There is always that last pill. Difficult to swallow. Sometimes it is the colour, other times it is the shape. Could be the smell as well but most times it is the size of the pill. The bigger the tablet, capsule, caplet, etc the further down it gets on the list of pills to be swallowed.
Are you finding it difficult to swallow a pill today?
Let’s take a look at one such pill. The apostles quite believed in the return of Jesus. I mean they anticipated and waited for fifty days and then the great revival with the ushering in of the Holy Ghost. That was a bit easy to swallow at first but then came the difficult one.
Just about anybody had access to this seemingly exclusive regard as well.
Suddenly it wasn’t meant anymore for the small group that waited for so long nor their converts alone but also for some who they could not have imagined.
The loser’s, the nobody’s, the “no – nation”, the…gentiles.
They too had access to the magnificent Grace of God. I love the way Peter puts it. It is clear that God gave those Gentiles the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; who was I, then, to try to stop God!” (Acts 11:15) No difference at all. It was one and the same experience. Not second class or second grade.
The pill today is that the Grace of God includes all and does not exclude anyone. You are as much legible to it as that man across the street or that “Man of God” in the fine suit. If Christ ever died to select some few then that few must be the whole world of which you and I are a part. Aren’t you glad you are not left out? Aren’t you glad it does not matter where your roots may have sunk into? Surely this pill might not smell right but I’ve just swallowed it….and it didn’t hurt at all.
– Dr bolaji akanni