Quite recently there was a new government sworn into power in Nigeria. Naturally there was a renewed sense of change and some glimmer of hope, albeit quite alloyed with mixed feelings based on experiences garnered from irascible past governments. Even at that, there’s a general phenomenon with Humans. Irrespective of how good a government has been, there’s always a belief that better can be done. I wholly buy into this thought as well, because we live in an imperfect world where change is constant.
We all very well participate in the undulations of this particular thought motion of renewed expectancy. Everybody loves to have some level of progression in some way. For professionals and paid employees, they expect renewed terms of service and better pay packages when they hear that a new board has taken over the affairs of the firm they work for, even when the former board was great. For sports lovers, they want their teams to win all the available laurels year in year out and in style as well. For students, there’s always an expectation that academic facilities, student welfare and standards will be improved whilst tuition rates are sustained at a previous rate or even reduced by a new administration. The list is endless. The facts established show that a form of government rules our thoughts, anticipations and actions in life.
Whilst I ruminated on our acts and expectations based on different forms of governments that rule our daily decisions, my conscious mind was stung by the illumination in Isaiah 9:6. It says “A child will be born for us. A son will be given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. He will be named: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (God’s Word Version). Ironically this verse is mostly quoted at Christmas day services, but in real sense, it is the mantra that should govern Christianity. This verse clearly defines Jesus, His authority and unmatchable nature. It says, “the government” not “a government”, which in effect means every authority in Heaven and earth. It says “Wonderful Counselor”, which in effect means that His counsel and ideas can’t be matched by any known or unknown authority. He’s infallible by every standard ever and will ever be. It says “Mighty God and Everlasting Father”, describing His Imperial divinity and everlasting durability. It says “Prince of Peace”, which means that he that relies on Him is safe and sound. With all these qualifications He is truly matchless. None has ever been and will ever be described this way (Rev.1:8).
Given the quality of the personality described in Isaiah 9:6, it’s logical to conclude that allowing Jesus govern all aspects of our life will put us on the best pedestal for success. Any decision that does not emanate from your sense of completeness in Christ is totally against the will of God, because God has given us all we need in Christ (Col.2:10, 2Pet.2.3-4). We need to allow Jesus govern our lives, because He’s the owner (1Cor.6:19-20). He paid the price we should have paid, He’s the governor (Rom.5:6 & 12-15, Rom.6:23). Allow Him rule and you’ll be fruitful in all your ways.
“She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus [He Saves], because he will save his people from their sins.” (Mat.1:21)
“My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.” (Phil.4:19)
Emeka Ofia |
Over the weekend my friend and I took a ride in his car through the streets and conurbations in the Dubai free trade zone. Amusingly, we lost our way when he was about to make a detour and take me back to my abode. At this juncture he quickly re-thought and told me to pick out his Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver from the pigeonhole in the car’s dashboard.
A GPS receiver is configured such that it receives very clear information from a space-basedglobal navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. My friend’s well sophisticated GPS receiver has a voice prompt that gives salient details about our location, our direction, required speed limits, necessary landmarks, road monitors (cameras that monitor speed) and our final destination. Our complete adherence and reliance on the information given to us via the GPS receiver made us get to our final destination (my abode) without much challenge.
Just as my friend and I took advantage of the information via the GPS receiver to get to our destination without much trouble, Christians are meant to rely on the information they get through the Spirit of God in us (Rom.8:9-10) and reliance on the Word of God (John 1:1-3, Prov.3:5-7) through scriptures to enjoy what I call God’s Provisional Scheme (GPS) (Phil.4:19).
God made heaven and earth through Christ for His purpose and goodness (Col.1:15-19). He redeemed us through Christ for His purpose and goodness (Eph.1:7-12). We are in turn meant to live through Christ to fulfill God’s purpose and goodness for our lives (Eph.2:10).
It was easy for us to take advantage of what the GPS receiver fed us with, because we trusted its viability and the source of information, though it was made by fallible men. Our lives will only be easy with God if we have faith in Him and trust Him for every single thing in our lives (Heb.11:6). God is never late (Eccl.3:11), He’s faithful even when we’re faithless He can’t deny Himself (2Tim.2:13) and he’s not unfaithful to forget your labors of Love (Heb.6:10). John G. Whittier once said – “God’s providence is not blind, but full of eyes.” Yes! His hands are also full of all the goodness that you desire.
Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mat. 11:28-30 NIV). Please submit to Jesus in all you do and you’ll enjoy God’s Provisional Scheme (GPS) (Phil.4:19).
– Emeka Ofia |
“I find it difficult to forgive myself”. This is a common statement on the lips and minds of many believers. One major reason for this is because for most of the quagmire we fall into, we remembered what the Word said about that situation or had a nudging from God about it but decided to press the “ignore” button. The other day I went to an office and wanted to park my car under a nice shade. I had a strong nudging not to do so, but I felt, what could happen to my car in such a serene environment? When I returned few hours later, I saw a massive dent at the back of my car and the first thing that came to my mind was … I knew it! He warned me but I wouldn’t listen. For a long time as I looked at that dent, I just regretted not obeying the Holy Spirit’s leading and reminded myself again of how I have made a mess of some other things in my life in a similar manner.
From a dent in something as ephemeral as a car to a dent in our lives that was caused by not walking in the Spirit, we have got to learn to forgive ourselves and not be found making the same mistake again. You can’t afford to be taking cue from Judas Iscariot; he could not forgive himself for betraying Jesus Christ and he ended up hanging himself (Matthew 27:5). On the other hand, Simon Peter forgave himself after denying Jesus thrice, turned back to the same Lord he had previously denied; and he became one of the foremost leaders in Christendom.
God is still willing to use you to influence lives positively and advance progressively to greater heights in life if you learn to forgive yourself and accept His forgiveness. I recall that for 10 years after I became born again, I lived like any bad guy on the streets. But a time came when I decided to forgive myself for walking in error, reaffirm my belief in God’s forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus and make a drastic U-turn in my attitude. In a short while, God transformed the course of my life. You may not be able to change your past, so stop allowing it to destroy your wonderful future. It is clear you screwed up by entering into that relationship; Yes! you knew you shouldn’t have taken that job which landed you into the job market again; That investment was not worth your sweat in any way, but you failed to listen to the Spirit; You may have occupied an enviable position in that church for years while you grew very lean spiritually; Perhaps you haven’t been giving your best to the work of the ministry committed to your hands. Forgive yourself today, accept the forgiveness God is stretching towards you, and move on with your life. Just give your best to ensure that going forward you obey the nudging of the Holy Spirit and live in obedience to God’s word.
You may not be able to go back to have a brand new start, but you can start now and have a brand new end. Bask in the heavenly freedom you enjoy. If the Son of man has set you free, don’t be the one to re-entangle yourself in bondage.
– Tope Aladenusi |
The experience of some employers with some believers of our day is similar to the experience of Jesus and the fruitless fig tree described in Matthew 21:19 (CEV) – “…and along the way He saw a fig tree. But when He came to it, He found only leaves and no figs. So He told the tree, “You will never again grow any fruit!” Right then the fig tree dried up.”
We see some believers today with captivating ‘leaves’. They look responsible and attractive from afar. They have fair speeches that can swing any recruitment panel decision in their favour. Take a closer look – after they are employed but you don’t find the fruit of skilfulness, diligence and uprightness. They are not productive and fruitful because they are not skilful. Skilfulness has to do with being excellent at what you do; being an expert because of your distinguishing knowledge and experience. Are you regarded as an expert in your field? Do you consistently strive to improve your knowledge and experience? I find it incredible when some brethren tell me they are desirous of changing their jobs, and when I request their resume, they go through their mail and forward a copy they sent to some other person a year or two ago. I begin to wonder if it means that this person has not acquired any new knowledge or experience in the last year or two! I think a skilful person would consider their resume stale after every 12 months.
The bible says “the righteous is more excellent than his neighbour” (Proverbs 12:26 KJV). The believer has an excellent spirit by nature and therefore we should see the coterminous effect in everything he does. Excellence should be our lifestyle. Skilfulness should make us more productive in our workplace. But what do we see today? You give an unbeliever a target – “I need that report by 2pm tomorrow”. He says “YES SIR!” and before 2pm the next day, the report is ready. You give a believer the same target and his response is – “I will try my best by the grace of God”. Sadly, by 2pm the next day, he hasn’t even gone halfway. Won’t the employer begin to wonder: if he was working by the grace of God and giving his best, why didn’t he get the result in record time? Will the employer not be scared of people who tag their speeches with “by the grace of God”?
No man truly walks with God and remains unproductive. Even in the Old Testament, we see that the men who walked with God were more productive than their peers. We see a man like Daniel delivering exceptional results despite the adverse conditions around him, how much more the believer that has the exact ability of God in him. You who have 24/7 access to the wisdom of God in a mystery that is hidden from even the princes of this world (I Cor. 2:7-10), how then is it a struggle to excel in the vocation relating to this lesser world? Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:13 (AMP) – I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].
The believer should never be found deflating his efficiency with any form of deficiency because he is self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. It is wrong for the believer to continue to rate himself on the basis of his physical abilities alone, because he is a brand new person in Christ. You should be more conscious of your spiritual ability and this will definitely affect your productivity. The advantage for you is that your employer would generally give you tasks and rate you based on his perception of your physical ability. But if you work based on your spiritual ability there is no way you won’t constantly exceed the legitimate expectations of your employer.
While our major goal in life is not to excel at work but to fulfil our purpose, being skilful and fruitful at work is something that should flow naturally from us because we belong to the lineage where whatsoever thing we do, we do it excellently. I trust that you will determine to always display the fruit of integrity and productivity at all times and in all places even as I leave you with the words of Ralph Brownrig – “trees have their seasons at certain times of the year when they bring forth fruit; but a Christian is for all seasons.”
– Tope Aladenusi
(This piece is an excerpt of the article – “Why some employers don’t want to employ Christians” in Today’s Lifeline Magazine Vol.3No.1) |
One reason many believers do not act in faith is because the current figures on their planning sheets or the circumstances around them seem unfavourable. But we will need to learn to ignore the figures (most times) when we act in faith.
When Jesus Christ wanted to feed 5000 men, the figures were unfavourable; they had just 5 loaves and 2 fish. Imagine 5 loaves divided among 5000 men, besides women and children – there would not be enough crumbs for some of the people to lick. Jesus understood the numbers but ignored them and acted in faith. The bible recorded that they had 12 bags of leftover after feeding the 5000 men. When Joshua and his team went to spy the land of Canaan, some of them came back with the report that the figures and circumstances were against them. The people in Canaan were many, and the Israelites were like grasshoppers compared to the Canaanites. But Caleb and Joshua who were acting on God’s instruction were not moved by the figures and statures.
Likewise, whenever you are acting on God’s word written in scripture or spoken to you, you may need to ignore the figures and move into action with the mindset that success is guaranteed.
The spiritual man or woman should know when to ignore the figures. The figures may help you know where you currently stand, but they should not deter you from reaching your God-given goals. Learn to make plans based on the directives of the Holy Spirit. Many times when God gives me an instruction regarding a move to make, I find myself saying – how can these things come to pass, because the figures are clearly not on my side in the physical realm. I remember years ago when He led us to donate classroom blocks to the Christian Learning Centre in Dukkawa, Nigeria. We had less than 5 partners in our ministry then, and our combined income wouldn’t have achieved much. But in less than 2 years from when we decided to act in faith, our partner numbers rose to over 100 and we were able to donate a block of 3 state-of-the-art classrooms to the Christian Learning Centre.
When God sends you to do a task, it may look impossible at first, but if you commit your mind and actions to it, it begins to look possible, and before you know it, it is accomplished. Action is usually the highway that helps you move from the impossible junction to the attainable lane.
What God wants to achieve through us is far greater than where we currently are or what we have today and that is why the figures and circumstances usually look mind blowing or unfavourable. Divine ideas require divine supplies for their fulfilment and God’s vision requires God’s provision for its realization. Therefore, the mind blowing figures should not scare us away from God’s goal for our lives; rather we should see them as reminders that we are God’s children who depend on divine supplies to achieve God-given ideas.
So I encourage you to put the figures in the right perspective and act in faith today!
Tope Aladenusi |
“Whosever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them the same is blessed in his deeds”. Now I want you to note carefully what the bible is teaching in the following scriptures.
The New American Standard version of the Bible (NASB) renders Mathew 7:24 this way; “therefore everyone who hears these words of mine AND ACTS ON THEM, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain fell, and the floods came and the winds blew and slammed against that house; AND YET IT DID NOT FALL, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine AND DOES NOT ACT ON THEM, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand…”
John 13:17 “If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them”.
James 1:22 “but prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves”.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. But we have to go beyond this level to the level of doers. Who are those who achieve great things? Those who act on the word of God! Who is able to believe without wavering, who stands firm and unshakable when the rains, the winds and the floods of life blows? Those who act on the word! Faith is PERFECTED (lacking nothing) when we act. Nothing questions faith like inaction. A lack of corresponding action is the greatest bane to faith and you don’t know what you can achieve, what giant is in you, until you act. There is a giant in you, that can overcome all, that giant is let loose when you go into action based on your faith. Don’t wait to have so-called big faith. The bible tells us clearly that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “move” and it will respond to you. In truth, great faith is the result of many corresponding little actions. David acted his faith, first while caring for his animals and it grew. Later he met Goliath and applied the same principles of faith. It is not faith you lack; its action.
So the question at this point might as well be what have you done with your faith?
By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac.
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come
By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of pharaoh’s daughter.
By faith this same Moses forsook Egypt.
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about for seven days.
I love these scriptures. See the actions our heroes of faith took on the basis of their faith. They acted by faith. Seven days they matched round a city. Seven days they acted because they believed and got results. In anything and everything by faith take action.
I feel the frustration of believers when they believe God for something and it’s like nothing is happening. But let every man be a liar, God remains true. Has He promised and He will not perform? Heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot of his word will go unfulfilled. The confidence we have is that if we ask anything in His name we know that He hears us, and if He does, then we know we have our petitions.
We have them. All things are yours. Actions establish them. There are so many things you can do that will never happen because you didn’t get started. Take a step of faith. Just a small step. If you have faith for a business, do as little as making enquiries. Doing that alone releases so much power. You see things fall into place; because you acted. If you want to grow that same business, pray over it in your understanding and in other tongues, then try new things as the Spirit guides you and see the resultant effect. If you want to be a great evangelist for God, start by speaking to the one person next to you and soon you will speak to thousands. What do you have faith for? What great dreams, visions or prophesy do you have? Take a step. Act. Power is released when we act.
Don’t just believe in your mind, speak it out, act it. Take action NOW. In anything and everything God is laying on your heart, by faith take action, and nothing can stop you.
This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.
– Emmanuel Aladenusi
When I was a new believer in Christ and was trying to understand the faith concept, I believed that faith was trusting God for something without the smallest iota of doubt in the process. So when I had even the smallest of doubts, I believed that negated my faith. I also believed that once you had faith you did not need to do anything, all you had to do was keep praying and keep waiting; God through scriptures taught me otherwise.
I remember all the struggles I had trying to determine if I had faith or not. Many have these same issues and because they know that they must believe God without wavering, they are quick to assume they are disqualified whenever they falter in their faith.
How then do we establish faith? How do we prove this is faith? How do we know faith? By corresponding actions! James 2:26 – “for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also”. It’s not enough to say I have faith; you must consciously take action on the basis of that faith. Once you do that, faith is made perfect. James 2: 22 “… by works faith was made perfect”.
Act your faith. Put your faith to work. Abraham believed God and he sacrificed Isaac; Joseph believed God and gave instructions concerning his bones; Noah believed God and he built an ark. Their actions affirmed their faith and it was accounted to them as righteousness. Don’t spend time debating with the devil, just act your faith.
When you don’t act your faith you won’t get results. We are partakers with God. That means together with God we make things happen. So it’s not just enough to believe, we must take actions that corresponds to our faith. If you have faith for healing, don’t remain on the bed, get up and walk. If you believe God for a house, then begin to shop for one and start putting money aside towards the payment. By taking action you perfect faith. That’s why James said, I will show you my faith by my works.
And if it appears you doubt, override it by actions that are in tandem with the faith you desire. I like the story of Jesus and Peter. Luke 5:4-6 “and he said to Simeon, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. But Simeon answered and said to him, Master we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. It’s like saying I don’t really believe this will work, but because you have said it I will act. And his actions brought him results. We don’t work by feelings, so ignore whatever doubt you feel and act your faith. For every “but” of doubt let there be a corresponding “nevertheless” in actions.
Friends act your faith today. Don’t be passive in faith. Be active in it. If you believe God for something, establish it by corresponding actions. “Whosoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them the same is blessed in his deeds”.
Emmanuel Aladenusi
Years ago, I was assigned to go assist our Cameroun office for a short time. As I was about to set out for Cameroun, it occurred to me that I did not have sufficient cash to buy a few gifts or souvenirs for myself and my loved ones. I pondered on this need, and expressed my desire to God to provide cash for me … in a miraculous way.
Miraculous way . . . ? That was what I said but, sincerely I had defined in my mind how I wanted God to ‘send’ me the cash, not necessarily ‘miraculous’. I imagined I was going to do an outstanding job for the guys in Cameroun and they would be so impressed that they would give me a parting cash gift. I’m sure a lot of us do this on several occasions in our prayers, we figure out how we want God to grant our desires – sometimes to the smallest detail. But God’s ways can be totally different from our imaginations, like he taught me on that trip.
I got to Cameroun and went to the baggage claim section. After every passenger had picked their bags, mine refused to show up. I complained to the airline staff and they gave me the sad news– my bag was missing! They said that a message had been sent across their entire network and, hopefully, they would find my bag soon. Bewildered, I went to the Cameroun office to report the situation, and that was when I started to get answers to the desire I had expressed to God.
First, the ‘big boss’ at the Cameroun office gave me some cash to get clothes and shoes for myself before I commenced the assignment. The next day, I got a call from the airline; they apologized, explained that my bag had been mistakenly packaged to another country and handed my bag to me. Something more – they gave me a cash compensation for the inconvenience. When I opened my bag, I thought to myself – “I did not really miss the bag, but I really wanted the money. Thank God”. And then everything seemed to be the ‘miraculous’ for me unlike my earlier imagination.
I remember grumbling when my bag didn’t show up. I mean “how could the bag of a man of the most high God be declared missing?” But God arranged that temporary disturbance to grant me my heart desire. Perhaps you are saying – “why am I still unmarried despite my service to God for years?” “Why should the ministry or business of a man of God not move with rocket speed from the first day?” “Why haven’t I gotten that dream job?” As long as you are serving God with honesty and dedication, rest assured that a pleasant surprise is coming your way soon. His ways will transcend your imagination. “God makes everything happen at the right time…” -Ecclesiastes 3:11 (CEV).
– Tope Aladenusi
“Then he brought me back to the door of the temple: and there was water flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, the water was flowing from the right side of the temple, south of the alter … And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish because these waters go there; for THEY WILL BE HEALED and EVERYTHING WILL LIVE WHEREVER THE RIVER GOES.” NKJV Ezekiel 47: 1 & 9
Just reading the above scripture gives me goose bumps and sends cold chills down my spine because it brings to my remembrance again the tremendous healing power that is available to me as a child of God. The good thing is, not only is this power available to you, it can be available to others through you. If you are a child of God, you’ve got healing waters in you. In the above passage the Spirit of God was busy revealing to the prophet Ezekiel the glory of the temple to come. A temple that was going to be an epitome of perfection and beauty; a temple that will be built according to God’s original design. This temple of Ezekiel, contrary to the beliefs of some is not referring to some futuristic temple that will be built in Jerusalem when Jesus comes again. How do I know that? Because the Bible categorically states that God does not dwell in temples made with hands. (Acts7:48). The Bible also categorically states that WE (The body of Christ both individually and collectively) are the temple of God. (I Cor 3:16, II Cor 6:16).
I therefore submit to you that the temple that Ezekiel saw was directly (not indirectly) pointing to the church of Jesus Christ and to you as an individual believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact, it was this scripture in particular that Jesus was referring to when he gave his invitation to all who were thirsty. “On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, AS THE SCRIPTURE HAS SAID, out of his heart will flow rivers of LIVING WATER.” NKJV John 7:37-38. There are many references in the Old Testament to ‘water’, but the only reference to ‘living water’ was the scripture we quoted from Ezekiel 47. So, in essence, Jesus interpreted that scripture for us and said that the temple that Ezekiel saw represented those that believe in him and the rivers of living waters flowing out from beneath the altar represented the living waters that would flow out of the hearts or spirits of those who believe in him. Now that we have this background, we can better understand the message of Ezekiel 47. Within you, child of God, is a mighty river and this river flows out to bring healing wherever it goes. The Bible says, ‘EVERYTHING WILL LIVE WHEREVER THE RIVER GOES.’ This is a sovereign declaration of Almighty God. This is the word of God that cannot fail. Have you received the life of Jesus into you? Do you have the Holy Spirit living in you? Then, my brother, my sister, you have all the healing in the world that you will ever need waiting to burst out not from heaven, but from within your own spirit. The healing waters of God will flow out from your spirit and bring healing to you. I don’t care what the sickness is. There’s healing for you today in God’s mighty river of healing power. It’s in you! – Dr. Daniel Oyebamiji |