Believe me, life changing moments and encounters are moments of obedience; Moments when we act in obedience rather than trying to rationalise things. Every increase is seed based, but spontaneous increase has in addition to the seed instant obedience to a direct instruction from God. Most times when we ought to give, we wrestle with the spirit, we think of a million and one reasons why we ought not to sow now. Giving won’t be easy unless you have an understanding. I am inspired by Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac, but I am much more inspired by the reason he gave Isaac.
Heb 11:17-19 ‘by faith Abraham when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence he received him in a figure’.
- He had God’s word that in Isaac shall his seed be called and he knew he could stake his life on the immutability of God’s word.
- He understood he did not have Isaac until God gave him and from the deadness of their bodies.
- That same God was able to bring him back to life again from the dead from whence he was received in the first place.
Glory to God! It’s easy to give when you have Abraham’s kind of reasoning. Whenever you have difficulty giving, reason like father Abraham. Know that God for whom it is impossible to lie has given his assurance that it’s more blessed to give. We also have the assurance that our seeds will be multiplied back to us. Be quick to give because what ever you have was given by God in the first place, if he did not give it you won’t have it. If he gave you then you can give back at his word.
And finally there is plenty where what you are giving out came from. Giving only qualifies you for more of what you give out.
Stop the complicated reasoning, just give.
– emmanuel aladenusi