Monday morning this week, after praying to my heavenly father, I decided to play some gospel music. As the sound filtered across the house, my eldest daughter ran into my room and said – “Daddy, I want to dance”. Dance??? I asked. It’s Monday morning and you should be getting ready to go to summer school. The look on her face made me evaluate my statement: who says one cannot dance on a Monday morning? What’s wrong with that? Furthermore, I couldn’t help but wonder why “dancing” would pop up in a child’s mind on a Monday morning.
Then I remembered Matthew 18:3 – “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” As believers, we heard the gospel and decided to put our trust in Jesus Christ, just like a child would throw herself into the arms of her parents with the certainty that she would not fall down. But as we gradually mature in our faith, many of us seem to trust more in our abilities than in God. We are carrying load that should have been left at the feet of Jesus, and so it is difficult to dance, much less on a Monday morning.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 (CEV) – “I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear.” However, many of us still worry about these things. Our lists are even more detailed and they include marriage, house, job, and other things money can buy. But Jesus said don’t worry about them because before we ever had any need, our heavenly father anticipated that need and He has made a provision. We’ll see the manifestation as we trust Him and seek His will. God has prepared a table before us, even in the presence of our enemies. He’s leading us beside the still waters, no matter the circumstance we may be going through.
My daughter doesn’t worry about her needs because she’s got a great dad. Have you got a great God? Would you be willing to dance in the face of your challenges with full assurance that God has got everything sorted out?
– Tope Aladenusi