Have you ever wished you were born rich with the silver spoon? I use to wish that. I felt my rich friends had an easier start in life and were exposed to better opportunities and had a certain future. I wished I had that kind of life.
But God made me see things differently and today I am always glad to have been born without the so-called silver spoon. Most great men in all sectors of life were born lowly. Tomorrow’s great men and women will be those with little beginning.
That’s how God operates. 1 Cor 1; 26-27 “for consider your calling brethren that there are not many mighty, not many noble; but God HAS CHOSEN the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the strong and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen the things that are not to nullify the things that are”. God gave that passage life to me. Right from the beginning mighty men were born weak, rich men were born poor, wise men considered foolish. Those that became were those that were not. That’s God way, higher than ours. Samuel overlooked David for he was youngest, God made him king. Great kings should be born in the palace; Jesus was born in the manger. He was from Nazareth where no good thing could come out. God showed differently. Moses was taken from the river. Joseph was the youngest and had more troubles, and he became a prime minister in a country where he wasn’t a national.
I am sure you remember Samson, but do you remember his parents. They were lowly people. How about Elijah, Elisah, Job who was the richest man in his time…do you know where they came from? How about Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Mandela, Ford, …just name them. Where did they start form, where did they come from? How about President Obasanjo?
It’s Gods way. A little one shall become a thousand (Isa. 60.22) and beggars will be taken from the dung hill and made to sit with the best of princes. When men are weak and lowly, Gods strength is made perfect.
Are you poor today, you will be made to confound the rich tomorrow. I tell you it is more certain that the poor child will be wealthy than it is that a rich one will still be wealthy tomorrow.
Despise not the days of little beginning. Glory in it. God moulds great men out of trying situations. Your poor background is not a disadvantage. It is your great advantage. Put your trust in God. Though men will trust in chariots and others in horses let your boast be in the lord for the race is not to the swift and the battle not to the warrior neither bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability. God makes the difference. Nothing else. God in you, the hope of Glory.
You can become wealthy from where you are.
-emmanuel aladenusi