |
Whether we choose to accept it or not, the world has taken a new turn. For some, they kept affirming that Barack Obama couldn’t win the 2008 U.S presidential election. Their reason was not farfetched – How can someone they like to term “black man” be the president of USA? It has never happened before! Yes! Never before. But that’s history. There are people whose story shape the way history is written, and Obama is one of them. What fascinates me most is that this is the first time an African-American will win the U.S presidential election. Have you ever been the first person to do something remarkable? Today, I see many people not being able to birth the purpose of God for their lives because they have not been able to answer the question –“Where has it been done before?”. There is this unwritten code that rules in the hearts of men to extol an established pattern over a divine program. And that alone has made many not see the workings of God in their lives. In Matthew 15:6 Jesus said “ye made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition”. What is tradition? It’s simply those things that say ‘this is the way it has always been done’. As little as it may look, it is capable of making the word not have the effect it is supposed to have in our lives. Every tradition starts from someone. Why can’t we be the ones to start something good for others to follow? For a long time, no one ran the 100m race in less than 10 seconds. But the same week this was done by someone, some other people ran 100m race below 10 seconds. I’m sure Obama’s victory has ruptured some barriers from people’s mind. But we do not need to wait for such people before we do what we have been inspired to do. Sometimes it might be too late. It is profitable to follow the divine program on your inside instead of the established pattern on the outside, whether it has been done before or not. This is because we serve a God, who always leads us in victory because of Christ. II Cor. 2:14 (GW)
– tope aladenusi
If there is a time to bring our problem-solving abilities to the table, it is now!
If there is a time Christians should demonstrate the power of God, it is now! If there is a time to walk according to the dictates of God’s Spirit in a way that will astound humanity, it is now! If there is a time we need to demonstrate the miraculous to the world, it is now!
The world is currently speaking one language. Global financial crisis; Stock market crash; Economic downturn; etc. They have gotten to a tipping point where their projections and calculations have failed. The companies with the best ratings are sinking. So what do we expect from the ones aspiring for those ratings? Companies are firing their staff every day. Investors are singing the “send down the rain” song. Men are beginning to come to an end in themselves. They can now appreciate the limitation of self. And this is a good time to dispense the ever present help in time of need.
Oh! I see this time as an opportunity to tell men that there is a God who ruleth in the affairs of men. The “you can do it” talk is ready to give way for the “I can do it according to God’s power at work in me” message. I see it as an opportunity to turn water to wine since the wine in many countries is going dry. I see it as an opportunity to get an idea from the Spirit that will make unbelievers come to us and say “no man can do these things except the Lord be with him”. And we will gladly reply – “except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. I see it as an opportunity to walk in the Spirit and demonstrate the miraculous. Let’s face it. Natural ideas have failed. Supernatural insights can be best appreciated at this point. When a man who mistakenly slumps into a river starts struggling for survival, you may go under with him if you attempt to immediately rescue him. But when he has lost hope of survival, he becomes very light and can be easily pulled out of the river. The world has been struggling for long and rescue time is here.
It is also a time for Christians to get to the point where they cherish the word of God over the philosophies of men. In the past few years, there have been volumes of books on investment and becoming rich. Many believers esteemed these principles more than the ones in the bible. Some ministers even started preaching directly from such books. But if the guys who wrote the books are currently weeping, do we need an angel to tell us to repent and return to the bible. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 “ … learn from me, and you will find rest”. If you have deviated before, it is time you found rest for your soul.
Oh! I cherish Christianity so much. We’ve got the solution to any problem in the world. It’s just a pity many of us do not know this. We are supernatural beings. When natural laws fail, we show the world a new order. “You are chosen people … You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God” I Peter 2:9. The world needs us now!
tope aladenusi |
It is quite understandable why many of us have a little challenge in spending time to pray. The demanding nature of work, coupled with many other distracting things that calls for our attention like entertainment shows on TV, family responsibilities, time limit, amongst many others are all legitimately responsible. Most times when we take out time to communicate with God it appears to be when there is a problem perhaps resulting from a threat, conflict, needs, etc. Ranking top on the list is ‘needs’. For some others, why we spend time to pray is for a smooth sail of the day, or thanks to God for something done. Bottom line, pockets of motivation and especially external ones are responsible for 90% of time we spend praying. It was discovered that once these motivations are out of it, we seem to get easily disinclined to pray. At such time, we end up reciting the Lord’s Prayer of Matthew 6:10, and Luke 11:2.
We need not be motivated or put on our heels like we are for our jobs with pay perks and promotions. I studied the motivation behind Christ death for humanity, perhaps there are some hidden reasons aside the ones I know. I discovered that the motivation is still love, which as many as will accept it will be translated from eternal condemnation to life, and equally worship him eternally. Interestingly, that worship refers to having a feeling of profound love and admiration for Him.
Beyond these motivations that we occasionally experience, there is a fundamental lifestyle expected of us to express; it is our Agapao (Love) life. Love saw us in the miry clay, brought us out and set our feet on the rock to stand. Love gave us a new name and filled our lives with that very nature of God (Love). If our lives consist of this, it is therefore natural for us to express it. A rose expresses its nature which is its beauty and fragrance. A parrot expresses its nature which is talking. We are love beings let us express it.
It is not in mouth proclamation or expression of carnal lust, but in duties and responsibilities. Love took Christ to the cross and earned him a sit at the right hand of God interceding for us (Romans 8: 34). Love should make us be appreciative of these gestures and live up to our responsibilities. Paul in Romans 15: 30-32, entreated the believers at Rome to strive together with him in prayers for Christ sake and the love of the Spirit.
Friends let us gain mastery over all forms of distraction that will not count before God when we are giving account of our lives spent here on earth. Let’s minimize their influence in discharging our duties towards the body of Christ. For Christ sake and the love of the Spirit, I charge us to spend time relating with God in prayers.
– adeyiga awomuti
Have you ever sent your child, servant or subordinate on an errand to perform a task who shows unwillingness to do so? Imagine such a child, servant or subordinate murmuring or frowning his face and reluctantly left to perform the task. He came back after a while with the job well done but not without his frowning face, murmuring lips and dragging feet. How will you feel towards him though he performed the task well?
On the other hand, you might have found yourself in a situation where your boss, parent or pastor asked you to do something at a time when you are not willing or in a mood to do such, though you wished to do it. Since you couldn’t disobey him, you eventually went ahead to do the job against your will, having a feeling of being forced to do it. Can you really do it with excitement, and derive fulfilment and satisfaction? I guess the whole time you spent on the job will be miserable just because it was done with lack of interest.
In my years of service to God, I’ve seen and heard Christians times without number complain about their work for God. It is obvious from their words, actions and lifestyle that they are not doing the work willingly. They murmur about the time they spend for church service, meetings, choir practice, and others. They complain that the church/ministry work is affecting their work, business, family, leisure and social life. The truth is that this attitude is harmful to their progress and will not benefit them at all. A careful look at their life will show you how stagnant and unproductive they are. It is high time such attitude is dropped.
God’s commandment is this “Do all things without murmurings and disputing”. Philippians 2:14. When you murmur or complain, you disobey God; and He is not pleased with anyone who does so! Any labour that is done with such attitude is wasted and has no reward.
Dearly beloved, do not be carried away with so many church activities that are not beneficial to your spiritual growth, be diligent to do the work with a perfect heart. Graduate from the class of those who complain about anything they do in church, so that your labour will not be in vain. The next time your pastor or leader ask you to do something, endeavour to do it heartily, cheerfully, willingly, as unto the Lord. Are you a pastor, Sunday school teacher, children minister, chorister, usher, missionary, church member? Whoever you are and whatever you do for the Lord, do it with understanding. Do not murmur. Do not complain; for God loves a cheerful giver. He will surely reward your labour of love.
But how can you really work for the Lord your God with understanding? How can you take up responsibilities in ministry without complaining? How will you spend several hours in leaders’ meetings that affect your business time without murmuring? The answer is right there in the word of God and we will discuss this together in the second part of this message. I love you.
– segun eshorun
Yesterday, we had arranged to meet with a friend of mine to strike a certain deal. That was supposed to be at 3.00pm. I was also attending a church retreat from 11.00am. He called at 2.45pm to announce that he was already at the venue. Guess what? I was miles upon miles away from the place, still enjoying the aura of the retreat. I tried to guzzle the traffic jam and other road distractions but got to the venue forty minutes late. His greeting was, “I can see you are a typical African, you can’t keep to time”. I stood there sheepishly, trying to drown his last word with “er…er, I’m really sorry”. It felt awful because he is a Muslim and I am a Christian yet he had won the bragging rights. I had let distractions creep in and steal my time with him.
Time can never be created, so the saying goes. It is true. But wait. Have you ever tried to fit wool into a sack? You will be amazed how much space the sack affords each time you press the wool hard. You will discover that the sack can actually carry more wool than you ever imagined. You will eventually say that you created some space until all the wool fitted. In reality, you didn’t create any space. You just squeezed the wool into the already existing space. This is the same case with time. We can always squeeze all our tasks and afford some spare time if we learned basic truths about creating time…..or should I say saving time. We can save time if we:
- Avoid time-wasters. Time wasters are things that eat into our time while we remain sub-conscious about them. These may be people, object, ideas and such other things. These include but are not limited to gossips, fantasies, day-dreaming, worries, disorganized desks and so on. These can be avoided if we choose to. Remember it’s about choice not about possibility. Certainly it is possible to avoid time-wasters but if a determined choice has not been made to do so, then it will never happen. If we avoid gossips, fantasizing, worrying and organize our desks and working environment, then we can save (I mean create time)
- Prioritize. Some of the text messages we receive can be read when we are taking our lunch or even when we get home after the day’s work. This means we should peruse through and leave them alone for later attention. Some calls can also be drowned with a polite “can I call you later, probably in the evening?” Those emails, messages and other things which are urgent and important should be considered first. Then comes those that are urgent but not important, which we can delegate if we have a delegatee. If we don’t have one, we can go through them quickly since they are likely to be short in nature and requiring short response. Things which are important but not urgent can be done in phases, bearing in mind the deadline. Last comes things which are not urgent and not important which should be ignored till when we want to attend to them at our own pleasure rather than pressure.
(To be continued)
– johnstone katuku
Bible Reading: II Corinthians 5:17-21
Several years ago, I listened to a message on Easter Sunday that challenged me. The pastor taught about the price Jesus Christ paid for the redemption of humanity. He then encouraged us to go ahead and preach the gospel of Jesus to all nations. I became very bothered because I have been hearing this kind of messages from time to time and it is now becoming like “twinkle twinkle little star”. At the end of such messages, I do agree with almost everything the pastors say, and conclude that it was a good and timely message. But that was all about it. I do not do anything about what I heard.
What kind of Christianity am I practicing, I questioned myself. Why will I just listen to good messages and conclude that “it is true” or “I do not agree with that”, and everything ends there? I even teach others in Church about this, but wasn’t doing much about it. No! I must break this circle. I must at least put some of these things into practice. I am supposed to be a living epistle. I cannot try to cheat my divine nature and continue like this.
I went home and discussed the state of my “knowing so much, and doing so little” life with a friend called Tayo. Tayo suggested we go out straight away to evangelize. We set out to the street in the midst of the Easter euphoria, sharing the gospel with folks. I remembered we asked some guys – why are we celebrating? Does it make sense to celebrate that someone died? That question caught the attention of some, like Apostle Paul would have aroused attention when he asked “Have you receive the Holy Ghost since you believed?”. I remembered one of the guys we talked to replied – I never gave that a thought. We expounded the word to him, told him how the resurrection of Jesus opened the gateway to the redemption of man. I also remembered we preached to a group of guys who were smoking and drinking. They made fun of us but as we were about leaving, one of them ran to us and pleaded that he wanted to be saved.
Guess what? At the end of our missionary tour that day, 13 people accepted the salvation of Jesus Christ. What a glorious day! Beloved, the truth is that if I write a powerful message telling you why it is important for us to preach the gospel. I bet many of you will agree with me. But the question is not whether you agree or not, the question is “are you preaching the gospel?” When was the last time you led someone into the kingdom of God?
Today, I see many of us discussing about money-making opportunities. I also do the same. But I long for the time when believers will be discussing about soul-winning opportunities – the city that has not been evangelized; the village that has only 2 believers; the church that nothing has been said about the gospel for over 5 years.
Hey! Don’t look too far. These opportunities are also around you. Jesus said the life of a man that is saved is worth more than the whole wealth of the world (Mark 8: 36). Wow! This is serious business my beloved. Can we start to act now? The gospel in itself has power to save anyone; your duty is just to preach it. Will you take that step today? You may be surprised that there are some “13 souls” waiting for you to decide. I like you to take that step this week, and share your testimonies with me at . I am expecting to read from you.
– tope aladenusi
Bible Reading – Matthew 9
Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house and many tax collectors and sinners came to eat with Jesus and his disciples (Mat 9:10). The Pharisees could not understand his action. I’m sure they were wondering how could the one who says he is the son of God dine with sinners. Is he not knowledgeable enough to know that “evil communication corrupts good manners”?
Jesus overheard the Pharisees questioning his disciples on this issue and remarked: “People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick” (Mat 9:10 – GNB). It was clear from his statement that his decision to dine with sinners was purposeful. When you see the son of God dining with unbelievers, there must be a critical mission at the back of his mind. He wants to give them the lifeline they need to get well.
All sons of God are carriers of this lifeline. But not all the sons of God relate with unbelievers with the same motive like the first son of God – Jesus Christ.
Why don’t we emulate Jesus? Every day we find ourselves in the midst of sinners; we know they are sinners, but we rarely tell them about the salvation from Jesus. We sit with them in our offices; we dine with the in the restaurants; we go to school with them; these days, we even go to church with them; but … we do not act like someone who has been given the primary task of reconciling men to God (II Cor. 5:18).
Look at your sphere of contacts. Examine your family. Flip through your phone book. Browse your address list. Are they all born again? You are there for a purpose. Talk to them about the saving grace of Jesus. They may not admit immediately, but you have sown a seed.
I remember a friend preached to me before I got born again. After his message, all the other messages I had earlier heard about Christ dawned on me. I was able to connect them together and conviction was born in my heart. Your listeners may not get born again instantly, but you have sown a seed they will connect to tomorrow. Who knows what they will become after that connection has been made?
If you must be accused of dining with sinners, it should be because you are there for a critical mission – like Jesus was with the tax collectors. They are in need, and you must help.
-tope aladenusi
No doubt, finding a wife or husband is one of the most tasking challenges single people go through. That does not mean all single people have to go through the same experiences. However, if you are in the process of looking for a spouse, I would like to share with you some useful ideas. My prayer is that God will lead you to the right person He has for you. And that brings about a point I need to explain briefly:
Is there a right person for someone to marry?
Without any hesitation, I say yes. God has a plan for your life. That plan includes who you marry. Just as you have to discover (not create) your destiny, so also you have to find (not create) who your spouse is. “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22, NLT). When people feel they could just marry whoever they see fit, God may not stop them. But they would have to live with the consequences of their decisions. So, there is someone meant for you as your spouse.
“How can I find her or him”, you ask.
Delight in God
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart”, (Psalm 37:4, NIV). Your starting point is with God. He is the Alpha, the Beginning. Pray to Him about your desire to marry. Trust Him to lead you in the right direction. Be sincere about accepting whoever God reveals to you as your spouse. Marriage is His idea. He knows who you truly need. He has the best for you but His best sometimes may not look as good as you want. Be careful not to look down on anyone. Be careful not to reject a gift because of the wrappers. Relax! Delight in His choice and you will later find out that God is always good.
Prepare yourself
Getting married should not be a race to see who gets to the altar first. It is not a competition to find out who could get married before whom. 2 Chronicles 27:6 says, “So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God”, (KJV). Do you want to be a great wife or husband? Do you want to have a great marriage? Then you need to prepare yourself. Arithmetically, ½ + ½ = 1. But when it comes to marriage, half plus half do not make a whole. Do not go into marriage because you are hurting or bleeding from past pains. You need time to be healed, restored, and made whole. God “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”, (Psalm 147:3, NIV). Relationship is a mutual sharing of lives between people. While God is working on your future spouse, let Him help you too to prepare yourself. That way, both of you would be a blessing to each other.
Use your gift of discernment.
You need it so much in this regard. A lot of guys tend to appear somehow lower in status than the ladies they are intending to marry. Dear sister, use your discernment before turning him down. Some ladies also had gone through some rough experiences that could discourage some men. Dear brother, exercise the wisdom of God before giving up on her. Joseph attempted to reject Mary because of her pregnancy. But God’s best deal for Joseph was Mary.
Look for someone to love
Are you searching for a Mr. or Miss Perfect? Someone out of this world? Quit wasting your time. The promise from God is that He will bless you with a “helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary)” for you, (Genesis 2:18, AMP). Avoid setting unnecessary standard that could hinder you. Go for God’s promise, someone you could love for the rest of your life. Relate with singles. Come out of your shell. If you lock up yourself in a room for the next 10 years, how will you meet your spouse? There is a place for relating with singles even as you trust God to send you your spouse. Without being immorally flirtatious, get to know more about people who would like to marry you.
God is at work in your marital life, never stop rejoicing and praising Him.
victor adeola king
“Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel” – Genesis 49:4
Below zero degrees centigrade, water is a solid – strong, unmovable. Leave it to absorb heat and it turns to flowing liquid. You would expect it would continue flowing, but not at all. The moment it closes the hundred degrees temperature mark, it turns into vapour and flies away.
Such are some of us. Inside the church, we jump, we cry, we pray; and like the children of Israel we vow:
“All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.” Exodus 19:8.
Outside the church, when the warmth of the world touches us, we melt in weakness. Like Demas, we start loving the world: its fashion, entertainment and the pursuit.
“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world…” II Timothy 4:10
And if the heat of trials and temptation should come our way, we turn our back to the faith we once professed. Like Jonah, we board a ship to Tarshish, attempting to go away from the presence of the Lord.
When are we going to be men and no more babies in Christ?
When is the Lord going to count on our integrity?
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong (I Corinthians 16:13); for without stability in your love for Christ, you will not excel.
okenna obi-igbokwe