It’s Time to Experience God in the miraculous
By the mouth of Elijah, God declared a draught in Israel, yet Elijah was not to be excluded from experiencing the effect of the draught; nevertheless, there was provision for him to see with his eyes the dryness and experience God as Jehovah Jireh.
The first miracle – God tells him to go to the brook, a raven will feed you with bread, flesh and water. An outside person may say he is eating little but considering the situation, he had enough to meet his need.
Sometimes when things are tough all we have is just enough to meet our need. The fact that we have just enough to meet our need does not mean we are not living in the miraculous.
Sometimes we need to step back again and look at our situation from another perspective in order to see His hand. Many times our eyes are too clouded with the problems so much that we fail to see God in our situations.
Let’s take another look at Elijah’s experience, when it was a time for a new experience the brook dried up and God told him to go to a widow, another unlikely source of provision. There he knew abundance much more than he did earlier. God even created an avenue to prove Himself as the almighty.
Sometimes when things get tough, God is setting you up for the miraculous. Imagine you got pregnant the first night or first few months of your marriage, your experience could never be called miraculous. Now think about Hannah! Can you see the difference? Or imagine you never had any financial constraints and your family is growing material wise in leaps and bounds; now imagine you moved into an empty house after marriage and the next day or months that follows, the house is filled to overflowing. Can you imagine what Job and his wife went through when they lost all in one day?
And then God turned around all their losses for good, can you imagine the joy that followed?
Malachi 3:3 says: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” Like the silver smith God is holding you in the fire, not taking His eyes off you for one minute, waiting until He can see his image in your life and relationship.
Whatever they’re going through, they’ll be a better person in the end.
Hold on, surely morning will come after the Night.
– omolola ezeifeoma
One Comment
Adeola Omole omo Oba
Thanks for the nice write up. I quite agree with it. One thing I love to stress out is “patience” or if if you like waiting time. You see God can make things happen in a twinkle and other times it might take a while. But in as much as we know that we are truly the children of God and we walk in His will I strongly believe we need not get worried whenever it seems our prayers are not been answered because one strong assurance from God is that “ALL THINGS WORKS TOGETEHR FOR OUR GOOD”. Delay is not denial.
You know something struck my attention yesterday in Ps 110:1 – “The LORD said unto my Lord.; sit thou at my right hand, UNTIL I make thine enemies thy footstool”. One clear thing we can all see here is that God WILL definitely subdue all enemies BUT He stress patient/waiting with the word “UNTIL”. You know it’s like seeing a James Bond/Jackie Chan movie in the theatre; the enemy (bad guys/boss…..) might truly capture, torture, humiliate him but you have the confidence that at the end they would ALL be destroyed by him ( or have you seen any James Bond/Jackie Chan movie in which they were killed? Definitely not). Thus you know that Victory is sure for the at the end.
In like manner, we as christians must cultivate the habit to wait on God irrespective of the situation and rather pray until something happen. You know one other thing I’ve observed over time is that we often complain to God and not really pray. Some people would say they spend 2 hours but if you relly analyse the said prayer it’s more of complain.
Hence brethren, I will want us to know that truly trial might endure all through the night but Joy comes in the morning. See, let’s walk in this mentality that truly our present situation might be a fact but as christian in freverent/effective prayers and supplication with THANKSGIVING(worship and praise) let us perceive into the future that things would definitely come out outstanding. Our faith is one thing that can equally carry us through this challenging time. And remember iron shapenth iron so fellowshiping/liaising with the right set of people is a great determinant to present and future state.
Surely there is an end and our expectation shall not be cut off in Jesus name. God bless us all as we praise and worship Him during our waiting phase…He will surely come down just as He did to Solomon ‘s offering.